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Texas Public University Restrictions on Anti-Israel Speech Likely Violate First Amendment
So holds a federal court (correctly, I think), considering restrictions that were prompted by Texas Governor Abbott's General Order GA-44.
From today's decision by Judge Robert Pitman (W.D. Tex.) in Students for Justice in Palestine v. Abbott:
GA-44 begins with a preamble detailing events of the Israel-Palestine conflict and related protests that had recently occurred on university campuses. The preamble includes the provision:
WHEREAS, multiple protests and walkouts have been staged by universities' student organizations, with students chanting antisemitic phrases such as "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," which has long been used by Hamas supporters to call for the violent dismantling of the State of Israel and the destruction of the Jewish people who live there;
Then, GA-44 directs all Texas higher education institutions to do the following:
- Review and update free speech policies to address the sharp rise in antisemitic speech and acts on university campuses and establish appropriate punishments, including expulsion from the institution.
- Ensure that these policies are being enforced on campuses and that groups such as the Palestine Solidarity Committee and Students for Justice in Palestine are disciplined for violating these policies.
- Include the definition of antisemitism, adopted by the State of Texas in Section 448.001 of the Texas Government Code, in university free speech policies to guide university personnel and students on what constitutes antisemitic speech.
That definition of antisemitism in Section 448.001 of the Texas Government Code is:
"Antisemitism" means a certain perception of Jews that may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. The term includes rhetorical and physical acts of antisemitism directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals or their property or toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities. Examples of antisemitism are included with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's "Working Definition of Antisemitism" adopted on May 26, 2016.
Two of the "examples of antisemitism" included in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's "Working Definition of Antisemitism," relevant here, are:
- Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Isr[ae]l is a racist endeavor;
- Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
Various Texas public universities (including UT branches at the University of Houston) did indeed adapt their speech codes in light of that.
The court assumes without deciding that Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. School Dist. (1969) applies to public universities, so that student speech could be restricted if it's substantially disruptive (even if it is disruptive based on its content). But it concludes that the policy is unconstitutional even under Tinker, as applied to public universities:
[A]s a threshold issue, the Court finds the incorporation of this specific definition of antisemitism is viewpoint discrimination. In general, including the word "antisemitism" in speech policies, perhaps in the context of protecting students from discrimination and harassment, is not inherently a First Amendment violation. The Defendants wish to view the speech policies in this vacuum, claiming the revised policies do not in fact prohibit any specific expression. But here, the speech policies do not leave "antisemitism" open to constitutional definitions and interpretations, because GA-44 mandated a specific definition. That definition, by incorporation of the IHRA's examples, labels "calling the State of Israel a racist endeavor" and "drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis" as antisemitic. And students can be punished for antisemitic speech under the revised speech policies. Plaintiffs follow this thread, reasonably understand that their intended speech is now punishable under the revised policies, and hesitate to engage in such expression. Because of this, [the] Court finds the revised policies are intertwined with GA-44 and the IHRA examples, which identify content-specific expression—like that the State of Israel is a racist endeavor or drawing comparisons between Israel and Nazis. Through the connection to these examples, the policies make that speech punishable, thereby chilling it.
Now, Tinker's framework does permit schools to prohibit certain expression of certain viewpoints, but only upon a showing that the expression would cause a "substantial disruption" of school actives. The school official "must be able to show that its action was caused by something more than a mere desire to avoid the discomfort and unpleasantness that always accompany an unpopular viewpoint." Additionally, Healy v. James (1972), a First Amendment case at the university level, directs First Amendment analysis to be done "'in light of the special characteristics of the environment' in the particular case." The Supreme Court in Healy found the need for this circumstance-specific inquiry was "made clear in Tinker."
So, assessing what might be a "substantial disruption" in a university setting requires consideration of the "special characteristics of the environment." In other words, because of the characteristics of each environment, what may be a substantial disruption in a secondary school environment may not be a substantial disruption in a university environment; what may disrupt a secondary school could even be fundamental to universities. The Supreme Court has long recognized that universities are "vital centers for the Nation's intellectual life," to the extent that "danger … from the chilling of individual thought and expression" "is especially real in the University setting, where the State acts against a background and tradition of thought and experiment that is at the center of our intellectual and philosophic tradition." Ultimately, "the precedents of [the Supreme Court] leave no room for the view that … First Amendment protections should apply with less force on college campuses than in the community at large." Healy.
Here, the characteristic of universities as an environment for vigorous debate is outcome determinative. The revised university policies chill a kind of expression that is a hallmark of university activity, and even under Tinker, the Court finds the Defendants cannot show this expression sufficiently rises to the level of a "substantial disruption" at the university level. To the contrary, this type of passionate political debate is essential at universities, where students are forming their worldview as adults. Restrictions on speech at the secondary-school level are justified in part by schools acting in loco parentis to children, but universities do not serve that same function, and even perform a disservice to their mature students by prohibiting expression that some may find disagreeable.
Defendants emphasize the spring protests, arguing those events are evidence that this speech is a substantial disruption. But the Court disagrees, finding the prohibition of this expression more akin to "a mere desire to avoid the discomfort and unpleasantness that always accompany an unpopular viewpoint." For example, a student could calmly express she finds Israel's policies similar to that of the Nazis while seated in a classroom with her hands folded in her lap, and it could hardly be said this expression is a per se substantial disruption. Yet under UT Austin's revised policy, for example, her expression is defined as antisemitism and could be punished as "harassment … committed because of antisemitism." And while some may find her speech disagreeable, offensive, or even inflammatory, it is "bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment … that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable."
If this viewpoint is expressed in a way that truly does rise to the level of a substantial disruption, the disruption can be addressed through content-neutral, time, manner, and place restrictions, such as those the Defendants vigorously argue they applied during the spring protests, making the prohibition on this specific expression not only unconstitutional but unnecessary. As the Supreme Court said in Healy, "[t]he college classroom with its surrounding environs is peculiarly the 'marketplace of ideas,' and we break no new constitutional ground in reaffirming this Nation's dedication to safeguarding academic freedom."
In conclusion, the Court finds that Plaintiffs are likely to succeed on their claim, even under Tinker, that the GA-44-compliant university policies impose impermissible viewpoint discrimination that chills speech in violation of the First Amendment.
I think that's generally right. I would disagree on a few points along the way: For instance, I don't think that the principle that "Tinker's framework does permit schools to prohibit certain expression of certain viewpoints" is at all applicable (given Healy) to universities: As the court later notes, Healy makes clear that "the precedents of [the Supreme Court] leave no room for the view that … First Amendment protections should apply with less force on college campuses than in the community at large"; any disruption must be addressed (as Healy points out) through "reasonable regulations with respect to the time, the place, and the manner in which student groups conduct their speech-related activities," which refers to content-neutral and viewpoint-neutral restrictions.
I'd also say that any restriction on anti-Semitic speech, whether it uses the IHRA definition or just targets hostility to Jews as such, is viewpoint-based. Universities aren't allowed to restrict anti-Semitic viewpoints any more than anti-Israel viewpoints. But on balance, I think the court is correct in concluding that the Texas policies violate the First Amendment.
The court, though, declines to issue the preliminary injunction that the plaintiffs sought:
Plaintiffs' proposed order asks the Court to enjoin Defendants from:
enforcing GA-44 and any practices or policies adopted in furtherance of it, including but not limited to the creation of any rules or policies that:
- forbid students from using the phrase from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free;
- define as bigoted the typical criticisms and historical comparisons students make about foreign countries when those criticisms are made about Israel;
- single out for punishment Students for Justice in Palestine, Palestine Solidarity Committee, or any organization that is critical of Israel and supports the rights of Palestinians;
and to order that:
Defendant Taylor Eighmy is hereby preliminarily enjoined from enforcing the school's policy forbidding students from chanting or displaying on signs the slogan from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
Defendant Rene Khator is hereby preliminary enjoined from enforcing its new policies that seek to comport with GA-44, including the changes made to UH Systems' free expression policies by the Board of Regents on May 17th.
… Overall, the Court finds Plaintiffs' requested injunction overbroad. The Court acknowledges that if Plaintiffs ultimately succeed, the Court will need to grant relief. Appropriate relief will focus on eliminating the connection between the university policies, GA-44's definition of antisemitism, and the IHRA's examples of antisemitism, because it is that connection that chills Plaintiffs' speech. For example, particularly if evidence arises that the policies are being enforced in alignment with the IHRA's examples, appropriate relief may enjoin Defendants from punishing speech under the guidance of the IHRA's examples. The proposed injunction is not narrowly tailored to the specific definition and examples of antisemitism incorporated into the policies. For instance, UH's revised policy does not identify, even by reference, the phrase "from the river to the sea." And, Plaintiffs could violate valid university policies in a manner that requires them to be "single[d] out for punishment." Because a preliminary injunction should be the exception rather than the rule, and the decision is discretionary, the Court declines to exercise its discretion to fashion its own injunction at this time and does not wish to err by entering the proposed overbroad injunction.
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One challenged policy is
This is similar to "hate crime" enhancements. There has to be an underlying violation before you are punished for impure thoughts. Call a guy a fag and you are exercising freedom of speech. Punch a guy and call him a fag and you are committing an anti-gay hate crime. Chant "from the river to the sea" and you are exercising freedom of speech. Disrupt a school assembly and chant "from the river to the sea" and you are violating the regulations implementing GA-44.
I don't like hate crime enhancements, but they are the law of the land and I don't see that disliking Israel is substantially different from disliking other protected groups.
they are the law of the land
How far can it go before it’s just a pretext? Would the SC sign off on this:
1. License plate holder covers 5% of license plate area, says “Dallas Cowboys”: $50 fine in theory but never enforced.
2. License plate holder covers 5% of license plate area, says “Free Palestine”: APB issued when someone calls it in, custodial arrest, $5000 fine, 6 months in jail, driver’s license suspended, car impounded.
disliking Israel is substantially different from disliking other protected groups
But in the case of Abbott’s order it’s not protected groups in general, it’s exactly one country. Suppose Texas turns hard-D and the new governor issues a new EO on criticism of Venezuela (labeling it anti-Hispanic), while issuing an EO cancelling the one for Israel. I suspect people would then see something unconstitutional about it.
If you don't punch out a gay guy when you would punch out a straight guy, that's discrimination and illegal. Funny how that never comes up.
Let me know when a bunch of gay Texans tie the straight kid up behind their pickup and drag him around to death.
OK, how about the murder of Jeffery Curley?
That comes to immediate mind because it almost restored the death penalty to Massachusetts.
I see. You don't understand the definition of a hate crime.
Killing a Jewish guy and then covering it up because he mis-circumcised your son isn't a hate crime.
Stringing a Jewish guy up on a cross in public as a warning to other Jews is a hate crime.
Get the difference? I think "hate crime" is a terrible name and it should just be called terrorism.
What if one wanted to punch a person at a girls softball game for wearing a pink pussy hat? This is a completely random example, btw
Remember the Illinois Nazis Rule-
The First Amendment doesn't exist to protect the speech you like. Because that doesn't need protection. It exists to protect speech that provokes, offends, or shocks.
The way to see if someone is truly a friend of the First Amendment and not just a simpleton mouthing platitudes to use it as a cudgel is this- if they consistently bray about it for speech they want, but always find some reason to regulate and punish the speech they hate, they aren't a friend of the FA.
(FWIW, I think anti-Semitism needs to be removed root and branch from society. But not at the expense of free speech.)
I take a slightly different view.
The First Amendment doesn’t exist to protect Nazi speech. It exists because we cannot trust the government to choose which speech is not worthy of protection (now that I just read it, pretty much what Justice Robert Jackson said as noted in not guilty's post).
That's the point I made, re-stated.
Simpletons want the government to protect speech they like, and punish speech they don't. But the point of the FA is to protect speech, not just the speech that you happen to like, from the government.
Texas is restricting people's Freedom of Speech to shield Israel from criticism?
Where's my ShockedPikachu gif at?
This shows one of the many problems with electing extremist morons who escalate everything. There is surely a way to thread the needle and adopt policies that allow Jewish and Israeli students to be and feel safe while allowing the Hamas Youth Corp to protest legally. Instead we get an obviously unenforceable manifesto because MAGA won't vote for someone who deals in considered policy.
Point of order, Abbott predates MAGA. He was a career politician in Texas for quite a while before he became governor in 2015. And his first Israel-protective action was in 2017, back when everyone thought that Trump was an exception, and not just a vanguard of a new kind of politician.
Which is to say... Abbott and his anti-Free Speech inclinations predate MAGA.
Cognitive dissonance in Texas: Jews or freedom of speech, which do they like less?
And where is Richard Widmark when we need him?
As Justice Robert Jackson wrote for SCOTUS in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, 641 (1943), "Those who begin coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves exterminating dissenters. Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard." The Court there elaborated:
Id., at 642.
Yes, but I will believe you when you defend someone chanting "Niggers Suck."
Any weak-ass excuse to post the N-word or lynch.
You've got that thing where you seek negative attention.
I’m reminded of what Thomas Paine wrote about “Fair Weather Patriots.”
If you can think of something more offensive and less defensible, please use it. Until then, this is the most offensive and least defensible thing I can think of.
And the origin of "lynch" involved WHITE loyalists.
Of course you can just *say* offensive and indefensible.
But you won't because you have some kind of disorder.
EV has written quite a bit on state freedom of speech -- could Abbott require every U-T building to fly the Israeli flag? And to prosecute (under the Texas theft law) any student who stole one?
I'll bet Team Hamas would love that....
Not sure of the answer to your question but Texas does mandate that companies bidding on state contracts certify they will not boycott Israel.
It's one of Prof. Volokh's I̶s̶r̶a̶e̶l̶ c̶o̶c̶k̶-̶s̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ pet-peeve cases.
Until recently, Massachusetts had a similar language regarding promising not to supply anything to the British Army in Northern Ireland.
While it might have seemed that Virginia v. Black opened a door to lower scrutiny for racially motivated speech, it now seems clear that cross-burning could be classified as a form of threat and hence the case doesn’t disturb the general categorization.
Even if there were lower scrutiny, however, the policy conflates criticism of or even threats to Israel, a foreign country, with criticism of or threats to Jews, an American racial/religious group.
However much many on this blog think the two are the same, government cannot require such a belief.