
An Income Tax Bloodbath A-Brewing?


In New Hampshire, a couple who believes they have no legal obligation to pay income tax is convicted; the wife Elaine Brown is in custody, while husband Ed Brown, with "25 armed supporters," barricades himself in their Plainfield home:

Brown, in a phone interview with The Associated Press, quoted Revolutionary War figure John Stark.

"Live free or die," he said. "What else can I say?"

Brown said he expected federal agents to swarm his property soon.

"My life is destroyed, what more can I say?" Brown said in a brief interview. "I lost my wife and she lost her business."

Brown warned he would not surrender to authorities.

"The verdict is in. I can guarantee you all hell's going to break loose," Brown said earlier in an interview with WNTK-FM in New London. "It's all bogus charges. None of these charges are lawful."

For now, at least, "marshals say they have no plans to raid the site."

My 2004 Reason feature story on the "we have no legal obligation to pay income tax" movement here.