
When Eyes Get to the Border


This "walling off the border" stuff is tricky, even without the bricks and mortar and barbed wire:

Because of a software glitch, the first high-tech "virtual fence" on the nation's borders remains inoperable, three months after its scheduled debut.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said he is withholding further payment to the prime contractor, Boeing Co., until the success of the pilot project stretching 28 miles near the border southwest of Tucson.

Nine 98-foot towers laden with radar, sensors and sophisticated cameras have been built in an area heavily trafficked by illegal immigrant and drug smugglers. The towers, each a few miles apart, are intended to deter or detect border crossers and potential terrorists and enhance the ability of Border Patrol agents to catch them.

About three-fourths of the $20 million cost for the 28-mile project has been paid, homeland security officials said……..

Full story from AP.

Malia Politzer from the April reason on the general futility of border control.