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New London Gives $6.5 Million in Tax Breaks to Developer Planning to Build Housing on Land Condemned in the Kelo Case
The property has remained empty for almost twenty years, after the Supreme Court's controversial ruling upholding its condemnation to promote "economic development."

Last year, I wrote about how there might finally be some development on the site of the property condemned as a result of the Supreme Court's 2005 ruling in Kelo v. City of New London, the controversial 5-4 decision in which the justices ruled that the condemnation of homes for private "economic development" is permissible under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment, which only allows takings for a "public use." In January 2023, Renaissance City Development Association (the private nonprofit development firm formerly known as the New London Development Corporation, which took ownership of the property after it was seized by eminent domain) sold the condemned land to a developer, which was planning to build new housing on it. Up to that point, the only regular users of the condemned land since the last homeowners were forced out were a colony of feral cats. The supposedly carefully planned development project that justified the condemnations fell through, as also did a number of later proposed uses for the land.

The New London Day, recently reported that the development project is going ahead, but the city has given the developer a hefty $6.5 million tax break to facilitate it:
The City Council late Monday [Sept. 16] approved nearly $6.5 million in tax breaks over 20 years to a developer planning to construct 500 new apartments on two sections of the Fort Trumbull peninsula that have sat vacant for more than two decades.
The fixed tax agreement with RJ Development + Advisors, LLC, approved by a 5-2 vote, would offset about half the $13 million in estimated pre-construction costs needed to meet flood plain requirements and address remaining remediation and other sub-surface issues at the two sites.
In exchange, the city would receive approximately $18 million in tax revenue over the 20-year period of the agreement on parcels that Mayor Michael Passero noted have sat fallow and not producing taxes for a generation.
The vote was preceded by testy exchanges between council members and emotional rhetoric that referenced the peninsula's dark past as a national symbol for eminent domain.
A large swath of the Fort Trumbull area was left undeveloped after a controversial demolition and development push by the former New London Development Corp. That led to the landmark 2005 U.S. Supreme Court eminent domain decision, Kelo v. New London.
Passero, who called that decision a debacle that left the land an "open sore," said the housing project would serve as a salve to "help heal the wound."
Councilors Jefferey Hart and John Satti, who both voted against the tax agreements, echoed concerns raised by several citizens earlier in the meeting, including the prospect of giving a sweetheart deal to a developer who stood to make millions from a project being subsidized on the backs of taxpayers.
"It's important to show resistance to people offering you a bad deal," Hart said. "There's a lot of assumptions that no other developer is willing to take on this project (without a tax break)."
But Felix Reyes, the city's director of planning and economic development said no other viable investor has stepped forward since the property became marketable. Reyes acknowledged the trauma suffered by former residents of the peninsula and the "cruel things done" there as part of the city's effort to attract private development.
"There's no line out the door of developers willing to tackle this project," Reyes said, adding any such firm would face the same pre-construction costs as RJ Development, including a requirement to build the complexes on raised platforms.
Like most property scholars and land-use economists, I am skeptical of the value of targeted tax breaks and subsidies like this one. The better approach to promoting development is to have a good business climate across the board - and respect property rights. Also, projections of the benefits of such taxes and subsidies are often exaggerated. I am skeptical that the City will really get the promised $18 million in tax revenue.
Of course, the projected benefits of "economic development" takings like the one upheld in Kelo are also routinely exaggerated. There are few better examples than the Kelo condemnations themselves. Even if this new development project is a complete success, that would not be a vindication of the original Kelo takings. As I explained in my previous post on this topic:
Since 2005, several efforts to redevelop the condemned land have fallen through. Hopefully, this one will succeed. But even if it does, I don't think it will somehow vindicate the Kelo condemnations. The new development initiative is obviously different from the badly misconceived plan that led to the use of eminent domain over twenty years ago. Moreover, by the time any construction is completed, the land will have lain unused (except by feral cats!) for nearly twenty years. From the standpoint of promoting development, that's an enormous waste.
The region would almost certainly have been better off economically if the original owners had been allowed to keep living there, paying property taxes, and contributing to the local economy. And that doesn't even consider the enormous pain and suffering the original development project inflicted on those who lost their homes (including some who sold them "voluntarily" as a result of harassment and the threat of eminent domain).
I would add that if the City had simply left the property owners alone, they would not have had to give anyone targeted tax breaks to develop the land.
Unless you're one of the feral cats living on the property, it's hard to justify the Kelo takings!
I covered the history of the condemnation process and the harm it inflicted in depth in The Grasping Hand: Kelo v. City of New London and the Limits of Eminent Domain, my book about the Kelo case and its aftermath. In that book, I also explained why the Supreme Court's ruling was wrong from the standpoint of both originalism and living constitutionalism.
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If at first you don't succeed...
Fail, fail again?
I recall Detroit’s famous seizure of Poletown to build a GM plant. Somewhere someone estimated it would take the city 35 years to recoup via increased taxes on the hypothesized financial benefits, all they invested in it.
This period would be over now. Someone should run the numbers and see what happened.
One thing's for certain. The hypothesis all the politians would long be retired and safe from voter comeuppance came true.
"Unless you're one of the feral cats living on the property, it's hard to justify the Kelo takings!"
Actually... In my experience feral cats don't need houses demolished in order to find a place to live. So, not even the feral cats actually benefited.
Feral cats are tasty, but they require more preparation and cleaning than domestic cats.
/Just a little joke, ha ha.
Near the end of the article, you say "I would add that if the City had simply left the property owners alone, they would not have had to give anyone targeted tax breaks to develop the land."
That would be stronger with a full economic analysis. Had they left the original property owners alone, not only would they avoid the "targeted" tax breaks but they would have been receiving property taxes for all the intervening years. (I am assuming that the feral cats do not pay taxes - or if they do, that the exchange rate for field mice is quite low.) Do you have historical sources such that you could run a quick pro-forma on the true losses the city inflicted on itself by pursuing this course?
I remember how unpopular this opinion was at the time. Wide bipartisan opposition. (Stevens basically apologized for it later.) I think if Hurricane Katrina hadn’t happened right afterwards there’s a good chance we’d have had a constitutional amendment to overturn or severely limit it. Many states passed state amendments or statutes limiting its reach in their territory.
Area Man 24 mins ago
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Mute User
“I remember how unpopular this opinion was at the time. Wide bipartisan opposition. ”
Yes very unpopular – though I recall numerous individuals stating the 5 in the majority were all conservative judges, not the liberals who were part of the actual majority.
I remember one of the right-wing clowns on the main Reason page thinking that I mustn't have known that Kelo was a majority liberal decision because I criticised it...
Area Man 27 mins ago
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"(Stevens basically apologized for it later.)"
Stevens also basically admitted his analysis of the history of 2a was false when he proposed the 6 amendments to the constitution
"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms WHEN SERVING IN THE MILITIA shall not be infringed."
Odd that he failed to acknowledge the vote against adding "for the common defense" during the senate debate on the ratification of the BoR.
Yeah, I seriously doubt he was unaware he was distorting the 2nd amendment's meaning in that dissent. He just didn't LIKE the 2nd amendment, and wanted the Court to render it moot.
He wanted to judicially amend the Constitution, and only proposed doing it in a legitimate manner once that failed.
How retired Supreme Court Justice Stevens would amend the constitution
"Many states passed state amendments or statutes limiting its reach in their territory."
Generally very carefully written to not actually have much effect, IIRC.
I think Kelo was correct as a matter of law. Multiple state courts also allowed such takings.
This is different from what the government did being good as a matter of policy. Another form of taking that was legitimate under rationales critics support also could have been misguided.
Unless you're one of the feral cats living on the property, it's hard to justify the Kelo takings!
Well, there you go. Meow meow!
Kelo was correct as a matter of prior precedent, not as a matter of law.
Kelo is an example of the living constitution where each tiny twist of the plain meaning of the constitution via precedent eventually results in a decision completely valid based on prior precedent yet completely contrary to the plain meaning of the constitution.
Joe_dallas is not the one responsible for this abomination — I see it all over the place — but I hate hate hate it. All precedent is prior; the word "prior" does absolutely no work in that formulation. Just say "as a matter of precedent."
DN – tell us how 5A morphed from ”
” nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Private property shall be taken for private use”
Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff, 467 U. S. 229 (1984),
Berman v. Parker, 348 U. S. 26 (1954),
It's only a semi-abomination, I suppose, because each new decision becomes precedent, and does indeed rest on precedents prior to itself, and thus "prior precedent".
Precedent is part of what you determine when you decide what something is as a “matter of law.”
Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 78 noted:
“To avoid an arbitrary discretion in the courts, it is indispensable that they should be bound down by strict rules and precedents”
The development of law, case by case, is logical, sensible, and expected. The cases cited go back to 1798.
As to the “completely contrary to the plain meaning” point, the plain meaning is that taking for public use has to be compensated. It doesn’t say property can only be taken for public use.
Compensation was provided. The opinion shows public use was present. If it was not, it could have been a violation of implicit due process rules about transferring property for solely private use.
The opinion grants the point but notes it is not present.
Hamilton's advice on precedents is followed when courts want to follow it, and not when they don't.
In other words, the courts are not today bound down by those strict rules and precedents Hamilton spoke of, so quoting him is locking the barn door after the horses have bolted.
Incidentally, the passage in which Hamilton says this is a defense of good-behavior tenure for judges:
"Hence it is, that there can be but few men in the society who will have sufficient skill in the laws to qualify them for the stations of judges. And making the proper deductions for the ordinary depravity of human nature, the number must be still smaller of those who unite the requisite integrity with the requisite knowledge. These considerations apprise us, that the government can have no great option between fit character; and that a temporary duration in office, which would naturally discourage such characters from quitting a lucrative line of practice to accept a seat on the bench, would have a tendency to throw the administration of justice into hands less able, and less well qualified, to conduct it with utility and dignity."
The criticism of judges selectively following the rules can apply to any number of principles cited in the Federalist Papers.
The essay provides some general principles of how judges operate, including following certain rules that require special knowledge.
How they do so is a mixed bag.