San Diego Smokin' (but Not for Long)
San Diego, the last major California city where smokers can do their thing in public parks, is reconsidering that stance.
The proposed smoking ban resurfaced this year when Vice Mayor David Cortese and Councilwoman Madison Nguyen asked the city to consider outlawing smoking in city parks.
It's more than an issue of secondhand smoke. Cortese says smoking in public sets a bad example for kids. Plus, he's tired of the seeing cigarette butts tossed everywhere in the parks.
He's tired of it--but, it's mostly for the kids. And then anti-smoking forces will be satisfied.
"This is a nice step, but what we would like to see is bans on smoking in doorways [of private buildings] so you don't have to go through a line of smokers," [Breathe California of the Bay Area CEO Margo] Sidener said.
OK, and then they'll be satisfied.
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