
If the Sheet Fits, You Must Use It By California Law


Honestly, there are some days when I think the California legislature is actually an elaborate makework program for Hit&Run bloggers. Because seriously?

In February, State Sen. Kevin DeLeon, D-Los Angeles, introduced SB 432, which once deciphered would require every single hotel in California to switch to fitted sheets….

The bill reads as a workers safety bill, and also introduces legislation forcing hotels to offer cleaning tools with long handles—essentially long enough so workers wouldn't have to bend over.

Nevermind that:

"There is absolutely no scientific proof that fitted sheets are safer than flat sheets," said Randi Knott with the [California Hotel Association]. "If there were, we'd be using them already."…

She also questioned how fitted sheets would make a difference—citing housekeepers will still have to lift the mattress to tuck the top sheet.

Tim Cavanaugh talked about this brilliant bill on the radio in May. See, it's working: full employment for Reason writers!

Via former Reason Foundation intern Cynthia Bell.