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Hamburger Responds: Prof. Somin Repeats His Errors
Round 3 in the debate between Hamburger and Somin over the First Amendment and Murthy
Philip Hamburger, a professor at Columbia, is the CEO of the New Civil Liberties Alliance, which represents most of the individual plaintiffs (mostly scientists) in Murthy v. Missouri.
Hamburger wrote the following post to respond again to Ilya Somin in their ongoing debate (here and here) over Freedom of Speech and coercion.
[It was edited for tone about 3 hours after original posting, with the changes not shown. --JL]
I am grateful to Prof. Somin for his defense of his coercion vision of the First Amendment. He thereby clarifies where we differ.
Text. Prof. Somin's response is strangely indifferent to the First Amendment's text. Prohibiting is a matter of coercion. The First Amendment deliberately distinguished abridging from prohibiting. If as he suggests, the amendment makes coercion the yardstick for the freedom of speech, why did it speak of abridging the freedom of speech? He would have us believe that although it carefully spoke of abridging the freedom of speech, that textual indication should just be ignored.
Prof. Somin concedes that "[t]here may indeed be a meaningful distinction between 'abridging' and 'prohibiting.'" Nonetheless, he persists in introducing a coercion standard by treating freedom as simply the discretion or choice of individuals speakers. But the word freedom should not be interpretated to undermine the distinction between abridging and prohibiting clearly drawn in the text.
Limit on Power. Prof. Somin also persists in treating rights as tradeable commodities, not legal limits on government. To be precise, the First Amendment's freedom of speech was a limit on government, not just a right. Indeed, the First Amendment makes this explicit by beginning: "Congress shall make no law . . ." This conception of rights as limits on power was hinted at in 1785 in the Symsbury Case—a Connecticut decision holding a legislature could not take property even with consent or acquiescence, apparently because that "was Not in the power of the General Assembly Constitutionally to Do."
In other words, private consent cannot relieve the government of the First Amendment's limit on power. Although Prof. Somin is surely correct that an individual can choose not to exercise the freedom of speech, no amount of consent can give government the power to abridge that freedom.
Protected Sphere of Liberty. Prof. Somin also fails to recognize that the First Amendment's speech clauses protected a sphere of liberty, the same for everyone, which government was barred from abridging. This conception of the freedom of speech is evident from the founding era theory about freedom of speech as a natural right. See Philip Hamburger, Natural Rights, Natural Law, and American Constitutions 908-09. The point is not that anyone needs to believe in natural rights, but that government was barred from reducing a protected sphere of liberty, whether by coercion or consent.
One of the dangers of Prof. Somin's vision of freedom of speech is that it lets government buy off its critics. Indeed, it lets government use consent to shrink the speech rights of nonprofits, students, and so forth, so that Americans are without a shared interest in a shared realm of freedom. From his perspective, there is little speech freedom government cannot purchase, and no shared freedom that all Americans can rally around to defend. See Purchasing Submission 107-08 (Harvard 2021).
Misunderstands Terms of Service. Prof. Somin seems to assume that platforms carried out government demands for censorship only after changing their terms of service. That is false; often, the platforms just caved to the government without changing those terms. He also assumes that users can sue for violations of the terms of service; but that usually is untrue.
Not the Platform's Speech. Even if his coercion-consent theory didn't depart from the text and eighteenth-century conceptions of the freedom of speech, it still fails because it assumes that the platforms are speakers. In his view, the posts on the platforms are their speech, and the government can abridge the freedom of speech as along as it gets consent—that is, as long as it doesn't use coercion.
But the posts that individuals place on the platforms are not the platforms' speech. Not even the platforms argue as much. Instead, they allege that they have a First Amendment editorial discretion—that is, a right of expressive discrimination against their users. Thus, Prof. Somin is unfortunately mistaken in assuming that the posts on the platforms are the platform's speech and that the consent of the platforms is therefore a cure for the suppression. In fact, the posts placed on the platforms by individuals are their speech. Thus, even under Prof. Somin's anti-textual and ahistorical theory, the government should need the consent of the individuals.
Information Asymmetry. Prof. Somin declares his distaste for the shifting notions of consent in contract. My point, however, was not to embrace one view or another, but merely to observe that his vision of a sharp opposition between consent and coercion departs from contemporary legal doctrine and from the medical and psychological literature on consent.
Accuses me of Contradiction. Prof. Somin even accuses me of contradicting myself because I take "an expansive vision of what is prohibited by the First Amendment when it comes to non-coercive government pressure to bar social media posts, but a very narrow one when it comes Texas's and Florida's attempts to force social media firms to host speech they disapprove of. In this latter situation, there is blatant and obvious coercion." I don't think that is a reasonable presentation of my views.
My historically informed view is that, for hundreds of years, common carrier doctrine has applied to communications carriers, and that doctrine has never until now been considered a threat to the freedom of speech. Conceptually, the point is that a conduit is not a speaker. Indeed, the attempts of the platforms to claim editorial discretion founders when one realizes that it is a claim of expressive discrimination against their users.
Excuses Suppression. Prof. Somin perhaps reveals an insufficient lack of commitment to freedom of speech when he says that some speech, such as "misinformation," can be a "public bad." Here he appears not to recognize that much alleged misinformation was true—indeed, was understood to be true by the people suppressing it—and its suppression adversely affected public policy. He also may be thinking the government or the platforms are qualified to be the arbiter of truth. He further reveals his priors when he argues that one should not be too worried about the current censorship regime because it only reduces some expressions of offensive views, leaving other instances online—as if the volume of opinion does not matter, and as if the value of speech is to be measured in bulk, without concern for the suppression of individual voices.
All of this is very disturbing, especially from an avowed libertarian.
Conclusion. Put simply, I believe that Prof. Somin's vision of the First Amendment is wrong—textually, historically, and conceptually. I also think it erroneous to assume that the platform's consent is sufficient under his theory, because the censored speech is the platforms' speech.
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In general, not to this particular author.
This is a textbook case of situational ethics — the high valuation of a philosophical principle when it supports your already-decided-upon position, and the low valuation of it when it gets in the way of a different one.
It can even be waffled back and forth on similar issues that touch on corporate speech!
Citizens United: Dems no! Repubs yes!
Common carrier status to forbid ISPs from favoring their own streaming over companies like Netflix: Dems Yes! Repubs no!
And now, trillion dollar club online social media corporate speech rights: Dems yes! Repubs no!
We’ll skip for the moment the facetious ludicrousness of threatening section 230 unless they kneel and comply to censorship demands. The 2020 Democratic debates even had a discussion unit on how to best use the power of government to force them to kneel. Section 230 wreckage was the starting point. A person who threatened additional legislation sits a heartbeat away from the presidency.
To the aliens in 3 Body Problem, I concur with the Chinese woman in the beginning. Come take us over, give us medical tech and space ships, and rip control from these power hungry thugs. This is the US, the best and freest there is, and it is lousy with power hunger and corruption.
No reference to Maoist China rottenness needed.
Isn't this a better option from space, than a giant asteroid from God to smear this worthless planet across the heavens?
Citizens United was a challenge to a provision McCain-Feingold. A bipartisan piece of legislation. You should update your comment:
Citizens United: Ruling class no! Regular people yes!
You think the ruling class was in favor of McCain-Feingold? You're weird.
Citizens United: Ruling class yes! Regular people no!
"Common carrier status to forbid ISPs from favoring their own streaming over companies like Netflix: Dems Yes! Repubs no!"
Net Neutrality was not primarily about common carrier status. It was about the ISPs looking to charge fees to the streaming services, but a common carrier is allowed to charge for carriage.
Why do clingers -- even some educated wingnuts -- continue to use random capitalization?
Illiteracy? Flashing gang signals to other culture war casualties?
Contrarianism? Disdain for modernity, or perhaps a 1700s fetish?
Go ahead and crack the code, Rev.
The key to the code is "Blessed are the cheesemakers."
It's plain to anyone who isn't illiterate, cornfed, inbred, or clinging.
Watching Trump liken himself to Jesus this week -- and watching his gullible, downscale supporters nod approvingly as they fondle their upside-down bibles -- has been quite a spectacle.
But why the random capitalization? That seems a strange affectation for clingers.
It was reported today that Trump has begun to peddle MAGA Bibles -- with profits going to Donald J. Trump, of course.
How many of the Volokh Conspirators (angling for judicial nominations, figuring Trump might be their last chance) and their fans (they're just that gullible and deplorable) are lined up to buy their very own Trump Bibles?
Carry on, clingers. Jesus Fucking Christ, you're pathetic.
The (F)ramers capitalized in a manner that appears random to you.
Still the same old quibbling to avoid the substance that the Bill of Rights is supposed to limit government power. Quibbling over the fine invisible line between coercion and suasion just shows that lawyers are a pox.
Tenth Amendment.
I know that upsets many applecarts and houses of cards and reliance interests, but it is there for a reason.
The Tenth Amendment is not a second-class right.
In this OP Hamburger mentions, “speech,” 31 times. He mentions, “press,” “publish,” “publishing,” “publication,” zero times. Peculiar. No place for press freedom in Hamburger’s advocacy. But on closer examination, understandably so. Hamburger calls for government censorship of the press, while parading in costume to suggest the contrary.
More generally, whenever you see advocacy for expressive freedom, make it a point to notice that advocates who speak only of, “free speech,” will almost always come down on the side of hostility toward publishing, press freedom, and the rights of private publishers. Given that everyone enjoys alike not only rights to speech freedom, but also press freedom, Hamburger's omission of the latter should be welcomed by no one.
I agree. This whole case, plus the other social media cases, plus Florida's weird new press restrictions, all feel like a continuation of the right's longstanding hatred of the free press.
I disagree. You are positing a tradeoff between free speech and freedom to publish, when they are supposed to be complimentary. Moreover, Hamburger points out that the 1st Amdt doesn’t provide for suppressing speech for the perceived public good, as Somin so desperately wants to be the case.
Still nothing in the screed reflecting an actual legal argument. Coercion is the actual legal standard.
But it's getting testier! I think Ilya touched a nerve.
Apparently Jim didn't like the testiness.
You've obviously never dealt with a regulator or obnoxious bureaucrat who doesn't give a damn about the law.
I was involved (for my employer) with the City of Chicago trying to get us to pay for something the law clearly didn't require the company to for---the bureaucrat just said, ok, we'll pull a bunch of your permits. Thugs. I worked for a federal agency---some bureaucrats were real thugs. Not bound by any law, it seemed.
I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said, but "Do X or we'll revoke your permits" would indeed be coercion.
The threat is inherent in every interaction with a regulator. They don't need to state it out loud.
1) No.
2) The complaints in the Murthy case were not even about "regulators."
Yes there is. "abridging free speech" includes governments pressuring and talking to companies to stop citizens from speaking.
Fundamentally, the Lover of Horsemeat Sandwiches is arguing for a radical realignment of First Amendment jurisprudence in which the government cannot be critical of anyone's opinion. It can't even state its own opinion on controversial topics since doing so would have the effect of officially disfavoring contrary voices. (This logical conclusion was borne out during Jim Jordan's disastrous 60 Minutes interview.)
Maybe that's the right reading of the First Amendment. It sounds pretty draconian to me, but "abridge" is pretty expansive, so the case can be made and he's making it. But I think for such a drastic change to get traction, it's going to need to arise in a context less tainted by partisanship. For us to decide, after almost 250 years, that the federal government must not have official opinions, I think would take something more than a wholly partisan grievance in order to make stick.
The government has groups dedicated to monitoring and managing people's opinions. Many of these groups also act officially to suppress people's opinions.
Having opinions, monitoring opinions, and suppressing opinions is not the role of a government in a free society.
Well said.
The government having and announcing opinions on some matters is absolutely constituent with a free society especially on matters involving technical topics.
"Don't ingest lead" is an opinion a public health authority might have that they should announce.
"There's a hurricane coming you should evacuate or seek shelter" also an opinion the government might have that they should announce.
Also "Ivermectin doesn't work against COVID and there's a shortage now thanks to the idiot brigade, which is impacting the people who actually need it so please, stop eating it."
I do think there's an argument that the government doesn't have free speech rights, just the people do, but that's not what precedent says (and, obviously, the government is allowed to "talk" even if it doesn't possess "rights.").
I think Hamburger is making chopped meat of Somin's argument.
Of course you stick together. He's a clinger. You're a clinger. If clingers do anything well, it's cling.
You probably figure Mrs. Jesus (Josh Hawley is just her temporary, earthly companion) knocked the lights out at the Supreme Court today, too.
On the contrary Hamburger's argument feels like chopped meat, even after looking at his previous scribe I can barely tell what his positions are.
Either way, he seems to have missed the obvious, recall the text: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.
This is about Congress passing laws that "abridge" the freedom of speech. The fact we're talking laws suggests the government imposing a tangible cost or benefit to the particular speech, and that benefit or cost having the backing of law.
Government officials suggesting courses of action but not having consequences attached to those actions? That's fine when trying to influence a reporter for a story, not fine when trying to intimidate a company into supporting you, I'm tempted to say that the Federal government pointing out bad stuff on social media is fine.
On the other hard Florida and Texas have both passed actual laws punishing and/or regulating speech. Obviously a violation.
Even if his coercion-consent theory didn't depart from the text and eighteenth-century conceptions of the freedom of speech, it still fails because it assumes that the platforms are speakers.
Again, no mention from Hamburger of press freedom. Accurately, the utterances mentioned are the speech of contributors, and the publications of platforms. Both have Constitutional rights, separately enumerated. Hamburger panders to a populist mob which is reflexively opposed to rights for institutional publishers. Members of the mob—internet utopians all—suppose dimly that technology delivered them power to access cost-free a world-wide audience, as if it were an oil strike spouting up after driving in a tent peg. That did not happen.
If the publishers go away, the internet utopians can content themselves publishing their opinions on cork boards at the supermarket—if the supermarket manager will let them do it. Hamburger does not know enough about the subject to know that would be a catastrophe which government policy to enforce his advocacy could bring about. Of course, internet utopians do not know that either, so Hamburger and the utopians make a comfortable match.
Too many above are either stupid, lame, diseased, or churlish scamps ...
Lacking argument just obfuscate
Speech, press, publish, publishing, publication, recordings, CD, DVD, books, tapes, VCR, Betamax, 8-Track, cassettes, writing, scratches in stone, are all the same thing ...
--------------> To convey thought so others may know !
I suspect you'll be singing a different tune when Truth Social is forced by the government to carry liberal counterpoints.
What would Prof. Hamburger think of a government employee repeatedly imposing viewpoint-driven, partisan censorship at a forum administered by the government employee?
The answer might hinge on whether that forum is a white, male, bigot-hugging, right-wing forum. And on whether the relevant comments were movement conservative comments.
It great to see the Volokh Conspiracy Tone Police at work, preventing Prof. Hamburger from speaking his mind as he wishes.
Good effort, but you’re tilting at windmills. True believers, like Somin, cannot be disabused of their notions via evidence and reason. They simply will not concede any inconvenient facts or arguments and thus are impossible to engage with in good faith, as they cannot return that good faith.
Of course, the question remains, what is he a true-believer of?
At least it's a civil discussion. If they were not legal eminencies would they assume the same tone as Popehat when a non-lawyer dares to challenge him or even ask a question? He takes great pleasure in squashing the unworthy cockroach. I fear that Mencken was right about lawyers, even when they are establishment libertarians. (Is there any other kind now?)
“If all the lawyers were hanged tomorrow, and their bones were sold to a mah jong factory, we’d all be freer and safer, and our taxes would be reduced by almost a half.” — H. L. Mencken
I've never seen that Mencken quote before. It does have a certain charm.
We need lawyers! Lawyers are instrumental in...keeping other lawyers from getting too much power.