
Michael Barone: Whither the Netroots?


For all the MSM fears about astroturfed resistance to President Obama and the Dems, Michael Barone in the DC Examiner notes the watchdog that isn't barking so much any more:

The netroots, once almost totally preoccupied with the war in Iraq and suffused with hatred of George W. Bush, have now moved on.

They show little interest in Iraq, now that Obama is seeking (though carefully refraining from using the word) victory there, and little more interest in Afghanistan, where Obama has sent more troops and installed a new commander to pursue a new and, the president hopes, more successful strategy.

Instead, the netroots say their chief goal is "comprehensive health care reform." No. 2 is "working to elect progressive candidates" in 2010.

To me this looks less like conviction politics and more like team ball.

Whole column here.