
Born to Lose, You're Just Bad News


The telescreen is tuned, as always, to Fox News. Sean Hannity introduces a segment on the U.S. Senate's lopsided vote for the Cornyn Amendment condemning "personal attacks on the honor and integrity of General Petraeus and all the members of the United States Armed Forces." Read: MoveOn.org. Hannity sneers that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Chris Dodd, who didn't vote for the bill, "confirmed their membership in the MoveOn.org Democratic Party."

Now to debate the issue: Rick Santorum and Harold Ford, Jr. Both of whom lost elections in 2006.

I understand why most of the GOP is backing the war and knocking down Democratic attempts to pull troops out of Iraq. I'm less sure why they think that they're going to win an election doing so when the people who agree with that strategy lost their elections.

UPDATE: During the commercial break we get a preview for American Commander: General David Petraeus. Don't miss it!

UPDATE II: Charlie says:

Maybe they actually think that continuing the war is the right thing to do, elections or no elections.

I agree, but I don't understand the fist-shaking "we'll have the last laugh!" pose they're in. It's pretty clear that if November 2008 comes and the surge petered out, absolutely zero voters will punish Democrats for an ad attacking one of our many unsuccessful generals. If November 2008 comes and the surge worked? Then Republicans will win anyway.

It's really hard to believe the Sigourney Weaver-in-Aliens* defense of Petraeus is a good faith effort with no electoral overtones. Sen. Cornyn was at the Republican Convention where this happened.

*("Get away from her you bitch!")