Veterans for Ron Paul Plan a March on the White House
Ron Paul grassroots activists took over the pool hall Jillians on Saturday night, in one of the lovely old brick mill buildings on the shores of the mighty Merrimack, to coordinate the distribution of signs and literature and send people out in the world to door-knock, sign wave, canvass, and talk the Ron Paul talk to the people of New Hampshire.
At night it evolved/devolved into a raging debate-watching party, concert by Paul-leaning band Golden State, and speeches by Paul world superstars Thomas Woods and Adam Kokesh.
As always with Paul, many of them were from out of state; but in New Hampshire--in which a dozen Free State Project partisans hold seats in the state legislature--locals were out in force as well, and well over 500 people cycled through as the evening wore on.
Adam Kokesh--who ran for a Republican House seat nomination from New Mexico back in 2010, and was host of the Russia TV program Adam vs. the Man--gave a highly impassioned antiwar speech (in which he said that Ron Paul activism was more of a true service to his country than his military experience had been).
He announced his plans to organize a veterans and active duty military march on President's Day this year for Ron Paul, during which the veterans will turn their back on the White House and the president in formation to protest the wars. He discusses his plans here.
In other Ron Paul veteran news, Corporal Jesse Thorsen, who was expressing his support for Paul in uniform while on CNN (cut short) and at Ron Paul's election night rally in Iowa last week, might face discipline for the crime of expressing support for a candidate while in uniform.
Golden State's stirring emo-esque Paulian anthem, "Bombs." I assure you, it's better than you might imagine a deliberately Paul-promoting emo-esque anthem would be.
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