War on Drugs

Tales of a Poker Raid


Over at TheAgitator.com, I've posted the firsthand account of a man who was arrested at one of those SWAT raids on Dallas poker rooms.

MORE:  There were apparently more busts last weekend, including two at VFW posts.  And a Dallas vice cop wrote in to the Pokerati blog with this warning :

…the Vice Unit will soon start the process of conducting operations that will lead us to the filing of more serious charges against the operators, businesses and players. Gambling is illegal and the citizens of Dallas expect us to enforce those laws as long as they are in place. The Vice Unit will soon consider the filing of Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity, IRS violations, drug charges and violations of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code. The owners and operators of these criminal enterprises need to also understand that ultimately, we will come after them, their businesses and their assets.

FWIW, Dallas ranks 11th of the nation's 15 largest cities in violent crime, and ranks dead last in property crime.