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The Supreme Court After The 2024 Election
The more things change, the more things stay the same.
What a difference a day can make.
On Tuesday morning, I woke up with some apprehension. No, not about the presidency, but about the judiciary. I was fearful that if Harris had prevailed, with majorities in both houses, the Supreme Court as we knew it would be gone. Through so-called judicial "reform," the long-standing nine-member Court would either be expanded, or tiered through term limits. Who on the left would oppose it? While the former approach is clearly within Congress's powers, the latter approach would be unconstitutional. Such a law would create a clash with the Court. And your guess is as good as mine about what would happen. Look how quickly the Mexican Supreme Court folded. There would also likely be expansion of lower court judges. When Steve Calabresi proposed this idea during the early Trump Administration, I vigorously opposed it. Thankfully, this idea never came to pass. But had Harris tried this approach, who on the left would oppose it? All we would hear would be noise about the Fifth Circuit, buttressed by a never-ending series of tweets, substacks, and podcasts. At that point, familiar debates about originalism and vacatur would become quite pointless. Much of my work in the field of constitutional law would amount to little. I do like teaching Property!
Tuesday was a very long day. I deliberately did not watch any cable news until about 8:00 ET when polls started to close on the east coast. With my many monitors, I was simultaneously watching CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS News, and keeping an eye on the NY Times "needle." Every few moments I would turn the volume on from a different channel. As the evening wore on, the Fox correspondents started to smile more while the MSNBC correspondents started to look more dour. By midnight, it became pretty clear that Trump would prevail. I stayed up till about 3:00 in the morning after President Elect Trump's victory speech.
As I watched that speech, my concerns for the judiciary evanesced--for at least four more years. I don't pretend for a moment that efforts to destroy the Court have magically vanished. They will simply lie in wait until power is reclaimed. Indeed, the foundation for Court "reform" will continue, unabated, over the next four years. There will be a never-ending series of tweets, substacks, and podcasts about the "illegitimate" Court and the "corrupted" Justices. Make no mistake about the object of those outputs.
Where does that leave us now? The most imminent question is what happens to the Solicitor General's cases that are currently pending before the Supreme Court. Most of the federal cases are not particularly controversial, so there should be no changes. But for high-profile matters, there may be "presidential reversals." (I wrote about these flips in a 2018 article.) "Upon further reflection" is code for "upon further election." The most obvious candidate is Skrmetti. When the case was granted, I observed that the Court only took the government's petition. And this grant would leave open the possibility that a Trump DOJ could flip sides, and support the Tennessee law. At that point, what happens? A DIG? Munsingwear? Does the Court appoint an Amicus? Let the ACLU take over the case? Or does the Trump DOJ let the case ride, and see if the Court upholds the law. The case will be argued in December. I'm sure all eyes will be on Justice Gorsuch to see what he does. We remember the fallout to Gorsuch's questions in Bostock.
There may also be some pending cert petitions that the Trump DOJ withdraws. I have not taken a close study of what is on the docket. This move would not be unprecedented. In 2009, the Obama Justice Department withdrew a cert petition filed by the Bush EPA.
Oh, and speaking of the SG, I told several reporters in the past month that Elizabeth Prelogar would be the most obvious Democratic pick for a Supreme Court vacancy. Prelogar's advocacy is near-flawless, and she has a remarkable rapport with the Justices. I've rarely seen a lawyer who can connect so directly with each Justice as she speaks. During argument, she looks right at the Justices, and they look right back at her. It is a gift. She could have brought that gift to persuade her colleagues inside and outside the conference. And combined with her former boss, Justice Kagan, there would have been one helluva one-two punch. It is not meant to be, at least for now. Prelogar will find her way into private practice, and be just fine. She is forty-four now. Her window for the Supreme Court will remain open for four or maybe eight more years.
After a flurry of DOJ filings in January, the next shoe to drop will be a potential vacancy on the high court. The morning after the election, Ed Whelan wrote "I expect Alito to announce his retirement in the spring of 2025." This statement was made quite categorically. I think Ed knows something here. I told a reporter today that I would not blame Justice Alito for stepping down. He could spend time at his home on the Jersey Shore without the media trying to destroy him. Plus, his judicial legacy is set with the Dobbs decision. Indeed, the arc from his Third Circuit decision in Casey to Dobbs is a remarkable journey. If Justice Alito does decide to step down, that will immediately put forward a contest among the various Trump circuit nominees. No, I will not engage that debate here. Another time.
Ed, however, is not so sure about Justice Thomas. He writes "I hear some folks say that Thomas won't retire." I've heard much the same. One friend told me that the only way Justice Thomas leaves the Court is in a pine box. I can fully understand that point. And in candor, is there really anyone better on the lower courts than CT? Even someone thirty years younger? I'm not so sure.
Perhaps there is one carrot that could entice Justice Thomas to step down: the opportunity to serve as Attorney General. Imagine that for a moment. Clarence Thomas could be the most transformative Attorney General since Ed Meese. He could recommit the Department of Justices to the original meaning of the Constitution, in every facet of its operations. There are many federal statutes whose constitutionality would no longer be defended. Entire volumes of OLC opinions can be reviewed. Agency memoranda can be tossed in the incinerator. Statements of interest would be filed in all the right cases. And I have no doubt that the Thomas clerk network would be willing to staff each and every post in the Justice Department. It would be a veritable constitutional army. In four years, so much good could be done. Of course, I can't imagine that Justice Thomas would ever want to go through another confirmation hearing. Still, all things considered, it is worth considering. And if Thomas is not confirmed, he can go back to the job he loves.
Of course, there is also the center seat. Ed Whelan says there is a "strong possibility that Chief Justice Roberts" may step down over the "next ten or twenty years." It could happen sooner. Feel free to discount any such speculation, especially in light of my repeated calls for Roberts to resign. This position has to be exhausting. Roberts has had to shoulder more crises than any Chief Justice since the New Deal. Now is not the place to assess Robert's performance, other than to say it is a thankless task. Moreover, Roberts came to the Court with the goal of building up the institution, and having fewer 5-4 decisions. To the extent Roberts has been successful at that goal, it is by using his own vote to join the left. Roberts has had limited success in persuading others. And I doubt that task will get any easier with one or two more Trump appointees. No one would begrudge Roberts for moving on.
There is much more to write about the Court in the coming weeks and months. For now, I am just thankful the Court will remain the Court.
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"I stayed up till about 3:00 in the morning after President Elect Trump's victory speech."
I went to bed at 8:30, slept soundly, and woke at my usual 5am. And enjoyed some pleasant news reports while eating breakfast. The end result was the same as your approach, except that I was better rested...
"As I watched that speech, my concerns for the judiciary evanesced–for at least four more years. I don't pretend for a moment that efforts to destroy the Court have magically vanished. They will simply lie in wait until power is reclaimed."
There is absolutely nothing that will make this threat go away, short of a constitutional amendment fixing the size of the Supreme court, and, ideally, prohibiting jurisdiction stripping. (Clarify that Congress' power to set the Court's jurisdiction is the power to move topics from appellate to original jurisdiction, and nothing more.)
It is very much looking like Trump will enter the White house with both chambers of Congress controlled by Republicans. When he does, Congress should take all the outstanding calls for a constitutional convention, add them up ignoring all legally non-binding demands for limited subject matter, and declare that enough states have called for a convention. This only requires a majority vote, unlike actually originating amendments from Congress.
Then the convention can do the rest.
I haven't heard that from the Trump-o-sphere, but that would be amazing.
I would suggest that conservative legal scholars such as yourself start drafting potential amendments, and war gaming how they might be circumvented, so that by the time a convention occurs, (If it does.) there will be a nice menu of extensively vetted proposed amendments for it to consider.
Doing so would not only be a useful exercise, it might help Congress take the idea seriously.
Not until we have a boring, no-charisma president (think Bush I or Carter) and the feverish national mood is broken.
Under current conditions the fear is the Convention proposing an amendment to reduce the 3/4 requirement for ratification, which includes text that the new limit applies to the amendment itself. This would be the first in a larger package of amendments.
Suppose the proposed new limit is 3/5. Trump gives speeches saying it’s unacceptable for a few states controlled by Democrats, that he really won anyway if not for the cheating, to hold back what every single person wants to do. 30 Republican controlled legislatures (there are currently 32) approve the amendment, and then Trump declares that’s it, the whole package is now law.
I think you’d be appalled, especially if the proposed threshold was even less, like 1/2. But I’m 100% sure certain commenters here would cheer such a maneuver.
Correction: they controlled 28 prior to this election. So suppose the convention said 26 ratifications is enough.
I haven't heard of a proposal to amend Article V, and certainly haven't heard of one associated with Trump. You have a link?
Under current circumstances there are very few amendments that stand a chance of clearing the 3/4 requirement. The only ones I know of that poll that high are the balanced budget amendment, the term limits amendment. An amendment requiring apportionment by count of citizens, not warm bodies, maybe.
The only amendment to Article V I'd support would be making a constitutional convention periodic, perhaps every 25 years if not called sooner, and cutting Congress entirely out of the loop on whether a convention gets called.
I’d like to see
1. An amendment that generally sets the size of the Supreme Court at 9, with either 2/3 of both houses or 3/5 of both in consecutive Congresses to change the size, and the size can only be reduced or increased by two seats at a time;
2. A clear system for admitting new states. I think the potential state must be settled and organized, have a proposed state constitution ready to go, and must hold a popular vote to submit its application. Then, 3/5 of both houses would have to approve the application and 2/3 of the states would have to ratify it; and
3. Lower the threshold for constitutional amendments to 3/5 of both houses and 2/3 of the states. I do, however, like your idea for regular conventions, though I would make it every 50 years.
Didn’t say anyone’s proposing it. I’m saying it’s a maneuver that will become apparent to convention delegates once they begin to feel frustrated by the 3/4 requirement. At least some of them would argue that as a sovereign body directly representing the people, they’re not subject to the very constitutional restrictions they’re trying to fix. Imagine Steve Lathrop as a delegate.
If we were going to change Article V, it seems to me the best solution would be to simplify it by eliminating any reference to proposing amendments at all or how they originate: “This constitution is amended whenever three-fourths of the states ratify identically worded resolutions.”
That would cut Congress out of the loop, but also avoid legitimizing bodies that claim to be amending the constitution from “outside” the constitution. It would reinforce federalism by making state legislatures the main focus even at the drafting phase.
At least Democrats actually WERE talking about Court packing.
I've actually proposed that Article V be amended in the way you suggest, but it's useful to have a body proposing amendments. Either way, Congress needs to be taken out of the loop.
Maybe Republicans are better on court packing. But maybe it's just that when they had trifecta control (2001-2007) they already had a conservative majority.
Anyway, I agree that an amendment to fix the SC structure is an excellent idea. The details about the number and whether it's terms or lifetime appointments doesn't matter as much as taking it permanently out of Congressional control.
I'd also like to see a method for appointing justices that is failsafe and inevitably results in vacancies being filled within a time limit.
I wouldn't say that everything the right wants is constitutional, but given that the Constitution was written over 200 years ago for a much more limited government, it's inherent in the nature of things that the right are going to find an honestly interpreted constitution more congenial than the left, because the left have huge ambitions for things they want to do at the federal level, that enumerated powers and constitutional rights get in the way of.
While the right are mostly content to do what they want to do at the state level, exercising reserved powers.
So the right doesn't really NEED Court packing. They just need the Constitution read straightforwardly, not a rubber stamp. The left needs a Court willing to bend it like a pretzel.
"At least Democrats actually WERE talking about Court packing."
I was skeptical at first, but I'm coming around to the idea of enlarging the court.
Not all Democratic ideas are bad, and in the spirit of bipartisanship it might be a good idea to give some of their ideas a try.
Literally no one in a position to do anything about it would accept the ratification threshold being reduced by fiat. That’s just TDS, and I say that as someone who doesn’t support Trump (or the Dems).
Sleeping was my strategy too. It worked great. I woke up the next morning, both in 2016 and 2024, and got the election results.
While this isn’t literally the least likely thing that could happen during Trump’s presidency, you should still be very glad that it’s not going to happen.
I said I thought they should do it. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be utterly shocked if they did.
I do not expect to like every amendment that would come out of a constitutional convention. But the gulf between the Constitution as written, and the Constitution as
unenforced by the judiciary, has grown unsupportably large, and the only way I can see to close that gap is by amendment.If the amendments end up constitutionalizing current violations, I'd retch a bit, but it would still improve the situation over the current status quo of systematic casual violation.
There was never a realistic chance that even a majority of Democrats would get behind a Court packing scheme. If one wants to save the Court, one must hope that it does not continue to delegitimize itself through its increasingly extreme decisions which twist the law to immunize Trump (literally) and protect the MAGA program of inflicting pain on the most vulnerable. Josh’s lack of self-awareness rivals Trump’s own.
Oh, come on. The claim that the Court is "delegitimizing" itself by failing to be a rubber stamp for Democratic positions is nothing but a talking point to justify Court packing. The only way you are willing to admit the Court is issuing legitimate rulings is if it rules in your favor.
It's true that Democrats would not pursue court packing while they had a narrow enough majority that a couple defections would matter. But if Harris had won this election with a solid majority in both chambers of Congress, Court packing would absolutely be on the agenda. Though I will grant they'd give the Court a few months to instead cave and become a rubber stamp voluntarily before moving on it.
The true test will come in Trump's second term.
Will the Court abide by its stated principles, when limiting the president's authority to enact major policy programs based on the thinnest of statutory authorizations? Will it hold the line on retaining authority to decide what the law requires, when it comes to new regulations promulgated by administrative agencies? Will it continue to be a strong defender of free speech rights, as red states continue to look for ways to crack down on protests and restrict pro-abortion or pro-trans or pro-LGBT speech?
I do not necessarily object to the Court's recent cases that limit executive authority and require more policy decisions to be made by Congress, and not the president. I can acknowledge that is the constitutional design. But what worries me is that the Court will apply those precedents only in one direction.
I will admit that after Rahimi, any inclination I've had to think the current Court majority is really principled evaporated. But I do not think their lack of principle lines up neatly with partisan lines.
Completely academic because the Trump administration will respect the constitution and rule of law.
"Save the court" and "delegitimize itself".
Newsflash for you: the American people just "immunized" Trump.
In a landslide.
Your echo chamber, the one telling you how bad the SC is and how badly it needs saving, is revealed to be infinitely smaller than you imagined. The rest of us knew it, though.
Your lack of "self-awareness" is worth pointing and laughing at.
There was never a realistic chance that even a majority of Democrats would get behind a Court packing scheme.
I don't think this is true at all. Not only does polling suggest otherwise- polling generally shows that majorities of Democratic voters support court-packing-, but elected Democrats repeatedly continue to try to impose their will and policy preferences on the Supreme Court.
We've had the introduction of the so-called No King's Act, which is an attempt to strip the Court of its jurisdiction (36 cosponsors in the Senate!). The latest in a string of proposals to outright pack the court is Senator's Wyden's proposal to add six new Justices while stripping the Court of most of its power to declare Congress's laws to be unconstitutional. Then there's Biden-Harris's proposal of imposing term limits, which boots conservative Justices off of the Court.
And that was just in 2024.
The only roadblock to Democrats packing the Court is the legislative filibuster, and the last time Democrats decided to go in guns blazing on the legislative filibuster, it came within two votes of being "reformed" into nothing.
I believe there's a saying: When they tell you what they are and what they plan to do, believe them.
There are two fundamental rules here:
1. You're not allowed to notice what Democrats are planning to do until they've finished doing it.
2. Once they've finished doing it you deserved it the whole time.
I have two fundamental rules that counter that, when it comes to the Supreme Court.
1. If it benefits Republicans, then it is working the way it is supposed to, and attempts to change it are corrupt attempts to subvert the Constitution.
2. If it benefits Democrats, then the Constitution has been subverted, and it needs to change back.
Then there’s Biden-Harris’s proposal of imposing term limits, which boots conservative Justices off of the Court.
Lifetime appointments for the judiciary only make sense if two things are true:
1) The process for nominating and confirming judges and justices is extremely difficult to manipulate for partisan advantage.
2) Judges and Justices live up to a non-partisan ideal.
Both of these have become less and less true during my lifetime. In at least the last 40 years, only one Justice was significantly outside of the center of the party of the President that nominated him. Souter became an object lesson for Republicans on how not to nominate someone for the highest court. They learned that they need to be absolutely sure that all of their judicial nominees are solid conservatives. For all of the criticism that some GOP nominated Justices get, those have only deviated from Republican orthodoxy occasionally and on few issues. O'Connor on abortion, Kennedy on gay rights (and convinced by O'Connor on abortion) are the two most notable outliers. Democrats, of course, generally found reliably liberal judges without issue.
The Supreme Court is a partisan branch of government now. It should be treated as such and be subject to more frequent turnover.
majorities of Democratic voters support court-packing
Only a few people in Congress supported court-packing/stacking/whatever. This suggests what Democrats figured the people were open to. Wyden’s bill was “another” that did not have broad support.
Whatever polling says (FWIW), it would have to pass Congress, which was going to have a paper-thin Democratic majority at best. The chances of it passing—above and beyond various other things—were slim. Of course, this is all academic now, and people can with assured terms tell us what would happen.
President Biden supported a constitutional amendment for term limits. He was the median of the party. Maybe, a statutory term limit would have been offered. Term limits are popular with voters across the board. (1) not the same as packing (2) still an uphill battle with was involved.
A proposal by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse sometimes put out there as the “leading” one would have gone into effect in 2029 (the start of the next administration). The Court as we know it apparently has a few more years left to it.
36 cosponsors in the Senate
Yes. A measure put out there as an election-year messaging measure did not even have 40 senators. OTOH, basically every Democrat (except perhaps Manchin) supported an abortion rights bill. Again, when you had to pass something through a 51-49 type Senate, that is fairly telling.
tell you what they are
Sure. The Senate Democrats as a whole supported abortion rights, an ethics bill, some investigations, adding lower court judges, and were open to various other reforms (some of which even Josh Blackman might be open to per past writings).
The House Dems probably would have investigated Thomas and Alito. A sizable minoirty might have supported adding justices though even there only a small subset co-sponsored the bills out there. When it was just symbolic.
As you say, when a vast majority doesn’t say they are for court expansion, including the POTUS, I do listen to what they say.
I didn't have a chance to edit one thing.
Biden's proposals were an amendment for immunity, a term limit measure (details on how it would pass left open), and a binding ethics code. Again, term limits are quite popular, not just with Democrats. I still think it would have been an uphill battle.
The problem is that he wanted to do the latter two by statute, not amendment. Making them just bait for the Court to strike down as unconstitutional. Because they would be, as statutes.
I’m looking forward to your complete mental breakdown Cap’n after President Trump gets to nominate one or two more supreme court justices.
Josh here reminds me of the Harry Enfield sketch characters, the Self-Righteous Brothers
Chief Justice Ted "Pablo" Cruz anyone?
Bleah. Please, no.
OK, Associate Justice, or how about Ada Brown?, not to go all DEI but she's Black and Indian, and a MENSA member (I'm a "Legacy")
Since you're a reasonable Republican, I'd like to hear your reasons for disliking Cruz. It seems to be common sentiment.
From a libertarian point of view there are many objections, and I've always voted for his LP opponents. But if I had to go with a Republican he seems like one of the less objectionable ones.
I've met him. It may be irrational, but in person? I'd say he gives off "used car salesman" vibes, except that would be an insult to used car salesmen. If he walks by you look down to see if there's a grease trail, he's so oleaginous.
I will grant you this is just a subjective reaction, and his on the record positions are not bad for a Republican, but there it is. Subjectively the man just raises my hackles.
I know you said you used to be involved in the LP, but I got that feeling from Michael Badnarik when I met him.
Never met Michael. I did meet Harry Browne, and I admit that he snowed me. It wasn’t until later that I connected the dots between what he’d done during the campaign, and the contents of his book, “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World”, and realized we should have seen it coming.
Andre Marou was a cool guy, though.
I'm unfamiliar with what Harry Browne did, although I did vote for him in 2000.
What was his story?
About Michael, he was an asshole. He was combative and rude to his own supporters.
Didn't make much of an attempt at all to rack up votes or promote libertarianism, he just spent the whole campaign selling his own books, and spending time in nice hotels and eating at good restaurants.
Then it was a bit shady how he got the nomination a second time.
Cruz likes to break things. He is widely hated among his fellow Republicans. He has consistently sabotaged carefully negotiated Senate bills, lied to other Senators about what he’s going to do, and publicized what were understood to be private conversations. I can't find the quote now but either McConnell or Lindsay Graham said that if Cruz was murdered on the floor of the Senate, no Senator would report it to the authorities.
Please, don't try to improve my opinion of him. Because that's all those two disliking him is going to do, such is my opinion of them.
If there's one person that puts his finger to the wind more often that Ted Cruz, it's Lindsey Graham.
You just explained why I like "Pablo"
You can't find the quote because it doesn't exist.
I've known him since college. (Or, rather, I knew him in college; I haven't interacted with him in the decades since.) Nobody liked him. Within like two weeks of freshman year beginning, people in a class of over 1,200 people already thought he was a jackass.
"Nobody liked him."
Oh dear, I guess he will never be successful then.
Bob, you seem to be fixated on liberal tears and not at all on the testimony of several people here who have credibly discredited Cruz.
My two cents is that Cruz has humiliated himself before two celebrity hucksters who turned him into a little bitch in front of all of us. We all saw it. But you hold water for him regardless because...why?
Just curious David, were you working in the kitchen or were you janitorial staff at that college?
No. He is fine where he is. There are others more qualified for the SCOTUS bench.
In the last 40 years or so, presidents mostly look to federal Court of Appeals judges. There are a few that fit the bill.
Don Willett.
But in general presidents should also be looking at state supreme courts.
Willett is more of a libertarian. We already got libertarian-ish Gorsuch. So pass.
Much of my work in the field of constitutional law would amount to little.
As opposed to....?
Justice Thomas as AG “could recommit the Department of Justices [sic] to the original meaning of the Constitution.”
Does anyone really think that’s what Donald Trump is looking for in an AG?
No I don't. Knowing Trump, he will pick someone from the campaign who he knows will be loyal to him above all else. So the non lawyer Stephen Miller - perhaps the most rabid anti immigrant member of his campaign - but who runs/started America First Legal to run DOJ. That would be on brand.
Maybe the guy he tried to name AG last when nobody else would carry the torch of 'stop the steal' Jeffrey Clark I think it was. He was in the environmental section of DOJ so totally unprepared for the job....but is loyal to Trump and that is all that matters.
Well it probably won't be some Tooty-Fruity Butt Pirate Tranny who steals women's clothing.
As a reminder, Barack Obama's AG, Eric Holder was his "wingman." Surely if that''s OK for Obama, it should be OK for Trump as well.
At least Holder graduated from Columbia law school, was a former judge and US Attorney for the DC Circuit, worked at a major law firm and had relevant DOJ experience!
I don't know who Trump will pick. He could pick a sitting US Senator in a safe red district; or some bomb thrower like Stephen Miller. Given the election results, I don't think he will have a hard time getting any of his cabinet level picks through the Senate no matter their qualifications or lack thereof. That gives him unfettered freedom. His chief of staff came from his campaign so I would not be shocked if he started filling other positions from within the campaign because he won therefore by definition all his picks would have a track record of 'winning.'
Oh, CRAP -- don't shoot the messenger, but Matt Walsh just said (with a totally straight face -- watch it!) that it's going to be him.
(He actually said Trump offered him the choice of AG, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Agriculture, and Secretary of HHS, and he said he'd take them all. Talk about getting tired of all the winning!)
Obama never even considered nominating Holder.
Holder was AG from 2009 to 2015. Obama was President during those years. How did Holder get to be AG if Obama didn't nominate him?
I was fearful that if Harris had prevailed, with majorities in both houses, the Supreme Court as we knew it would be gone.
Your Trumpite bs won. Congrats. Do I sound bitter?
Well, one earned a bit of that. Still. The greater point is that I find him full of **** on this issue.
The oral argument is in December. The case turns on the Fourteenth Amendment.
Whether Tennessee Senate Bill 1 (SB1), which prohibits all medical treatments intended to allow “a minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor’s sex” or to treat “purported discomfort or distress from a discordance between the minor’s sex and asserted identity,” Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-33-103(a)(1), violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Why would a change of administrations change things? It is a constitutional decision. The administration led by someone disqualified by the 14A changing gears on the 14A here would seem appropriate. Wrong once, wrong twice, why not?
I'm simply not seeing the supposed EPC violation here. Perhaps you could explain it?
As for Trump, you are free to argue that his actions disqualified him, but Congress, per Section 5, enacted a procedure for determining that. It is not by newspaper editorials, or internet commentors opining, it is by a federal trial for insurrection.
Your problem is that the DOJ took one look at that case, and decided that they didn't have a chance of convicting him in a trial.
Your period reminder: there is no support for the notion that Congress intended for that statute to be "a procedure for determining that," let alone the exclusive procure for determining that.
How else could it have been determined?
Your periodic reminder: The Supreme Court agrees with me, not you.
This is quite possibly the least self aware statement that anyone has ever made.
SB1 prohibits "a medical procedure [...] [e]nabling a minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor's sex."
So for example, a girl is denied a medical procedure to enable them to live as a boy. Had they been a boy, they would have been able to get that treatment to enable them to live as a boy. That's a but-for cuase based on sex, and thus applying the reasoning from Bostock, triggers heightened scrutiny.
That is certainly where Bostock leads, but it exposes the weakness of the opinion.
This case will let us know if the Court will follow Bostock into the pits of absurdity which would give sex based classifications something more than strict scrutiny--something like a hyper literal absolute requirement of equal treatment no matter what.
My prediction is that Gorsuch and Roberts back away from the abyss.
Sex based classifications receive intermediate scrutiny, which is lower than strict scrutiny. Applying Bostock would result in intermediate scrutiny in this case.
I realize that is true as a general rule, but a full throated application of Bostock, as you propose, would elevate any sort of sex based classification to a more than strict scrutiny level because it would apply in every case, without exception, where sex is implicated even tangentially as it is in this case.
I don't think Gorsuch and Roberts fully thought that through in Bostock. I think they supported what it did (extending workplace protections to LGBTQ workers) but don't support the absurdity of what you propose.
For example, any law related to abortion (pro or con), prostate cancer, urinals, estrogen, testicles, etc. would be a violation because if you "change the sex" it has a different impact and must be struck down. It's absurd and I think there will be a severe clawback of Bostock in this opinion. Or, not clawback, but "clarification."
No. All Bostock requires is that intermediate scrutiny applies in most cases.
Also, a law regulating abortion (prostate cancer) would not discriminate on the basis of sex because men (women) can't get abortions (don't have prostates).
I may just not be thinking of some weird corner case you have in mind, but if they're already a boy, what medical treatment could possibly be required that somehow "enables them to live" as what they already are? Unless I'm missing something, it seems like the word "enables" would have to lose its but-for connotation.
Boys get testosterone if puberty is delayed or androgen levels are low. Ditto for girls and estrogen. Puberty blockers are used when puberty starts sooner than it should.
That stretches Bostock far beyond the poor decision it was. In your scenario, both sexes get medical treatment when puberty is early or delayed. Neither sex gets medical treatment to change their sex.
The fact that they get different medication is simply a function of biology and not discrimination because of sex. Because a boy might get testosterone to bring about puberty does not mean that a girl must get testosterone to fulfill some different goal. Especially when the state police power deems that different goal to be against public policy.
The connection you are making is extraordinarily tenuous, even by Bostock standards.
Bostock held it was sufficient that the individual was fired but for being a male without requiring that one sex was disadvantaged as a class. The Court could hold that the EPC does not apply in the same manner. But if they hold the EPC fobids but-for discrimination to an individual, the state can still argue that fufilling a different medical goal satisfies intermediate scrutiny.
United States v. Skrmetti is scheduled for oral argument on December 4. It is conceivable that after Trump takes office in January, the DOJ will move SCOTUS to dismiss the appeal.
In that case the cert petitions of the plaintiff minor children, their parents and a physician are still pending. The United States' cert petition raised only the equal protection issue; the original plaintiffs' petitions also raise the parents' substantive due process right to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children.
This case, including the continued pendency of the original plaintiffs' cert petitions, poses the danger that SCOTUS will eviscerate parental rights and reformulate substantive due process guaranties generally at the behest of the peckerchecker/haters.
Peckercheker!! I haven’t heard that in a long time.
Playboy magazine (in its “consumer” section) once displayed a flat metal wall mount with various sized holes called the “pecker chequer”. “Turn idle doubts into a full-blown neurosis. By the way, that tiny hole on top is (whew!) only to hang it on the wall.”
I was thinking of this when I called my friend’s new Ovation Celebrity guitar (this was 1984) the “pecker checker”. Google it.
As a female friend of mine said once, “A nine-inch dick?? Take out your ruler and see how long nine inches is!! No girl wants that. If she ever saw one she would say (imitating a megaphone): ‘Attention! Stay where you are! Do not come any closer! Repeat: stay where you are!!’”
Ah . . . good times . . .
Parental rights cut multiple ways. I don't think I'd want SCOTUS messing with parental rights.
If parents can make genital-related decisions for their children, why not leave it up to parents whether their children can prostitute themselves?
For that matter, why consult parental wishes at all? Did Epstein?
"Upon further reflection" is code for "upon further election."
Nice line.