
Scott Stantis' First Cartoon


Longtime reason cartoonist Scott Stantis, whose main gig is being the drawer-in-chief for The Birmingham News, recently celebrated his 30th year in the journalism biz. From his recent account of his first sale, to the San Pedro News-Pilot:

After saying goodbye, I ran out the door toward my dad who was parked across 7th Street. Blind with giddiness I danced across the street, not looking and darn near got run over. My father and I dancing in the middle of the street. He knew that I knew that this was a defining moment. It was wonderful to share that with him.

Years later, Lillian told me that she had called Jim out of his office. She asked what he had said to make me so happy. After explaining things, he looked out the glass doors at me and my father and said, "that has to be the happiest any one has ever been over 10 dollars".

Whole thing here.

Stantis' reason archive here.

Prickly City strips here.

Wikipedia bio here.