
"That's What Lysander Spooner Preached."


Earlier in the week it was reported that Ron Paul praised Ed and Elaine Brown, the tax evaders holed up in their New Hampshire home and refusing to meet the authorities. Perfect: A reason for Fox News' Neil Cavuto to book Paul and feebly ask him why he hates taxes so much.

Paul points out that he opposes the IRS and income tax. Cavuto asks: "So you're against taxes?" No, Paul says. He's against the income tax. Cavuto: "I want to stick on message here."

It's a little odd to hear Cavuto work over a Republican who want to abolish the current tax code. Contrast this with Chris Wallace interviewing Mike Huckabee about the Fair Tax, the implementation of which would mean the end of the IRS. Which candidate is getting grilled by the reporter, and which one's getting bored questions in the pursuit of a "gotcha"?