Science & Technology

Quotes and Sources



"Libertarianism seems to be so entrenched now that it may be too late to censor anything."

--a glum Robert Bork in the July/August American Spectator

"There is no good reason to subject the consumers of cannabis to the application of criminal law. In a free society such as ours, it's up to the individual to decide whether to consume cannabis or not."

--Sen. Pierre Nolin of Canada's Progressive Conservative Party and chair of the Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs, introducing a parliamentary report that recommends marijuana be regulated the same way as alcohol, in the Associated Press, September 5


Search engines such as Google and Yahoo are indispensable--they're the method to the Web's madness. But a new search tool called goes further. It maps out the web of links called up by any given keyword, so that every search offers a sort of artist's rendering of the labyrinthine interconnections that define the Internet.