Civil Liberties

25 Years Ago in Reason


"The true underlying complaint against corporations is not that they have made mistakes, that they have often seduced governments for shady purposes, or that they are interested only in profit. Most people are guilty of some of this! What really irks the anti-corporate activist is that he isn't managing this potent economic unit."

-- Tibor Machan, "Reflections on Corporate Phobia"

"Democracy as a way of life commits us to the sort of institutions and practices that will enable all members of the community to develop to their full capacity. But from that I do not derive any programs or groups. In fact, I am opposed to groupism, as I'm interested only in individuals."

-- Sidney Hook, "Challenge from a Social Democrat: An Interview with Sidney Hook"

"To me, a good society is one in which man does not suffer on the plane of the pitiful, but, if suffer he must, on the plane of the tragic."

-- Sidney Hook, "Challenge from a Social Democrat: An Interview with Sidney Hook"