Lock Up Your (Sons) and Daughters: Steny Hoyer Is Coming For Their Voluntary-Mandatory Health-Insurance Contributions!
Over at Investor's Business Daily, reporter (and Reason contributor) Sean Higgins reproduces Maryland Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer's strange definition of the penalty that youngsters would pay for not having health insurance. It's not a penalty, insists Hoyer. It's a contribution. You know, in the same way that it's not a gang, man, it's a club.
"We are certainly looking at making sure that young people will have an incentive. By the way, let me make it clear: I don't refer to nor do I believe that these are penalties. What we are saying is everybody will contribute, whether you are a business, [or] an individual, contribute to making sure that health care options are available to all of our citizens."
As Higgins notes, "Just wait until the blood drive." Read more here.
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