Civil Liberties

Former Long Beach Officer Gets 12 Years for Torturing Wife

Six felony counts of corporal injury to a spouse, three counts each of assault with a deadly weapon, among others


LOS ANGELES — A 30-year-old former Long Beach police officer was sentenced to 12 years and four months in prison today for what a judge called the "physical and psychological torture" of his wife.

Brandon Preciado was convicted Oct. 2 of more than a dozen felonies and a handful of misdemeanors for repeatedly choking, beating and threatening his wife.

The eight-woman, four-man jury, which deliberated for about a day, convicted him of six felony counts of corporal injury to a spouse, three counts each of assault with a deadly weapon and assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury and one count of criminal threats. He was also convicted of five misdemeanor charges - three counts of assault and two counts of battery. He was acquitted of resisting, obstructing or delaying a law enforcement officer.