
Battle in Seattle


While the traditional media focuses on the night-time speeches from "the elected," the real action for me in Denver are the countless forums/lunches/symposia on specific policy issues sponsored by various interest groups.

Go here for the best list of these side-shows. Today, for example, you can hear how the government should further bail out the housing industry, issue for new regulations to restrict credit for low-income families, and advance government's encroachment into health care. Oh, and you can brush up on your batting swing at Coors Field.

But for me, the Willy Wonka Golden Ticket has got to be the screening of the monumental, and no doubt nuanced, film, "Battle in Seattle," which chronicles the WTO riots back in the last century.

No doubt the world is pinning for the gripping tale of how hippies, anarchists and the generally unwashed came together in support of the world's oligarchs and "spoke truth to power" against trade liberalization.

Bonus points: the event features the awesome Charlize Theron, the renowned economist/statesman and occasional actress, offering her unique perspective on keeping the world's masses mired in poverty.

Good times, no doubt.  

UPDATE: First link was busted. (I blame the altitude.) Should be fixed now.