The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
What Material Things Are You Thankful for?
Skip love, health, liberty, for believers the grace of God, and the like: They are surely the most important, but they're also pretty obvious. Tell us what material things you most appreciate. They can be big things, such as the unimaginably vast amount of books, music, and video that all of us can have at a moment's notice. (True, 99+% of that is bad, or at least of no interest to us, but it's usually not hard to find the good stuff.) Or they can be tiny things, such as your favorite food. Whatever you'd like, post about it in the comments.
And try to keep the focus on what you're thankful for, not what you loathe or why you think the other commenters are wrong.
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