
Berlau on Obama's New Regs: So Much for That


As Tim Cavanaugh just noted, les regulations nouveau est sont arrivent les nouvelles régulations sont arrivées! The Competitive Enterprise Institute's John Berlau has issued a quick and detailed response:

Early on in the Obama administration, there were encouraging signs that his economic team was pursuing true regulatory reform and modernization, consolidating and combining functions of key financial agencies and moving away from the "more is better" approach to regulation that had been followed even in some Republican administration in response to a crisis. Even this week, administration officials Tim Geithner and Larry Summers wrote in a Washington Post op-ed that the current "framework for financial regulation" contains "jurisdictional overlaps, and suffers from an outdated conception of financial risk.

Initial reports indicate, however, that these early hopes of a more accountable regulatory structure have been dashed.

Whole thing worth a read. Berlau's Reason archive here.