The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
"'Nobody Was Tricked into Voting for Trump': Why the Disinformation Panic Is Over"
An interesting article in (Laurie Clarke). A few excerpts:
"Everyone [following the 2016 Trump victory and the UK Brexit vote] was saying technology is to blame," said Reece Peck, associate professor of journalism and political communication at the City University of New York. "These algorithms are to blame."
What followed was almost a decade of alarm over disinformation, with legislators agonizing over which ideas social media platforms should allow to propagate, and hand-wringing at how this was all irrevocably corroding the foundations of society.
A vibrant cottage industry — dubbed "Big Disinfo" — sprang up to fight back against bad information. NGOs poured money into groups pledging to defend democracy against merchants of mistruth, while fact-checking operations promised to patrol the boundaries of reality.
Not everyone was convinced of the threat, however….
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