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McConnell and Schumer Offer Dueling Approaches To Judicial Reform
McConnell's bill would ensure that no one can benefit from nationwide injunctions. Schumer's bill would ensure that liberal litigants still benefit from nationwide injunctions.
One of the few silver linings on the Judicial Conference's ill-fated "guidance" document is that the judges have stimulated debate in the legislature--where these debates belong. Now, the senate leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties have introduced judicial reform bills. I have not obtained a copy of Schumer's bill, though the New York Times offers this description:
Senator Schumer's bill tracks the guidance last month from the Judicial Conference, the federal judiciary's policymaking body. It would end the most targeted form of judge shopping, where plaintiffs game a district's case-assignment system by filing in a small division staffed by one or two judges.
The Schumer bill, as I understand it, would in no way limit the remedy that a particular judge can issue. It would simply limit which judges can issue that remedy. Again, the "random" reassignment will necessarily take cases away from judges in remote outposts, and transfer those cases to judges in urban areas. That is a feature, not a bug of the Judicial Conference's policy, and now Schumer's bill. And nothing will diminish the ability to draw a favorable court in San Francisco, Green Belt, Portland, and a host of other friendly venues.
Senator McConnell's bill, which I do have copy of, addresses the actual underlying problem: single judges immediately altering nationwide policy. The Times explains:
Senator McConnell's bill does not address concerns about plaintiffs who strategically file in single-judge divisions. Instead, it seeks to curtail the power of a single district court judge to issue a nationwide injunction and block federal policy across the entire country. The bill would limit the scope of district-court rulings to the parties in the case, or similar parties within the borders of the district. If a federal judge found that a U.S. immigration policy were unconstitutional, for example, that decision would not, under Mr. McConnell's bill, have any immediate effect outside the borders of the judge's district. The McConnell bill also would set new limits on where litigants in patent cases and debtors seeking bankruptcy can file their cases.
Here is the text:
''Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a district court may not issue any order providing injunctive relief unless such order is applicable only to—
''(1) the parties to the case before the court; or
''(2) similarly situated individuals in the judicial district in which the district court has jurisdiction.''
If district courts could not issue universal injunctions, the incentive to forum shop those judges would be far, far less. It is not clear that this bill would apply to APA vacatur under Section 706. It would be useful for Congress to clarify the scope of Section 706 relief in another policy.
Professor Steve Vladeck criticized the McConnell bill:
Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas Law School, said that Senator McConnell's proposed elimination of nationwide injunctions would go too far. "The most sensible view is that there are too many, but not that they should be none," he said. "To say 'no more nationwide injunctions ever' is to solve the wrong problem."
Let's be very clear here. Under the Schumer bill, the California Attorney General can still reliably obtain nationwide relief against a Republican President by filing in the bastion that is NDCA. But the Texas Attorney General will be curtailed in his ability to seek similar relief against a Democratic President by filing anywhere in Texas. The Schumer bill, much like the Judicial Conference policy, fixates on the specter of "judge shopping" without even recognizing how the forums are stacked in urban areas.
The McConnell bill has the virtue of addressing the underlying problem in a way that would impact both sides of the aisle equally. The McConnell bill also addresses actual judge shopping in bankruptcy and patent cases.
At bottom, we are left with nationwide injunctions for me but not for thee. Or, my nationwide injunctions are good and yours are bad.
For what it's worth, the Supreme Court could actually do something to reform nationwide relief, instead of just complaining about it on the emergency docket. Chief Justice Roberts is fine with the D.C. Circuit issuing a dozen vacaturs before lunch, but heaven forbid a few judges in Texas issue them. And if Trump wins the election, all voices about limiting nationwide injunctions will immediately silence.
I am working on a series of proposals for judicial reform that would weaken both sides equally. For any bill to pass, it cannot be unilateral disarmament. The Schumer bill, and the Judicial Conference policy, amount to unilateral disarmament. I think the McConnell bill accomplishes bilateral disarmament.
Update: My friend Sam Bray made similar points in a post published shortly before mine:
And there is a new push from Senator McConnell to end the national injunction–which should be welcomed by Democrats and Republicans alike, because everyone has felt and will feel the pain. (The counter-argument in the NY Times article just linked to, given by Professor Vladeck, that we should have some national injunctions instead of none, doesn't work, because no one has come up with an effective limiting principle and it inevitably turns into ideological station identification: "good" national injunctions for me, "bad" national injunctions for thee.)
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But federal judges aren't elected by their rural or urban communities. Congress does it, largely still subject to blue-slipping from the state's two senators to avoid wildly out-of-spec appointments. So I don't understand how the rural/urban thing matters here.
Congress does it, largely still subject to blue-slipping from the state’s two senators to avoid wildly out-of-spec appointments
Good one 🙂
Blue-slipping enables Senators to make sure that federal judges in their home state are beholden to them - it's nothing to do with keeping nutters off the bench - so long as they're our nutters that's fine.
The control over the appointment of nutters rests in the hands of the tiny minority of Senators who are willing to buck the party line on judicial appointments. Down to two on the Dem side, both of whom will be gone by January; and only five or six on the GOP side.
Because judges in some places are more liberal than in other places. And, at least on hot-button issues, that's pretty predictable.
But there's no particular reason why it should, has to, or, necessarily, does track the urban/rural divide that Prof. Blackman is so fixated on.
So, it's a little different. The question is one of "Judge shopping" or picking where you file based on who the judges are.
1) The reason "rural" districts come under criticism, is because they are typically smaller (with fewer numbers of judges) than urban districts. In an extreme case, a rural district will have a single judge. So when one files in such a district, you know which judge you'll get. And if they are friendly to your cause, you know what you'll see.
2.) Josh's point is, that in a number of urban districts (which have multiple judges), they all have the same general political beliefs. So, when you file in this urban district, even if you don't know the exact judge you'll get, you know the type of judge you'll get, and be able to more likely get a favorable decision based on that.
3) Democrats are focused on the "single district - judge", because these are more likely to be a more conservative judge (for judge shipping). They'd like to leave the "Multi-judge districts" alone, as several of these are just "all liberal judges".
Starting strong, Volokh Conspiracy- and South Texas-style!
"I am working on a series of proposals for judicial reform that would weaken both sides equally."
LOL. Like anyone is going to listen to a partisan clown masquerading as a law professor at such a prestigious law school?
One has to scroll a long way down to find the South Texas College of Law Houston.
That is a pathetic ad hominem. If you can't do better than that, please don't bother.
I'll post at my own discretion; you aren't the comment cop.
Everyone else has done a fine job of remarking upon how Blackman doesn't even bother to read the sources before he comes here to bitch about that which he hasn't read, as well as the numerous other failings of his post.
He isn't as important as he believes himself to be.
Ad hominem argumentum est argumentum stultorum.
I have yet to see a Blackman post which deserves proper engagement.
Cry more.
I was not crying. I was calling you a fool. In Latin.
If you think Blackman has nothing to offer, you can just skip his posts.
Did you think that I didn't recognize Latin, or didn't know what you said? LOL.
The irony of your retort was evidently lost on you. I'm shocked, truly!
I could skip his posts, or I could laugh at his inflated ego. I've chosen to do the latter.
Nothing wrong with mocking right-wing jerks or calling a bigot a bigot.
Also nothing wrong with just ignoring disaffected culture war casualties.
Different strokes.
Are you similarly upset when the Volokh Conspirators seek to cultivate credibility for their stale, ugly thinking (while misappropriating the franchises and diminishing the reputations of some legitimate, mainstream schools) by boasting about their affiliations with Harvard, Georgetown, Northwestern, Princeton, UCLA, and others every chance they get?
Carry on, clingers.
Are you a chick? You cry all the time just like a little bitch.
This entire blog is just one whiny little bitch by a bunch of antisocial, roundly bigoted misfits.
You don't seem to mind that.
Man, why are so few leftist commentors on this site able to engage with topics reasonably, with substantial arguments instead of consistently resorting to ad hominem?
Do they not understand that they just come across as unthinking cranks? Who do they think would be convinced by this verbal sputum?
I guess I should be grateful for the Mute feature.
Leftist? LOL.
You've made the classic mistake of confusing choice with ability.
Stick around for a while, and you'll understand why Blackman is mocked relentlessly. It happens to relate to why he teaches at such a shitty school. You could even read his post yourself and discover one of his classic flaws - in his rush to publish his self-important bullshit, he doesn't even wait to read primary sources before complaining about them.
Why? Because he's a fucking partisan clown full of self-importance and bullshit who believes he deserves to be a Judge.
Good luck with your own deficiencies.
"(2) similarly situated individuals in the judicial district in which the district court has jurisdiction."
Why “individuals” ? Why not corporate bodies or other legal persons too ?
This seems to limit the relief for similar potential beneficiaries of the order to individuals, while at the same time allowing the government to play whack-a-mole; ie if Department A gets enjoined, up can step Department B and so on.
Why not say “persons” ?
I'm not sure that works for Corporations. Say for instance CFPB issues a ruling which severely constrains Wal-Mart's money order business, so the sue and ask for an injunction in the Western District of Arkansas (2 active judges), where Wal-Mart is headquartered, Is any injunction going to apply to the Western District alone, or is Wal-Mart entitled to relief at all of their locations?
Perhaps there should be a national court for national injunctions. IIRC, there used to be a three-judge court somewhere that could rule on national issues, subject only to appeal to SCOTUS.
Why not SCOTUS itself? They're all ending up there anyways, so might as well go straight to the top.
Marbury says Congress cannot expand the original jurisdiction of SCOTUS contained in the Constitution.
Congress also cannot shrink the original jurisdiction of SCOTUS.
And I’m not sure that they would need to expand the original jurisdiction of SCOTUS for SCOTUS to have original jurisdiction in suits against the federal government.
Article 3 Section 2 clause 2:
“In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.”
Is state here limited to the several states or does it include nation states?
And even if that is limited to the several states, I says cases in which a state shall be a party, but doesn’t say anything about which party. Where a state is a plaintiff against the federal government, maybe they should start filling directly with SCOTUS.
It's not a change in original jurisdiction. The case starts at the district court.
Nationwide Injunctions - what are they good for?
Trump's very first EO is burned into my memory, because it suddenly prevented certain groups of *Lawful Permanent Residents* from returning to their homes if they happened to be on an overseas trip at the moment the EO was enacted.
In my view, this policy was "unreasonable" in the sense that Adams meant when he included that word in the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights. A legal agreement to permit a person to reside here is a relationship with that person that this country cannot, with integrity, suddenly and arbitrarily exit. Fortunately, we were saved from all but a weekend of total chaos by a nationwide injunction.
Imagine the alternative - weeks or months of chaos while that EO wound its way on a sweet Sunday drive through various levels of appeal to the Supreme court. A shifting patchwork of different policies that depend upon what airport people fly into. Why is that preferable?
Trump's running for President again. What sort of malicious authoritarian chaos does his team plan to inflict on our country this time? Stephen Miller has been out talking about constructing camps and national guard troops marching across state lines. Sounds like a real party.
Imagine if Biden and other Dems signed off on getting rid of nationwide injunctions right before Trump came into power again. Why on earth would they do that? I can't imagine a dumber move right now.
” . . . without even recognizing how the forums are stacked in urban areas.”
FFS, Wyoming’s population is about 577K.
There are over 30 cities with populations over 577K.
Seems to me it would a GOOD idea to actually place courts where – you know – people are.
Does that mean that a plaintiff in WY can’t get relief, while one in NYC can (under the Schumer plan)? That, to me, would seem to have serious Equal Protection problems (I know - 14th Amdt, but somewhat incorporated to the Feds through Due Process). In any case, anything proposed by the Senator for NYC, that advantages large urban areas, is going to have problems esp over on the Republican side of the isle. There are Dem Senators where that is going to go over like a lead balloon (e.g. Tester from very rural MT).
There are limits to where you can place courts. The biggest one is that judicial districts never cover more than one state. Or to put it the other way, every state has one or more judicial districts. Schumer’s NYC has several, just for his city. MT, WY, SD, ND, etc are not going to give that up.
This is all true, but just proves the point: there's plenty of districts that have strong conservative or liberal leans so Schumer's proposal by no means creates some sort of systemic bias towards liberals.
There's a big deference between being able to go to a district where you are likely or even guaranteed to get a judge with a particular political lean; it's much different to my confident you'll get an individual judge if you file in a certain place.
Having said that, McConnell's approach is probably closer to correct than Schumer's since it deals with the underlying problem. I don't think getting rid of nationwide injunctions is the right end state, but it should be harder than getting a more localized order and ideally you'd do something to get rid of judge/panel shopping as well.
Why assume that better Americans will always much care what the inhabitants of those backwaters think or want? There is a reasonable argument that all or most of those jurisdictions should be consolidated.
Why not just make it a rule that any national injunctions issued by district courts are automatically stayed long enough to appeal the ruling to the Circuit Court of appeals?
That’s actually a good idea. Have you been drinking?
One thing that may make this more difficult is that we aren’t just talking injunctions (which can arguably be limited to parties), but also vacatur, esp of rules and regulations that violate the APA. If a rule or regulation was not properly promulgated, in accordance with the APA, and other federal laws, it is void ab initio. Does the rancher whose livelihood is destroyed by an illegally promulgated rule or regulation (because its implementation violated the APA, etc) by BLM, or maybe the EPA Wetlands definition, etc, have no legal recourse? On the flip side, how does an illegally promulgated rule or regulation be invalidated in one state/judicial district, but not in others? I should add that judges in most multi-judge districts are likely to have much less sympathy for, say, the argument that the Wetland’s definitions were ludicrous, in view of rural America.
So Josh likes McConnell's bill, which he's read, much better than Schumer's, about which he has only a brief newspaper summary.
Yup. That's some serious scholarship there. No point waiting for better information before jumping to announce the pre-determined conclusion.
That standard scholarship, Volokh Conspiracy-style.
So what did Josh get wrong?
And blog posts are not serious scholarship, when the (almost) inevitable law review article comes out then you can critique the scholarly rigor.
When he says "series," that should be read as a threat.
It was unsettling to read that.
Again, the "random" reassignment will necessarily take cases away from judges in remote outposts, and transfer those cases to judges in urban areas.
I guess Blackman thinks that any judge at a court in a city must be as liberal as the voters of that city. That'd be kind of weird given that federal judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
Now, a judge at a district court in a smallish town that covers a mostly rural area might be more likely to be conservative than not just by virtue of being someone willing to live in that area.