
Two Brands of Eternal Vigilance


Two responses to my column on National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell's recent interview with the El Paso Times, both from Townhall readers, nicely sum up the split on the right regarding the Bush administration's anti-terrorism policies:

1) I am astounded that so many people do not take this fact seriously: we are at war. Oh, and not just any war. It is one in which our enemies wear no uniforms, claim allegience to no specific country, and some who even work and live among us as they plot our demise.

To say "winning this war is difficult" is a gross understatement. Therefore, whatever tactic might save us from another 9-11 attack by ruthless murderers has my endorsement, and I believe that those who are seeking to make Bush and his Administration the bad guys in this war have their own personal political agenda that is inconsistent with keeping my family safe. It is that simple!

2) The price of freedom is still eternal vigilance. Only our collective will to maintain our Republic (Jacob, we are NOT a DEMOCRACY) will keep these Socialist Neocons and their collective fearmongering in check until the public hopefully turns them out of office with such force that it drives them out of power forever.

Discuss: How can these two fundamentally different impulses coexist within the same political movement?