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Court Agrees to Hear Missouri v. Biden Federal Government / Social Media Case
From today's order and accompanying opinion in Murthy v. Missouri:
The application for stay … is granted. The preliminary injunction issued on July 4, 2023, by the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana … as modified by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on October 3, 2023 … is stayed. The application for stay is also treated as a petition for a writ of certiorari, and the petition is granted on the questions presented in the application….
Justice Alito, with whom Justice Thomas and Justice Gorsuch join, dissenting from grant of application for stay.
This case concerns what two lower courts found to be a "coordinated campaign" by high-level federal officials to suppress the expression of disfavored views on important public issues. To prevent the continuation of this campaign, these officials were enjoined from either "coerc[ing]" social media companies to engage in such censorship or "active[ly] control[ling]" those companies' decisions about the content posted on their platforms. Today, however, a majority of the Court, without undertaking a full review of the record and without any explanation, suspends the effect of that injunction until the Court completes its review of this case, an event that may not occur until late in the spring of next year. Government censorship of private speech is antithetical to our democratic form of government, and therefore today's decision is highly disturbing.
This case began when two States, Missouri and Louisiana, and various private parties filed suit alleging that popular social media companies had either blocked their use of the companies' platforms or had downgraded their posts on a host of controversial subjects, including "the COVID–19 lab leak theory, pandemic lockdowns, vaccine side effects, election fraud, and the Hunter Biden laptop story." According to the plaintiffs, Federal Government officials "were the ones pulling the strings," that is, these officials "'coerced, threatened, and pressured [the] social-media platforms to censor [them].'" Based on extensive findings of fact that spanned 82 pages, the District Court held that the plaintiffs were likely to be able to prove their claims and were threatened with irreparable harm, and it therefore issued a preliminary injunction against a number of Executive Branch agencies and officials.
On appeal, the Court of Appeals agreed with the District Court's assessment of the evidence, which, in its words, showed the existence of "a coordinated campaign" of unprecedented "magnitude orchestrated by federal officials that jeopardized a fundamental aspect of American life." The Court of Appeals found that "the district court was correct in its assessment—'unrelenting pressure' from certain government officials likely 'had the intended result of suppressing millions of protected free speech postings by American citizens.'"
To stop this "campaign," the injunction, as it now stands, prohibits the covered officials from doing two things. First, they may not "coerce" social media platforms to make "content-moderation decisions." Second, they may not "meaningfully contro[l]" social media platforms' "content-moderation" efforts. Displeased with these restrictions, the Government filed an emergency application asking us to stay the effect of this injunction pending certiorari.
Under a straightforward application of the test we use in deciding whether to grant a stay, the Government's application should be denied. To obtain a stay pending the disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari, an applicant must show, among other things, "a likelihood that irreparable harm will result from the denial of a stay." A stay is an "extraordinary remedy that may only be awarded upon a clear showing that the plaintiff is entitled to such relief." Thus, the Government in this case must make a "clear showing" of irreparable harm. And to do that, it is not enough to "simply sho[w] some 'possibility of irreparable injury.'" A mere "'possibility' standard is too lenient." Instead, the Government must prove that irreparable harm is "likel[y]." Here, the Government's attempts to demonstrate irreparable harm do not come close to clearing this high bar.
Instead of providing any concrete proof that "harm is imminent," the Government offers a series of hypothetical statements that a covered official might want to make in the future and that, it thinks, might be chilled. But hypotheticals are just that—speculation that the Government "may suffer irreparable harm at some point in the future," not concrete proof. And such speculation does not establish irreparable harm.
Moreover, it does not appear that any of the Government's hypothetical communications would actually be prohibited by the injunction. Nor is any such example provided by the Court's unreasoned order. The Government claims that the injunction might prevent "the President and the senior officials who serve as his proxies" from "speak[ing] to the public on matters of public concern." Application 36; accord, id., at 3 (suggesting that the Fifth Circuit's decision implicates "the use of the Office's bully pulpit to seek to persuade Americans"). The President himself is not subject to the injunction, and in any event, the injunction does not prevent any Government official from speaking on any matter or from urging any entity or person to act in accordance with the Government's view of responsible conduct.
The injunction applies only when the Government crosses the line and begins to coerce or control others' exercise of their free-speech rights. Does the Government think that the First Amendment allows Executive Branch officials to engage in such conduct? Does it have plans for this to occur between now and the time when this case is decided?
Despite the Government's conspicuous failure to establish a threat of irreparable harm, the majority stays the injunction and thus allows the defendants to persist in committing the type of First Amendment violations that the lower courts identified. The majority takes this action in the face of the lower courts' detailed findings of fact. But "[w]here an intermediate court reviews, and affirms, a trial court's factual findings, this Court will not 'lightly overturn' the concurrent findings of the two lower courts." And the majority suspends the relief afforded below without a word of explanation.
Applying our settled test for granting a stay, I would deny the Government's application, but I would specify in the order that in the unlikely event that a concrete occurrence presents a risk of irreparable harm, the Government can apply for relief at that time, including, if necessary, by filing an emergency application here. Such an order would fully protect the ability of Executive Branch officials to speak out on matters of public concern.
At this time in the history of our country, what the Court has done, I fear, will be seen by some as giving the Government a green light to use heavy-handed tactics to skew the presentation of views on the medium that increasingly dominates the dissemination of news. That is most unfortunate.
Since there's no opinion defending the stay, I thought I'd pass along the introduction to the Solicitor General's stay application:
This application concerns an unprecedented injunction installing the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana as the superintendent of the Executive Branch's communications with and about social-media platforms—including senior White House officials' speech addressing some of the most salient public issues of the day. The lower courts held that federal officials had transformed the private platforms' content-moderation decisions into state action and violated the First Amendment by urging platforms to remove COVID-19 misinformation, highlighting the risk of disinformation from foreign actors, and responding to the platforms' inquiries about matters of public health. The courts then entered a sweeping preliminary injunction governing thousands of federal officials' and employees' speech concerning any content posted on any social-media platform by anyone. That injunction flouts bedrock principles of Article III, the First Amendment, and equity.
First, respondents lack Article III standing. Respondents are five individual social-media users and two States. The Fifth Circuit held that they have standing because their posts have been moderated by social-media platforms. But respondents failed to show that those actions were fairly traceable to the government or redressable by injunctive relief. To the contrary, respondents' asserted instances of moderation largely occurred before the allegedly unlawful government actions. The Fifth Circuit also held that the state respondents have standing because they have a "right to listen" to their citizens on social media. App., infra, 204a. But the court cited no precedent for that boundless theory, which would allow any state or local government to challenge any alleged violation of any constituent's right to speak.
Second, the Fifth Circuit's decision contradicts fundamental First Amendment principles. It is axiomatic that the government is entitled to provide the public with information and to "advocate and defend its own policies." A central dimension of presidential power is the use of the Office's bully pulpit to seek to persuade Americans—and American companies—to act in ways that the President believes would advance the public interest. President Kennedy famously persuaded steel companies to rescind a price increase by accusing them of "ruthless[ly] disregard[ing]" their "public responsibilities." President Bush decried "irresponsible" subprime lenders that shirked their "responsibility to help" distressed homeowners. And every President has engaged with the press to promote his policies and shape coverage of his Administration.
Of course, the government cannot punish people for expressing different views. Nor can it threaten to punish the media or other intermediaries for disseminating disfavored speech. But there is a fundamental distinction between persuasion and coercion. And courts must take care to maintain that distinction because of the drastic consequences resulting from a finding of coercion: If the government coerces a private party to act, that party is a state actor subject "to the constraints of the First Amendment." And this Court has warned against expansive theories of state action that would "eviscerate" private entities' "rights to exercise editorial control over speech and speakers on their properties or platforms."
The Fifth Circuit ignored those principles. It held that officials from the White House, the Surgeon General's office, and the FBI coerced social-media platforms to remove content despite the absence of even a single instance in which an official paired a request to remove content with a threat of adverse action—and despite the fact that the platforms declined the officials' requests routinely and without consequence. Indeed, the Fifth Circuit suggested that any request from the FBI is inherently coercive merely because the FBI is a powerful law enforcement agency. And the court held that the White House, the FBI, and the CDC "significantly encouraged" the platforms' content-moderation decisions—and thus transformed those decisions into state action—on the theory that officials were "entangled" in the platforms' decisions. The court did not define that novel standard, but found it satisfied primarily because platforms requested and relied upon CDC's guidance on matters of public health.
The implications of the Fifth Circuit's holdings are startling. The court imposed unprecedented limits on the ability of the President's closest aides to use the bully pulpit to address matters of public concern, on the FBI's ability to address threats to the Nation's security, and on the CDC's ability to relay public-health information at platforms' request. And the Fifth Circuit's holding that platforms' content-moderation decisions are state action would subject those private actions to First Amendment constraints—a radical extension of the state-action doctrine.
Third, the lower courts' injunction violates traditional equitable principles. An injunction must "be no more burdensome to the defendant than necessary to provide complete relief to the plaintiffs." Here, however, the injunction sweeps far beyond what is necessary to address any cognizable harm to respondents: Although the district court declined to certify a class, the injunction covers the government's communications with all social-media platforms (not just those used by respondents) regarding all posts by any person (not just respondents) on all topics. And it forces thousands of government officials and employees to choose between curtailing their interactions with (and public statements about) social-media platforms or risking contempt should the district court conclude that they ran afoul of the Fifth Circuit's novel and ill-defined concepts of coercion and significant encouragement.
The district court's injunction has been stayed during the Fifth Circuit proceedings, and the Fifth Circuit extended an administrative stay through Monday, September 18, to allow the government to seek relief from this Court. If allowed to take effect, the injunction would impose grave and irreparable harms on the government and the public. In contrast, a continued stay pending further proceedings in this Court would impose no cognizable harm on respondents. The Court should therefore stay the injunction in full pending the filing and disposition of the government's forthcoming petition for a writ of certiorari. At a minimum, the Court should stay the injunction insofar as it applies beyond any content posted by the individual respondents themselves.
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Alito's frustrated he can't just dictate policy, huh? You'll need a couple more whack-a-doodles on the Court for that, Sammy!
If I recall correctly you're not an attorney, so I'm not going to do one of those boorish power plays and ask you to articulate how the irreparable harm prong is supposedly met. But I do think a fair enough question is: which of the enjoined behaviors do you believe the government should be free to do?
1) "coerce" social media platforms to make "content-moderation decisions"; and/or
2) "meaningfully contro[l]" social media platforms' "content-moderation" efforts?
The problem, of course, is defining those terms. The district and circuit courts defined them retardedly.
So you're right, it would be a moot injunction if it defined those terms reasonably, since those things are already illegal. The real purpose of the injunction is to redefine those terms way way down, in order to hamstring the administration.
Fortunately it looks like at least five justices (and probably six) saw through the ruse. That's a good sign they'll throw the whole thing out when they hear it for real.
Here's the full text of the injunction as it emerged from the 5th Circuit:
What exactly in the above is "hamstringing" the bona fide activities of the administration, much less to a degree that would constitute a clear showing of irreparable harm?
The rest of the opinion is all about how the government was “coercing” social media primarily through tone… as in, “Let’s moderate these posts ASAP!” Remember, the fifth circuit found -- hysterically -- that speech coming from Biden administration employees automatically "intimates some form of punishment" simply due to the power imbalance and is therefore coercive by default.
So if that’s coercion, it turns the fifth circuit into the Biden administration tone police. I can just see it. “Did you say the magic word? No? Contempt!”
That’s what five or six justices recognized as being ridiculous.
So to truly understand the scope of the injunction, you have to look outside the injunction. OK, let's run with that for the moment. I would then commend to you for your consideration the other nine provisions of the district court injunction that CA5 found overbroad and vacated, along with its discussion on why it did so and why it landed on the remaining language I quoted above. If you're genuinely just concerned about overbreadth, that should give you a good deal of comfort (and should have the government as well) re scope drift back into that vacated territory during later contempt proceedings.
But even accepting your premise for the sake of argument that the injunction could be understood to be overbroad and thus risks chilling legitimate conduct around the edges, you still haven't explained how the government being restricted for a few months from making oh-so-friendly suggestions -- since apparently that's all they are! -- to moderate content could possibly constitute clear evidence of irreparable harm.
Also, isn't there something about how First-Amendment-violating injunctions are sort of automatically irreparable? The idea being that taking away someone's core rights is inherently harmful, even if that person is someone you don't like who's saying things you don't want them to say.
Yes, but that does not (or at least should not) apply when the government is the speaker.
Why not?
People have rights, governments have powers, not rights.
Nice crib, but misused here. The injunction applies to people, not governments.
It actually doesn't. Government officials tried to make social platforms censor dissenters that went against their position. The stay ensures that this will continue, at least for the time being. Amir's got this one right.
I have to say it's a creative judo move to frame an injunction against coercive behavior that suppresses First Amendment rights as itself a First Amendment violation. I'm far from an expert in the area, but it seems like that proves a bit too much.
Also supportive is the fact that Eugene -- who is such an expert -- didn't say anything about it, as well as Alito's apparently rhetorical question quoted above: "The injunction applies only when the Government crosses the line and begins to coerce or control others' exercise of their free-speech rights. Does the Government think that the First Amendment allows Executive Branch officials to engage in such conduct?"
One of the arguments against the district court injunction was explicitly a First Amendment one. That injunction applied to personal speech of a vast number of government employees.
Even the government’s request for a stay (quoted above) of the scoped-down circuit court injunction hand-waves at a First Amendment argument:
This is too clever by half. I'd actually feel a lot better about this entire subject if these requests were via open letter, open hearing, press conference, or other conventional "bully pulpit" mechanisms -- that way we would clearly understand 1) who was making the requests; 2) who they were targeting; 3) when they were made; 4) the stated reasons; and 5) which ones the platforms granted. The current behind-the-scenes and fully unaccountable methodology is part of what gives the bureaucrats so much implicit leverage.
Using the public delivery mechanisms they haven't been using as a pretext to retain the whisper-whisper mechanisms they have been using strikes me as a touch cynical.
Well, maybe, but a) that's not the legal line and b) the fifth circuit was especially mad at the government over its public statements about how social media wasn't doing enough to fight disinformation blah blah blah. They found that to be particularly "coercive."
Also c) it did all come out publicly, but that doesn't seem to have mattered to you in fact.
I don't see anything in the opinion that says any of the public statements alone were coercive. It actually says on pp. 43-44, after several pages of reasoning and cited cases, that the proper analysis is the totality of the communications, which as shown here were predominantly private:
If you were referring to somewhere else in the opinion that says something materially different, let me know where and I'm happy to read it. But the deeper we dig into the rationale behind the injunction, the weaker sauce it seems like to suggest that it could cover garden-variety public calls to action.
Seems to me that mass-pasting every passage that refers to public statements and carefully isolating those passages from immediately neighboring text that refers to related private communications is not particularly responsive to my question of whether there's "anything in the opinion that says any of the public statements alone were coercive." It's sounding like a no.
Ah, apparently this one crossed with my last one yesterday and I didn't see it. Of course, in my scenario the disclosure is happening in real time through purposeful, public communications rather than years later via unintentional leaks, and of course that timing matters a lot when the government is pushing for real-time suppression of disfavored speech on present-day issues.
There are many more passages that talk about public and private communications together. These are the ones that talk about public communications alone. It's obvious just by reading them. Of course you'll pretend they say something other than what they obviously say, because that's what you always do. But your nonsense is irrelevant.
You assume that the lower courts were correct to find "coercive behavior" which the majority of the Supreme Court apparently does not see as clear. Eugene does not appear to express an opinion, but that's true of a lot of things related to the First Amendment. The Solicitor General's stay application seems more persuasive than Alito's dissent, and perhaps it was Eugene's intent to leave that as the final word.
Oh, that's a relief! Perhaps then I'll save you from the boorish riposte of asking you to clarify for me, the putative non-attorney, how many Supreme Court votes it takes to grant the present stay.
It's odd to me that a fancy-pants, presuming-to-be more-lawyerly-than-thou type like yourself would assume that my objection to the underlying proceedings turns on a belief that the government should be free to do either of those things. If you're curious what other grounds for objection there might be, please feel free to refer back to the OP.
Why should Pedo Joe get the benefit of the doubt and get to continue molesting the constitution (just like the Rev. Kirkland molests children at the Boy Scout trips he volunteers for) for the next year while this case is briefed and argued? Why does "justice delayed is justice denied" only apply when you and your butt buddies want to "marry" and penetrate little boys?
Disaffected, whining, grievance-consumed wingnuts are among my favorite culture war casualties.
Those “Disaffected, whining, grievance-consumed wingnuts” aren’t the ones who can’t give the correct answer as to what a woman is. That’s your side.
Thanks for telling us that you support the suppression and censorship of those telling the truth. Do you want to double down on Rand Paul for telling the truth about the origins of COVID-19 to Fauci? What are you going to do about that?
You do not believe in the 1st Amendment, Artie.
Oh Gorsuch, I was really hoping for your tiny but still occasionally potent logic lobe to kick in for this case. Alas, once again your results-oriented partisan lobe is at the helm.
How is it partisan to not allow government to have a private actor do its bidding in censoring individuals? You do not believe in the 1st Amendment.
Sounds like a bench slap of a prior restraint over-reach by the District Court and the 5th Cir, with a side of whinging from Alito et al.
Well played, S.Ct., well played.
No, it's overreaching for government officials to engage in censorship by proxy by telling companies what people can and cannot say on their respective company platforms.
To say that Alito wants to prevent that is overreach is twisted and morally wrong.
I expect the court to rule against government censorship by coercion.
Afterwards, Biden and the Democrats will continue to coerce the same platforms to censor. They'll just do it in a slightly more indirect way that isn’t explicitly or obviously covered by the ruling.
The court banned Biden from forgiving college loans earlier this year and Biden did it anyway. Democrats have no respect for law or the consent of the governed.
Out of curiosity, what examples of coercion do you think there were?
- The Twitter Files:
- The Facebook Files:
Read these for a start.
Amazing how elected officials ding things is sacrosanct except when it's not.
Biden is a traitor. I pray every night that he and Harris get tumors.
But these pieces of authoritarian shit lifted the stay, letting Biden abuse the Constitutional rights of conservatives until then.
I'm tired of this "percolation" bullshit. Clearly, the left got to Kavanagh somehow. Barrett was never on our side, as evidenced by the fact that she adopted a black baby.
Are any of you right-wing jerks still unclear concerning why UCLA wanted this off its campus?
Any guesses on next Conspirator invited to expand his employment horizons?
DB for sure.
That is not my hunch . . . unless he commits career suicide by unhinged episode.
Well, which conspirator do you think is most likely to commit career suicide by unhinged episode?
Different issues.
(1) Which Conspirator is most likely to launch an unhinged, career-changing episode?
(2) Which Conspirator is most likely to lose a position at a mainstream campus consequent to chronic right-wing nuttery and/or conservative bigotry?
My hunches differ, too.
The troll energy is high with this one.
But if you’re not a troll and actually believe what you write, that’s an even sadder reflection on humanity.
The type of white woman who would adopt a black baby is someone with liberal tendencies, even if she's not an outright liberal herself.
Be ye kind.
The guy has a point about conservatives' bigotry.
Were you guys absent for Indian Child Welfare Act day last term? There’s a conservative urge to kidnap I mean adopt minority children in order to culturally indoctrinate I mean save them.
How dare they adopt and give these orphans a family! Grrr!
You are what you pretend to be.
I think he, and others like him, are a valuable bellwether of what the internet will look like if Volokh and the FedSoc get their way and moderation for content is prohibited.
Under Supreme Court precedent, a party requesting a stay of a lower court's ruling must demonstrate (1) a probability that the Court would grant certiorari, (2) a "fair prospect" the party would win in the Court, and (3) "irreparable harm" to itself if the stay is not granted.
Here, the Court grants the stay without a single word of explanation, probably because the suggestion that a pause in the government's censorship regime would cause it "irreparable harm" is laughably absurd, and the Court does not wish to embarrass itself with a pretended justification of the unjustifiable.
This sadly indicates the probability that the Court will uphold the government's censorship regime.
I'm not sure about that. Barrett and Kavanagh seem obsessed with the "process." So even if the ultimately rule against the government, they consider themselves to have done their job if they've let the illegal policy stay in place for two years while the process plays out.
The problem is that the left knows they have this delay, and have been taking advantage of it for all sorts of things.
Saying the word "censorship" a whole lot does not actually make it accurate, but it does make you a clown.
Censorship is the right’s racism.
Wolf probably thinks you’re censoring him right here by labelling his comment as clownish. (And the hard-lefties probably consider your invocation of clown-face to be racist.)
To be clear, I generally disapprove of what the government was doing and especially the way it was doing it. But none of the facts support the label "censorship."
That's the problem with this case. The government was behaving badly and everyone can see that. They were being rude and acting entitled etc. etc... but none of that is (or even should be) illegal. The remedy for obnoxious executives is political. It doesn't work for the courts to put out injunctions like this one of "don't be obnoxious." That's not a possible line to draw as we all know.
I really hope the solicitor general or whoever argues this case can find a way to acknowledge this. They need to defend the legality of the behavior without defending the propriety of the behavior. That's a difficult thing to do, but I think this is a case where it's necessary. The public needs to hear an apology of sorts, and the justices need an opening to write an opinion that castigates the government while still dismissing the case.
I don’t agree that the government was behaving badly. I think we were seeing a “behind the scenes” moment that most members of the public don’t often see and so can’t fully evaluate.
With the news media, there’s this give-and-take on any particular topic of coverage, where journalists negotiate with members of the government over sensitive national security coverage, “off the record” disclosures, and so on. Over time, practices and expectations develop and the participants become inured to the process. I think if you were to take a peek there and choose some subset of discussions around a particular news event, you’d probably find something similar as we saw in the “Twitter files.” Some hard-nosed language, presumptuous behavior, pressure to act.
What I saw, in the “Twitter files,” were some social media companies that were on-board with managing misinformation on their own platforms and engaged continuously with members of the government to that end. I would agree that the government shouldn’t be permitted to “coerce” social media platforms to remove content, but on the whole I wouldn’t interpret what the government was doing as “coercing” anyone. It could look that way, if you take the commentary out of the context and view it with the assumption that normally none of these back channels exist. But that assumption, and that context-less framing, are probably wrong.
They certainly weren't coercing anybody.
There are two elements of bad behavior.
One is the "bad cop bad cop" engagement model. Even "good cop bad cop" is out of fashion these days. They were rhetorically strong-arming. That's obviously not coercive, but it does look bad.
Second is the purpose. It's not great to be on the side of censorship, and I don't think they were sensitive enough to the fact that that's what they were doing. They weren't coercing social media to censor, but they were persuading them to.
In fact, that's the government's whole argument: we're allowed to persuade private actors to do stuff, in this case censor. Which is true, but that defense fails to acknowledge that the government persuading private actors to censor Americans is exactly what everyone finds so upsetting.
The so-called “Twitter files” were a joke. But there were communications from the government to Twitter/Facebook/etc. quoted in the district court’s opinion in this case that were incredibly obnoxious. Not just “Here’s a list of tweets/posts that we think violate your rules. Can you take a look and see if they should be taken down?” but closer to “Why the hell haven’t you acted on the emails we’ve sent you flagging these tweets/posts for you?” There weren’t any threats, so I don’t think any of it rises to the level of illegal coercion, but it was (as Randal said) rude and entitled.
Nieporent, a publication’s remedy for rude and entitled government behavior is to publish mockery of the government figures who have been rude and entitled. That is even the remedy for actual threats of coercion. As the Pentagon Papers case has shown, 1A guarantees of press freedom protect efficiently and reliably against actual coercion of a press confident in its rights, and willing to defend them publicly.
Also, there is danger in any anti-coercion position which insists that a press free to support government positions is not at liberty to do so, including by supporting positions conveyed by ostensibly pressuring communications from government figures. I do not admire publishers who will not stand against government coercion. But all publishers retain a right to hear coercive-seeming edicts from government, and to elect to avoid trouble by going along with what government says it wants. Or, if it be the actual case, to hear coercive-seeming edicts from government, and to elect to support them because what the government demands is a view a publisher would freely support anyway.
For a publisher to respond in those ways is not an abuse by the publisher of any contributor’s expressive rights. That means that would-be contributors who feel censored by government have only the government to target, and to do that they need to show not just threats of coercion against a publisher, but also government retaliation and punishment for publication of government-disfavored speech. And even that cannot be construed to extend as far as limiting government’s customary and proper agency to change laws governing publishing, such as Section 230.
Once again, all these vexations arise because government blundered in the first place, by passing Secion 230. That enabled and invited the internet giantism which not only makes many would-be internet contributors feel at a loss for publication alternatives, but also over-empowers content-related discretion among a few particular internet giants.
Public policy to encourage diversity and profusion among a myriad of private publishers is the obvious solution. Contributors need more choices. Policy to encourage that ought to begin with repeal of Section 230.
You're a vexation.
You've been refuted and can't provide a counterargument. Take the L, Randal.
The label is "jawboning", not " censorship", so let's at least start on the right foot. Jawboning is when the government forces a private actor to do something the agency isn't allowed to do by law.
No, jawboning is not when the government "forces" anyone to do anything.
It is an unacceptable action that's an affront to the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, regardless of what we call it.
Is the government directing social media companies to suppress selected posts and authors about the Israeli-Gaza war? Is it maintaining a dashboard of disinformation about it? Is it recommending policies regarding which expressions about the war should and should not be sharable or even visible? Is it following up with these activities, demanding responses and status reports on progress? is it holding private meetings and keeping private records not open to the public?
Would any of this sound like it is encouraging and protecting the right of all citizens to speak freely and openly?
This, to me, is the acid test. Can jawboning be legitimately used to shape speech? If so, then it is legitimate for any topic. If not, then it is illegitimate for all topics.
Of course it can. I can't believe this is even a question. The government is not supposed to be neutral on every topic. That's so unbelievably stupid.
You guys are just sad that for the first time in your lives, the government isn't unambiguously on your side.
Of course it can. I can’t believe this is even a question. The government is not supposed to be neutral on every topic. That’s so unbelievably stupid.
The government should not be involved in controlling speech whatsoever. What DaveM describes as “jawboning” is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment.
You guys are just sad that for the first time in your lives, the government isn’t unambiguously on your side.
You’re deeply mistaken. We are against censorship. If Trump got re-elected next year and his administration asked Reason to delete your posts for speaking against those who voted for him, are you going to tell us that it’s an acceptable action, or are you going to cry foul instead? Do you think we would be right if we responded “you’re just sad because the government isn’t on your side for the first time”?
You do not believe in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. Repent.
Roberts and Kavanaugh are the worst kind of totalitarians. Every time a chance to protect the power of what is supposed to be a government of circumscribed and limited power arises , they always come out in favor of undue violations of our rights. Barrett isn’t a lot better.
Yes, we get that the government thinks irreparable harm will flow from not being permitted to censor social media.
The irreparable harm they envision is their failure to impose irreparable harm on the prevailing plaintiffs going into a major election...
The government claimed it was doing important medical research when it refused to treat African-American males suffering from syphilis. You sure like to keep odd company.
Dammit, our candidates need to cause irrepairable harm to elections and public health, it's their platform!
But the government is not making it illegal to spread "disinformation." It's bullying private companies into censoring things it deems to be "disinformation." Not even close to the same thing.
That's cute and all, but hardly legal analysis. The government is free to put out its own statements. This is about its ability to shut down others. In a free society, it should be permissible to disagree with the government. "It's for the good of the public," has always been the excuse for censorship that governments have used for time immemorial.
The claimed censorship jawboning goes beyond health concerns. The laptop and Afghanistan are included in this ruling as well. There's no limiting principle on what the government is considering to be disinformation. It's whatever they say it is at the moment.
Here's the acid test: do you think the government is directing social media to suppress selected posts and authors about the Israeli-Gaza war?
Scratch a Leftist, find a Fascist.
Every. Single. Time.
Exactly. If Congress actually passed a law against disinformation, that law itself would be judged according to the Constitution.
There are circumstances under which such a law's application would be constitutional. For example, if a wildfire is heading toward the hills around Los Angeles, the government issues an evacuation order, and a person goes door to door to tell people it's a hoax and that they should stay where they are.
But that's of course a much more narrow set of circumstances than what Pedo Joe is interested in.
Glad you agree that Roe was wrong; given that it didn't represent the 'consent of the governed' at the time.
You assume that the administration is engaging in censorship, which the Supreme Court is mostly not willing to do just for political advantage. The administration can't be certain what statements they can put out that won't run afoul of the injunction; that seems like irreparable harm. But it may also mean that the Supreme Court thinks the lower court rulings are rubbish.
It isn't.
If you read the opinion combined with the injunction, the fifth circuit’s idea of coercion is so broad that the injunction would block the government from putting out its own statements.
Any statement from the FBI or White House is inherently coercive due to the power they hold, for example.
Any statement on a topic of interest to social media companies would be considered improper “entanglement” with their decision-making.
Any statement about social media policy, such as modifying Section 230, would be "intimating some form of punishment" under the injunction.
Your support for pedophilia is duly noted.
There is very little that is genuine - homophobia, racism, or anything else - in Idihax's comments. It's just all low-quality, edgelord trolling. He's either a 14 year old who thinks this is all hilarious, or a 67 year old whose mind is starting to go the way of his continence.
Then the case should be expedited. It shouldn't be allowed to percolate in the courts for over a year so that Pedo Joe can continue to trample on the Constitutional rights of conservatives.
Same goes for the ghost gun rule, the brace rule, and everything else that that filthy degenerate comes up with.
These right-wing bigots are your fans and target audience, Volokh Conspirators . . . and the reason you will remain on legitimate campuses solely so long as tenure can manage.
Don't fret, though . . . Liberty, Regent, South Texas, Ave Maria (and maybe Brigham Young, Cooley, and Notre Dame) would welcome you to campus.
Your seriousness about the issue is also noted. forcing a vaccine that did not work terribly well and had health problems that were ignored?
It saved millions of lives. I’d call that working.
It's the like one thing I agree with Trump on.
And it didn’t cause health problems, so I’d call that working even better.
@Randal @David Nieporent
It actually didn’t save millions of lives. COVID-19’s fatality rate was massively low to anyone below senior age, it wouldn’t have made any significant difference on the overall statistics whether or not they take the vaccine or not. This should not be counted among the “saved lives”. What it has done however, is increase the risk of heart attack to some young males; it actually might be less risky to get sick from COVID-19 instead.
And among the few that have died (seniors or otherwise), some were vaccinated and some were not. You can’t put deaths of vaccinated people towards those “saved lives” for obvious reasons.
The amount that were actually saved by the vaccine are much, much lower than you think.
Its about the ability of the government to get social media to shut down others, yes.
If by "get" you mean "ask," then yes.
If by "ask" you mean "coerce" or maybe "browbeat".
The government has no right to "ask" social media to censor users. Do you not believe in the 1st Amendment?
They're not the ones promoting nonsensical pseudoscience like transgenderism, Artie. Maybe you should consider the thought that you owe the rise of the modern university to those pesky medieval Catholics that you seem incapable of letting go your grudge against.
Back to North Podunk State University you go.
Yoel Roth makes Idihax's comments credible. Why do you support a pedo like him, Simon?