
The Pork Flowed Like Champagne


Legislators stampeded the new House appropriations website yesterday with their requests for earmarks, causing it to crash. Roll Call was there. While I'd favor a first-come, first served, it's-not-my-fault- you-missed- the-deadline,- pal approach, the House Appropriations Committee has decided to extend the deadline for submissions until next week:

In a sure sign that earmarks remain as popular as ever, an overload of pork requests clogged the House Appropriations Committee's Web site Wednesday, forcing an extension to the request deadline to next week.

The committee extended its deadline for earmark requests until 11:59 p.m. on March 24 after a "massive influx of requests" caused "unavoidable access and processing delays," wrote Rob Nabors, staff director for the committee, in a memo to Member offices.

More pork, more pork, more pork. And some kangaroo.

Via The Weekly Standard