The Obama White House has released the latest installment of its ongoing and self-congratulatory video series, West Wing Week. But despite touting itself as "your guide to all things 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.," the new episode seems to be missing some of the key stories that have hit the headlines over the past few days. There's no mention, for instance, of Benghazi or the AP phone tapping - and the IRS scandal is barely mentioned in passing.
Perhaps the White House is just too busy completely redacting documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act to fully document its recent highlights.
In a surge of civic pride, Reason TV is happy to offer "West Wing Weak," our look back at the administration's past seven days.
"West Wing Weak" is written and produced by Meredith Bragg and Nick Gillespie, who also narrates.
About 1:30 minutes.
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