
Reason Writers Around Town: Shikha Dalmia on Immigrant Bashing by Latinos in the Midterm Elections


Latino advocacy groups have been warning Republicans that they will pay a huge political price for their immigrant bashing as whites lose their demographic dominance. But this week's elections showed that these groups might be overplaying the political implications of that demographic shift. Many Latino GOP candidates in congressional and gubernatorial races embraced anti-immigrant positions and still won handily. What this shows, Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia notes in her latest Forbes column, is that:

Immigrant bashing is not a white-only sport. Non-whites can play it just as well. Advocates of liberal immigration policies, therefore, can't count on the coming end of white domination to automatically propel this country in their direction. They have to keep making their case to the American public regardless of its hue—brown, black or Avatar blue.

Read all about it here.