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ABA Standard 208, Law Schools, and the First Amendment
New guidance makes explicit what should have been clear already: Standard 208 obligates law schools to embrace First Amendment principles.
Last February, the American Bar Association adopted a new accreditation standard on academic freedom and freedom of expression: Standard 208. Under this standard, all law schools are required to protect academic freedom and freedom of expression as a condition for their accreditation. This was a "step forward" for free speech and open inquiry at American law schools.
Standard 208 obligates law schools to "protect the rights of faculty, students, and staff to communicate ideas that may be controversial or unpopular, including through robust debate, demonstrations, or protests," among other things. The clear implication of the standard's language (and accompanying interpretations) was that law schools should be expected to provide speech protections consistent with the First Amendment. In other words, private law schools and public law schools would be expected to meet the same standard (with appropriate accommodation for those schools with religious or other credal commitments). Alas, some private universities resisted this interpretation.
A new guidance memo from the ABA further explicates the reasons for adopting the new standard and makes explicit that Standard 208 incorporates First Amendment principles.
On the Standard's purpose:
Standard 208 was created to strengthen academic freedom and freedom of expression protections, as Standard 405(b) required a law school only to have "an established and announced policy with respect to academic freedom" and did not specifically require that a law school adhere to its policy on academic freedom. The Council believes that the development of the law and effective legal education require free and robust inquiry, exposition, and exchange of ideas and states this conviction in Interpretation 208-6 where it also explains that "becoming an effective advocate or counselor requires learning how to conduct candid and civil discourse in respectful disagreement with others while advancing reasoned and evidence based arguments."
Part 208(c) of the standard notes that the law schools may adopt some restrictions on expression. As the guidance memo makes clear, the ABA understands this language to track the contours of existing First Amendment doctrine.
The Council recognizes that the Standards it has prescribed for academic freedom and freedom of expression may involve discretion and interpretation of unresolved areas of the law. Subsection (c) seeks to address certain of these areas and to confirm the law school's substantial discretion to regulate or restrict academic freedom or expression within them. As provided in Interpretation 208-5, Subsection (c) will be interpreted consistent with the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In areas where First Amendment law is unclear or debatable, the Council will likely find any policy arguably consistent with First Amendment doctrine to be compliant, unless and until the law school's policy (or one substantially similar to it) has been found inconsistent with the First Amendment in a judicial proceeding following the exhaustion of any available appeals. To the extent that this occurs, the law school will be expected to change its policy to be consistent with the First Amendment. This approach gives schools the maximum flexibility to adopt and adhere to policies that they find appropriate, whether articulated in a general or more detailed manner, so long as they comply with applicable constitutional law.
As I have noted before, there are prudential reasons why private law schools should embrace First Amendment standards on speech and expression. The new guidance makes clear that they have an obligation to do so as well.
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This is right after U Penn Law suspended Prof. Amy for various comments, such as saying in an off-campus podcast that Black students do not score in the top quarter of the law class.
Yup. As long as U Penn Law remains accredited, ABA standards do not require schools to adhere to first amendment principles, regardless of what they say.
It's like the North Korean bill of rights.
I suppose that conspirators who post these articles should remind readers that those things don't actually place any meaningful constraints on universities, lest readers get mislead into believing that professors who express views that the university doesn't like are actually protected.
The Conspirators don't like to be reminded what a scummy profession they work in. They are much happier when they can hate on some hapless Mississippi state legislator who has said something stupid.
That these people are genetically unintelligent is verboten in modern liberal society. It once was accepted as axiomatic.
Yes, that is correct, but I don't think Amy Wax said that. There could be other (non-genetic) explanations for poor academic performance.
Even if she said that, it's protected by the 1A, so UPenn would have to allow her to say it under ABA credentialing rules according to the article.
it’s protected by the 1A
So’s screaming the N word. Good luck with that, jobwise.
Yeah, I don't know if the ABA is saying that they'd deprive a school of its accreditation if they fired a professor form repeatedly screaming "nigger" during class, but it's not really clear what they are saying.
I doubt the fighting words doctrine would apply if the teacher were just standing at the front of the class screaming it at no one in particular.
Wax said, "finally, an American" after she listened to a group of students with "exotic" names introduce themselves.
That's not speech, that's being bad at her job.
On what planet is it not speech? Or not protected by the first amendment in whatever sense the ABA is talking about?
One weird trick to censor whatever speech you want! Just say that whatever you want to censor isn’t speech!
Say what you want so long as it doesn’t impact your job performance.
This was fucking with your students insulting them to their faces.
I don't know what happened with this particular professor, but if a hypothetical professor referred to American students as non-American that would be a gross insult, possibly fighting words, and certainly sanctionable in an employee.
"Say what you want so long as it doesn’t impact your job performance."
Lol, sure, but that's not what the OP is saying the ABA requires.
As I've long been saying, how much academic freedom professors should be permitted is a policy choice, to be weighed against other goals of the university.
It sounds like you agree.
As a newly stated ideal, I say bravo.
". . . with appropriate accommodation for those schools with religious . . . commitments . . . . "
Why would a religious school need some accommodation?
Say they're a religious school that supports gay marriage but one homophobic professor wants to say that gay marriage is the Devil's work.
The ABA should accommodate that and say the school doesn't have to allow that speech because it goes against their religion?!?
It is a corollary to the Title IX exemption for religious schools; such that the ABA standard and Title IX are in sync. Presumably, the ABA doesn't want to disaccredit a law school for conduct that is exempt from Title IX. Thus, a religiously affiliated law school could deny a charter to a LGBTQ student group without violating either Title IX or the ABA standard; whereas a non-religious school would violate both if it were to deny such a charter.
In your example, a religious law school could prevent a professor from advocating for or against same sex marriage if that stance violated a religious teaching. Thus, a Baptist school could prevent the pro-same sex marriage advocacy, and a Methodist school could prevent the anti-same sex marriage advocacy -- each based on the teachings of their individual faiths.
Ummm, that's NOT what the Methodists believe -- see
"Note also what this legislation does not do. It does not actively approve homosexual relations. It does not require boards of ordained ministry to approve self-avowed, practicing homosexual candidates. Nor does it require any pastor to preside at any same-sex wedding or union ceremony, nor any church to allow such ceremonies on church property. And it does not create any sort of mandate for general agencies to create new resources that support homosexuality.
If your religion is "gay sex is awesome and should be encouraged," why should people on your faculty be allowed to be discordant with that? It would undermine your commitment to being an institution whose whole program is oriented toward your religion.
(This comment applies also to self-described secular colleges which in fact have a religion such as I've described.)
Religion and politics aren’t just similar phenomena you don’t talk about at polite cocktail parties. They are the exact same phenomenon — large groups of ideas evolving to spread to as many host units as possible, to achieve a critical mass and grab at the brass ring of power, where they no longer need to rely on persuasion but can now force their memes onto recalcitrant host units.
"It sounds evil and nasty and there's no hope for humanity when you put it that way!"
As for myself, I would think a better accreditation standard for law schools would be freedom of students, in their academic exercises, to advance non-frivolous legal arguments, so they can prepare for the real world in that way.
I'd like to see a defense of content neutral time, place, & manner restrictions.
If we all broadcast our views at 200 dB, all that will accomplish is make everyone deaf....
Not sure, Dr Ed 2, but this may be the first time I've actually agreed with you...
The deafening can be silencing.
I'm not sure I'm happy having the 1st Amendment enforced by accrediting agencies. At least the courts have a jurisprudence which they theoretically apply in accordance with due process.