Doherty Speaking On His Forthcoming Book
For those of you residing in or near Southern California's northern portions, do please consider coming hear me speak on Thursday, Dec. 14, to the San Fernando Valley Libertarian Party's Supper Club. I'll be talking about my forthcoming book, Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement.
Time: Thursday, Dec. 14, dinner at 7 p.m., talks start at 8 p.m. if you don't want dinner. No entrance fee.
Place: Carrow's Restaurant on Ventura Blvd. off the 101, 18355 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana CA. (Between Reseda and White Oak cross-streets.)
Yes, Tarzana is named after Tarzan, according to the excellent Burroughs biographer John Taliaferro, and despite what Snopes says.*
*UPDATE: The Snopes entry linked to is a deliberate phony--deliberate on their part, I was unaware until commenter Umbriel pointed out their occasional intentional lie.
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