
Has Jim Leach Stopped Talking Yet? Please Stop the Music…


Breaking…former GOP Rep. Jim Leach of Iowa is reportedly getting to the good part of his speech….

Former Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia, a super-early presidential race washout (a pre-washout actually) just wound up a speech clamoring for hope over fear, or something equally inspirational.

I'm also certain that the band was playing "I'm So Excited" as he entered the stage, which just goes to show you that Democrats can do irony. The musical interludes have been uniformly awful. When Clinton-era Energy Secretary Federico Pena (also a former mayor of Denver) came onstage earlier tonight, Neil Diamond's "America" was playing (what, they couldn't get the rights to Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song"?); last night the band struck up "Still the One" as Teddy Kennedy floated out of the arena and back to his anti-elitist yacht; and I think Michelle Obama got the "Isn't She Lovely" treatment. Please make it stop.

Hillary Clinton's moment is coming close. Regardless of her politics, her appearance tonight simply underscores what a rotten, uninspired choice for veep Joe Biden really is.