
Beck Calls Congressman a Socialist, Congressman Acknowledges He Was Being Kinda Red About That Whole Light Bulb Thing, Repents


Not news: Glenn Beck called someone a socialist:

Beck called [Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.)] "all socialist" for cosponsoring legislation phasing out incandescent light bulbs that made it into a 2007 energy law signed by President George W. Bush.

News: That call, among others, has prompted a co-sponsor of legislation to make old fashioned light bulbs illegal to reconsider his position:

Hoping to counter attacks from his right, Rep. Fred Upton is promising to reexamine a controversial ban on incandescent light bulbs if he becomes chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The Michigan Republican told POLITICO on Thursday that he's not afraid to go back after an issue he once supported but that has come under withering assault on the conservative airwaves, including on Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck's talk shows.

"If I become chairman, we'll be reexamining the light bulb issue, no problem," Upton said.

Lots of support for the relegalization of Lightbulb Classic—due to become endangered in a little over a year—here, here, and here, and in video form here.