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Campus Free Speech

New Episodes of the Academic Freedom Podcast

Conversations on campus free speech with Timothy Zick, Jennifer Ruth, and Michael Berube


In recent weeks, the Academic Freedom Podcast has released two new episodes focusing on campus free speech issues.

First up was a conversation with Timothy Zick, the John Marshall Professor of Government and Citizenship at William & Mary Law School. He is the author most recently of Managed Dissent: The Law of Public Protests. The episode focuses on the law surrounding public protests on and off college campuses.

Next was a conversation with Jennifer Ruth and Michael Berube about their recent book, It's Not Free Speech: Race, Democracy, and the Future of Academic Freedom. They are both long-serving leaders in the American Association of University Professors, and the book develops a provocative proposal for patrolling the acceptable boundaries of extramural speech by university faculty.

More to come.