Dennis Kucinich: C'mon, You'll Miss Him When He's Gone
Adding to the list of improbabilities this man of vision sees, it's ain't just UFOs--it's Ron Paul as his running mate. Paul spokesman Jesse Benton tosses some cold water:
"Dr. Paul and Rep. Kucinich are friends and there is a lot of mutual respect," Paul communications director Jesse Benton said in an e-mail when asked whether a running-mate spot on the Kucinich ticket would be attractive to Paul. "They have worked, and will continue to work, together on the ending the war and protecting civil liberties.
"However, Ron wants to substantially cut the size and scope of the federal government. There are too many differences on issues such as taxes and spending to think a joint ticket would be possible."
Esquire's November profile of Kucinich is my favorite--most fun, most surprising, least cringe-inducing--candidate profile I've seen in a non-political mag this season, mostly because Kucinich is, unlike most of the rest of them, actually an inherently interesting character with a unique background. And because he says things like this:
"There's a reality….that stands within existent reality, what's apparent. But there's something just behind it that holds that reality together, kind of in those interstitial spaces. There's another reality there. The way I look at it, translating it into social action, is that that other reality is waiting to be called forward, and made, and set into motion." Kucinich is just warming up. Next come Shelley's Prometheus Unbound, the encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum, the Apostle's Creed -- in Latin -- and the "nexus where spirit infuses matter and transforms it. That's where I live."
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