
Bill Kristol Picks a Frontrunner


The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol--a longtime McCainiac--anoints Rudy G "the genuine frontrunner" in a conversation at CPAC with Reader's Digest's William Beaman. And laments the slippage of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz).:

In my conversation with Bill Kristol, we kicked around whether McCain has lost some of his energy and drive, due to age (he'd be the oldest elected president ever). "If so, that would be a shame," Bill said. He's long been an admirer of McCain and a past supporter of him for president. But he, like everyone in Washington, has been looking for signs that McCain will kick into a higher gear, rather than show that he's slowing down. At best, his absence from CPAC kept his campaign bus in neutral. At worst, he slipped it into reverse.

More here.

For a compendium of reasons to be worried by a McCain presidency, check out "Be Afraid of President McCain," in the latest issue of Reason