Reason Morning Links: ATF Tells Gun Dealers Not to Sell to Medical Marijuana Users, Court Releases Florida Man After Deciding That His Kiddie Porn Was Not Actually Porn, Everything Is Officially Illegal


  • The Washington Post has obtained a letter from the ATF to gun dealers which says that it is illegal to sell guns or ammunition to registered medical marijuana users. 
  • A Florida appeals court has ruled that taking pictures of one's Sunday school students, cutting out their faces, and gluing them on pictures of "nude adult women" does not constitute pornography. 
  • Cannabis Culture profiles John McKay, a former U.S. Attorney and rabid drug warrior turned pot advocate. 
  • The WSJ on over-criminalization: "Back in 1790, the first federal criminal law passed by Congress listed fewer than 20 federal crimes. Today there are an estimated 4,500 crimes in federal statutes, plus thousands more embedded in federal regulations, many of which have been added to the penal code since the 1970s."
  • Legal scholar Jonathan Turley holds Obama "responsible for the disappearance of civil liberties from the national debate"; Diana Furchtgott-Roth asserts he's done the same thing to immigration issues. 
  • More footage of NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna using his pepper spray on Occupy Wall Street protesters. 

New at "The Tragedy of Urban Renewal: The destruction and survival of a New York City neighborhood"