Another Libertarian Arrested, Released For Bogus Crime of Filming a Protest
Libertarian activist George Donnelly participating in, and filming, a Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) action outside a federal courthouse in Allentown, PA, was assaulted, arrested, and had his camera taken by federal agents earlier this week. Full report on the details of the incident from the Libertarian Examiner.
Yesterday, from a new Libertarian Examiner report, Donnelly is now out of jail, though it is unclear from their report whether the charges were dropped.
In a very similar incident--FIJA protest, courthouse, camera grabbed, arrest--in New York late last year, blogged by me back in April, the charges were dropped against victim Antonio Musumeci. In addition, the aggrieved is suing the Department of Homeland Security over it, with the help of the New York Civil Liberties Union. The complaint in that case.
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