Paul Defeats Huckabee!
CNN's new election poll, which quizzed 401 Republicans on their choice for 2008, came up with these results:
Rudy Giuliani - 34
John McCain - 18
Newt Gingrich - 9
Mitt Romney - 9
George Pataki - 3
Jim Gilmore - 2
Sam Brownback - 2
Chuck Hagel - 2
Ron Paul - 2
Mike Huckabee - 1
Tom Tancredo - 1
Tommy Thompson - 1
Duncan Hunter - *
Unsure - 17
Rep. Ron Paul is at 2 percent, in the middle of the second tier of candidates. Remember a few weeks back when Pajamas Media scraped Paul off their straw poll ballot?
This weekly poll has been updated to those national candidates of both parties that score at least one percent on the most recent Gallup Poll.
CNN doesn't partner with Gallup any more, and Gallup doesn't include Ron Paul (it includes George Pataki, Newt Gingrich and Chuck Hagel, who are not running). So the network joins the American Research Group, ABC News/WaPo, and WNBC/Marist in finding a low, but persistent, level of support for the congressional libertarian.
PJM really needs to find a way to block cheaters and then reinstate Rep. Paul. Including all candidates in the race is sort of the point of straw polls.
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