Today's Best Person in the World: White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs (Seriously)


When MSNBC hosts aren't excoriating historically illiterate pundits for making historically illiterate comparisons between President Obama and former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain—they are both "appeasers," you see—they are likely to be found…making historically illiterate comparisons between President Obama and former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. So when not linking approvingly to real Nazis on his Twitter feed, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann can be found accusing Obama of acting like those who appeased Nazi expansionism at Munich. And if the oblique reductio ad Hitlerum wasn't enough, for good measure Keef went on to call those who support an extension of the Bush tax cuts both "traitorous" and "treacherous."

So today's "Best Person in the World" goes to White House spokesman Robert Gibbs (seriously), who makes a point that I have often made on Hit & Run. From Politico:

"Whenever you compare anything to what the Nazis did, if you ever get to that point in your speech, stop, because nothing does, and hopefully, God willing, nothing ever will,"

Watch Olbermann, who makes $7 million a year, denounce the "insatiable maw of capitalism" below. And make sure to check out Mediaite's top ten Olby Nazi references here.

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