
Thompson for President? (No, Not that One, or That Other One. The Other One's Brother.)


Word is floating that Ed Thompson, who has served as both mayor and city councilman in Tomah, Wisconsin (and got over 10 percent of the gubernatorial vote in 2002 running with the LP), may end up seeking the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination next year.

If the GOP nominates Fred Thompson, who knows what mistaken identity shenanigans might ensue. Ed, by the by, is brother to former Wisconsin governor and Secretary of Health and Human Services under George W. Tommy Thompson. Tommy is himself, according to some half-remembered rumors, running for president this season with the GOP. Don't worry, you'll have many months to get it all straight.

For night owls, you can tune in tonight in the Denver area, on the Rick Barber Show on KOA, 850-AM (or live on the web), to listen to me yakking about libertarian politics and history and the rise of Ron Paul. Starts airing midnight pacific time, make the usual adjustments for your time zone. And yes, thanks for asking, I did write a book on libertarian movement history, and here is its web site.