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"Yes in God's Backyard" - A Useful, But Limited Form of Housing Deregulation
There is a growing movement to let churches and other religious organizations build housing on their property that would otherwise be banned by zoning regulations.

America has a serious shortage of housing in many parts of the country, and the main cause of the probem is exclusionary zoning: regulations that severely restrict the amount and types of housing that can be built in many areas. One increasingly popular proposal for addressing the housing crisis is "Yes in God's Backyard": giving religious organizations like churches, synagogues, and mosques exemptions from zoning rules and other restrictions that would otherwise prevent them from building housing on their land. Rachel Cohen of Vox has a helpful summary of this idea and the growing support for it:
About five years ago, Harvey Vaughn, the senior pastor at Bethel AME, the oldest Black church in San Diego, heard a radio report about rising homelessness in his city. He wondered if his congregation, which owned a roughly 7,000-square-foot lot around the corner, could help.
Today, the lot is a construction site for a new housing complex that will offer 25 one-bedroom apartments for low-income seniors and veterans. It's the first of what advocates hope will be many such projects in San Diego, led by a group called YIGBY, which stands for Yes in God's Backyard, a spin on the pro-housing Yes in My Backyard movement.
In a country with a shortage of affordable homes and a surplus of religious institutions grappling with rising costs and declining memberships, developers are looking to partner with churches, temples, and synagogues to build new housing. And amid a thicket of local land-use regulations that complicate the construction, some elected officials are looking for ways to nudge these efforts along.
The YIGBY idea — working with faith-based groups to help address the housing crisis — originated from local advocates who knew homeless people eager to move from the streets into housing but unable to find any. The San Diego Association of Governments estimates San Diego County has a shortage of roughly 100,000 homes.
Local funders dedicated to solving homelessness helped bring the YIGBY concept to life, and new zoning laws approved in 2019 helped streamline the process further, removing requirements that developers first seek approval from local planning agencies or elected boards to build….
Now this model is poised to spread across California, helping to address the state's severe housing shortage.
Last year California's legislature passed the Affordable Housing on Faith Lands Act that, like in San Diego, streamlines approval for new projects on land owned by churches, so housing can no longer be blocked by zoning or environmental objections. This first-of-its-kind YIGBY law took effect in January.
The Terner Center for Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley estimates that, across California, there are more than 47,00 acres of land owned by faith-based organizations that could potentially be developed into affordable housing.
State Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat from San Francisco who spearheaded the statewide YIGBY law, said California doesn't yet have data on how the new law is being utilized, but he often hears from interested people who say their congregation is preparing to do it.
"Even if just 10 percent of the plots of land identified by Terner did it, that could lead to a massive increase in housing," Wiener told Vox. "Overall it's very, very popular and you can really build a huge diverse political coalition around it."
This policy could potentially spread to other states. Letting religious organizations build housing on their property is likely to prove popular. Surveys suggest that much opposition to "YIMBY" housing policies may be driven by a combination of economic ignorance and fear and suspicion of for-profit developers. By contrast, most people have more positive attitudes towards religious organizations.
But, as Cohen also notes, even relatively ambitious YIGBY policies are unlikely to make more than a modest dent in housing shortages, especially in areas where there are severe zoning restrictions and high demand. Religious institutions own only a small proportion of land in areas with serious housing shortages.
Ultimately, the most compelling arguments for letting religious organizations build new housing on their property also apply to conventional secular property owners. And, despite suspicion of the profit motive, there is little reason to think religious entities will necessary build better or more affordable housing than commercial developers would.
Indeed, where allowed to do so, the latter have strong incentives to build affordable housing precisely because they are motivated by profit. To paraphrase Adam Smith's famous statement about butchers, brewers and bakers: "It is not from the benevolence of the builder and the developer, that we expect our housing, but from their regard to their own interest."
Other things equal, if I were a tenant (as I was in my younger days), I would probably rather rent from a randomly selected for-profit landlord than from a randomly selected religious institution. As a general rule, a commercial landlord is likely to be better at managing and maintaining the property, in part because of superior expertise - and because the landlord knows that a reputation for poor management is likely to result in lower profit.
Obviously, religious institutions could potentially hire professional developers and management firms to build and operate their new housing complexes. But that means bringing in the profit motive, at least to some extent. The developers and managers probably won't do the work just to earn the church's or synagogue's good will, or even that of the Almighty.
Ideally, we should abolish exclusionary zoning across the board. Let both religious and secular property owners build whatever housing they want, subject only to narrowly defined "police power" health and safety restrictions. But the best should not be the enemy of the good. Where YIGBY policies are politically feasible, but broader YIMBY reforms are not, we should by all means pursue the former.
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I fail to see why the religious organization needs some special dispensation. Let them sell the lot to a developer and the developer should be granted a license to build. The latter should be given out more liberally where there is a housing shortage.
Either the church as seller or municipality as regulator can condition their approval on, for example, low cost housing being built.
Based on a quick read of SB4, 75% of the units need to be earmarked for low-income tenants, 20% for moderate income and no more than 5% for staff. The rents must be "affordable", which I am assuming will be set at a percentage of the renters already-low income. The rent restrictions are locked in by a 55-year deed restriction.
I don't see any restrictions on resale, which tells me that the rentals are not expected to be profitable. Otherwise, there would be an incentive to set oneself up as a "religious institution", develop your property and flip it.
As is, it looks like the properties will be genuine "charity cases."
Yep, that's the prime driver. The churches are acting as a genuine charity here.
Do you wind up with something like Raphael Warnock's church
Not seeing why anyone would be concerned about that behavior being moved into your neighborhood.
treat them all as regular commercial property. Just don't tax the actual church building. No special zoning
"America has a serious shortage of housing in many parts of the country, and the main cause of the prob[l]em is exclusionary zoning: ..."
Actually, the main problem is uncontrolled illegal alien border crossers whose housing costs are being paid by taxpayers. With deep pockets landlords increase rental rates and prefer illegal alien tenants, pushing more and more Americans out of the rental market.
First and foremost it is always supply and demand that causes shortages and when you have thousands crossing our border weekly housing is going to be in short supply. The secondary problem is zoning and government regulations. Democrats love regulations which cause increases in prices since that results in more tax dollars coming into their coffers.
Pro open-border Reason writers could always move out of their homes and turn them over to illegal aliens. That would help alleviate some of the housing shortages in their own communities. They could then start a movement asking other democrats to do the same. If even 10% of democrat voters put their money where they mouth is, the housing shortage could be solved. The democrats could then live in a tent down by the river, celebrate their motto of "All are welcome here" and finally be happy.
That's right, the housing shortage is caused by the huge invasion of millions of foreigners, not any zoning laws. And the invasion is caused by people like Somin who are fundamentally opposed to Americans and the American way of life, and seek to destroy it. There is no substance to his posts, except for America hatred. He should go back to Russia.
He should go back to Russia.
You are literally a son of a bitch, an affliction from which you are not man enough to recover.
All clingers have problems.
On the contrary, he loves America, abstractly. He just loves it so much that he wants to share it with everybody, and can't accept that doing so will destroy it.
The guy is so happy to have made it onto the lifeboat that he wants to take everybody onto it, and sink it.
This is the case in his approach to the country as a whole, and to the nicer areas in the country.
I understand his motives, but his means are destructive.
It's a pity we can't, instead of taking more people in, expand the country on a franchise model. But that would require, among other things, for our current governing class to actually like the things that made us great. And they don't like them, not one bit.
Sorry but he's a left libertarian so the destruction is the goal, consequences be damned. Only when we have the communist end-stage will things be tolerable to his ilk (how we get there is for others), that and it's an effective way to virtue signal and punish his political enemies to boot.
That's right, destruction is the goal of this type of leftist. Real libertarians believe in freedom, and are not always trying to impose their views on others.
Roger, you want Somin deported.
You do not believe in freedom and want to impose your view on others.
What an authoritarian hypocrite. And that ignores your corruption of the blood Nazi shit.
Russia? A great country with a great leader whose DJT’s best buddy? America’s best friend and greatest ally?
I would think you would want to send him back to one of those shithole third world countries Trump keeps talking about, Germany or Japan or one of those other shithole places run by evil socialists with horrible abuses of their citizens like national health care and free education. .
"Other things equal, if I were a tenant (as I was in my younger days), I would probably rather rent from a randomly selected for-profit landlord than from a randomly selected religious institution."
That says something very bad about American education, the industry in which Prof. Somin toils. Imagine how much more I would know if I had gotten two degrees from for profit institutions.
As always, I find libertarians who work for the state hysterically funny.
I suspect that housing built and operated by churches would make far worse neighbors than cold-blooded for-profit housing.
A profit-driven landlord has a strong and undiluted interest in protecting the value of his investment. This means that he's got a strong incentive to screen for potential problem tenants, and to evict those who actually do cause problems. And the sort of people who create problems for their landlords are likely to create problems for their neighbors as well, so getting rid of them is a positive externality.
Religious-run housing isn't out to make profits, and protecting the value of the investment can conflict with various religious mandates—turn the other cheek, give your neighbor your cloak, and all that. Thus religious landlords are more likely to accept tenants despite warning signs, and to forgive their misdeeds and give them yet another chance. This is bad news for the neighbors, since the problem tenants won't necessarily limit their misconduct to the property on which they live.
Religious-run housing is going to be a lot like government-run housing in that respect. If government housing projects make bad neighbors, as all the evidence suggests, then can we expect any better from ecclesiastical housing?
"Religious-run housing is going to be a lot like government-run housing in that respect. If government housing projects make bad neighbors, as all the evidence suggests, then can we expect any better from ecclesiastical housing?"
Ironically, yes. Religious organizations are run and operated by people who have a non-monetary drive (yes, there are isolated exceptions) and who really aren't in it for the paycheck but to "do good" or "do for god". Because of that, you'll often get a higher caliper of person for the given price point.
get a higher caliper
Phrenology now!
No. Because the non-monetary portion is significant you get worse performing people just cheaper for the job offered. This is because a "feel good" moment or goal/policy will satisfy them over anything that can be externally viewed as valuable to either them or their customers.
Wow, the mixed feelings Somin has here are pretty amazing.
On one hand, less zoning, more housing. Good!
On the other hand, religion. Uggg...why religion?
The honest truth is, if you actually want low income, well taken care of, housing, Religious groups are the best case type of groups to do this. Because, they are genuine charities, who will do things at no-profit or below-profit. They'll stick around a long time, with deep roots in the community.
For profit groups don't do this typically in high rent areas. Their mission is to maximize profits. In a high demand, high rent area, the way they do this is to put in high-end luxury apartments. They'll do the bare minimum for low income apartments (according to law), but won't put in more because...well, they make more profit on the high end ones. And the demand is still there.
Where do you get hostility to religion?
To digest for the lazy or easily confused, Prof. Somin thinks that while the objections from zoning fans would be decreased,
1. It's not scalable
2. When allowed to, the profit motive works well at seeking an affordable price point.
3. The profit motive has a reputational aspect that will incentivize good management in a sustainable way.
4. Commercial landlords have better expertise
And finally, "Where YIGBY policies are politically feasible, but broader YIMBY reforms are not, we should by all means pursue the former."
Did you read the OP at all? None of your comment really seems to engage with his.
As for my position, I agree with Prof. Somin largely because of the first point about scalability. It's foolish to not harness the ability of the market, which is incentivized create affordable housing when deregulated.
It's not perfect, though. And for the rest, faith-based orgs have a place. But so does government-mediated low income housing. We tried faith-based charity as our main social safety net. In Dickensian England. It didn't work very well.
I am not sure what market dynamics have to do with YIGBY, at least as set forth in SB4. The market would incentivize creation of affordable housing only if the construction and related costs are less than the expected sale price or rental stream. Obviously, the actual economic analysis is more complicated, but most people would agree that a project guaranteed to lose money is a non-starter.
I don’t see anything in SB4 that addresses the cost side, and the revenue side is going to be restricted almost in perpetuity (75% low income, 20% moderate income and 5% staff for 55 years). ETA: the way I read it, the rents must be tied to the tenants' income, so landlord needs by definition to charge below-market rent. This does not appear to be a situation where LL can charge market rent, and the govt would subsidize tenant's rental payments through Section 8 or other programs. I am not positive about this though -- it was not very clear (at least to me) in the bill.
Other than the zoning changes, all other building codes and requirements etc. still need to be met, including a requirement to pay all construction workers a prevailing wage plus platinum-level family health care coverage. That would seem to prohibit (1) sweat-equity and volunteer construction a la Habitat for Humanity, and well as (2) simple repurposing of existing buildings (like shuttered schools).
Churches are not made of money and cannot sign up for projects guaranteed to lose money for 55 years. Look at all the Catholic schools that have closed over the past 20 years or so, as revenues have failed to keep pace with expenses.
So the only way I could see this working at all would be to have a very wealthy benefactor essentially “endow” housing like they do scholarships.
As you note, that is not scalable.
BTW — the stuff about private vs religious landlords sounds like a total red herring. I’d bet a lot that if churches became owners of rental properties, they would hire a management companies for all the day-to-day work just like private landlords do (where their primary business is not managing properties).
You and I agree, I think.
Faith-based orgs have a place. But so does government-mediated low income housing. So does lowering zoning barriers.
Why is housing the one industry where these sorts of economically nonsensical views are so widely held? Nobody thinks that in any other profit-driven industry manufacturers/sellers will only cater to the luxury market and won't make products for the lower end unless forced to. Not in food, cars, consumer electronics, clothing, airlines, home décor, etc. But for some reason, when it comes to housing people believe differently.
I think it's great for churches to use their land to build housing for people in need. But I don't see why they should get any kind of zoning exemptions from it. If it's an apartment complex, it's an apartment complex, no matter who runs it.
I would hesitate to permit for-profit ventures, and would regulate even non-profit ventures to avoid abuse. Otherwise developers might set up shell churches to avoid both zoning laws and taxes,
I mean, do we really want that camp revival on Martha’s Vinyard that Bill Clinton and Co. go to every summer for the worship services (of course!) to be not merely tax free but also free of all zoning laws? Churches have been used as tax shelters for the rich since the 19th century – the church camp meeting ground that’s really a bunch of vacation cottages has been around that long. They shouldn’t also be used to get out of other obligations to the neighbors.
Pretty sure that Prof. Somin would answer yes to any question phrased as "Do we really want _____ free of all zoning laws?"