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Qualified Immunity Meets the Takings Clause
A Sixth Circuit decision holds qualified immunity protects a state elevator inspector from being sued for taking a hotel's property.
The doctrine of qualified immunity is best known - and most notorious - for protecting police officers from being held liable even for many very egregious violations of citizens' rights. The issue came to public consciousness in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd by Minnesota police officers in 2020. But qualified immunity also protects a wide range of other government officials. In Sterling Hotels v. McKay, a recent ruling by the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, qualified immunity enabled a state elevator inspector to avoid Takings Clause liability for shutting down a hotel elevator for reasons not authorized by state law, as understood by the state's Elevator Safety Board. Here is an excerpt from the court's summary of the facts.
Sterling Hotels operated the Wyndham Gardens Hotel in Sterling Heights, Michigan….
On the morning of November 5, 2019, ThyssenKrupp tested the battery-lowering devices and found that they functioned as intended. Later that day, a state elevator inspector, Scott McKay, visited the Wyndham to verify that Sterling had brought the elevators into compliance. But McKay "failed" every elevator, purportedly on the ground that, in case of emergency, the elevators should have been programmed to descend to the hotel's basement—notwithstanding that it lacked an exit. Although the [Michigan Elevator Safety] Board never told Sterling to program his elevators to reach the basement, McKay sealed the elevators that same day. As a result, Sterling could no longer rent rooms on five of the Wyndham's six floors….
Sterling requested relief via email from the Board, unsuccessfully, and then brought this suit against McKay, asserting federal equal protection, takings, and due process claims…
In an opinion by Judge Raymond Kethledge, the Sixth Circuit ruled that qualified immunity protected McKay because there is no "clearly established law" saying that state officials could be held personally liable for Takings Clause violations:
Sterling next argues that McKay engaged in an unconstitutional regulatory taking when
he sealed the elevators. At the time of the alleged taking, however, no court in this circuit had yet decided whether an officer could be liable for a taking in his individual capacity—which is the capacity in which Sterling sued McKay here—and at least one case suggested the contrary. See Viceroy v. Walton, 730 F.2d 466, 467 (6th Cir. 1984) ("Plaintiff cites no case, and we can find none, that suggests that an individual may commit and be liable in damages for a 'taking' under the Fifth Amendment"). McKay's potential individual liability for a regulatory takings claim was not clearly established when he sealed the elevators. That means McKay is entitled to qualified immunity on this claim.
This whole situation may seem laughable, particularly McKay's conclusion that emergency exit procedures required the elevator to be able to reach the basement, even though there is no exit from there. But it was no laughing matter to the hotel chain, which probably lost a significant amount of money - or to travelers whose reservations had to be cancelled.
To my mind, it is entirely reasonable to expect a government official to understand that severely restricting property owners' use of their land without proper legal justification might result in a takings claim. Unlike some situations involving police officers, McKay didn't have to make a split-second decision in the heat of the moment. He could have taken time to check with his agency (and its counsel) about the relevant legal issues.
I'm far from certain that the hotel would have prevailed on the takings claim. While I think this kind of regulatory restriction should indeed be considered a taking (at least in situation where it doesn't meaningfully protect public safety, and therefore doesn't fall within the "police power" exception to takings liability), current Supreme Court takings precedent arguably doesn't go that far.
Because the restriction on property rights didn't involve a physical invasion of the owner's land, did not destroy 100% of the property's economic value, and wasn't necessarily a permanent constraint, McKay's order probably doesn't qualify as a "per se" (automatic taking). It would likely be subject to the vague and overly deferential Penn Central balancing test, under which it might well have been ruled not a taking. But the hotel should at least have been permitted to raise the takings issue.
I would add that the Vicory v. Walton, the 1984 case cited by the Sixth Circuit (it's Vicory, not "Viceroy," as Judge Kethledge mistakenly spelled it), isn't much of a precedent, because it was merely a denial of a petition for rehearing en banc. The ruling on the merits in that case does not address the Takings Clause, but does include a concurring opinion by Judge Bertelsman suggesting that officials can in fact be held liable for Takings Clause claims in some situations.
Whether they be cops, inspectors, or even state university professors (like the present author!), government officials should not be allowed to escape liability for constitutional violations by relying on the bogus, judicially invented doctrine of qualified immunity. On that point, see critiques of qualified immunity by leading legal scholars, such as Joanna Schwartz, and co-blogger Will Baude.
The Sixth Circuit ruling is a reminder that police are not the only state officials who can hide behind qualified immunity.
While the Sixth Circuit dismissed the takings claim based on QI, it denied McKay qualified immunity on the hotel's Due Process Clause claim. Here, there was enough "clearly established" precedent to overcome even the ridiculous requirements of QI doctrine. The due process issue has been remanded to the district court.
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While I agree that Sterling should have been able to claim damages, to my mind this does not remotely resemble a taking.
To start with, nothing was taken. And if you want to claim "the use of the elevators" was taken then what was the public use to which that use was put?
If I put up a wall around your house and refuse to allow you to make use of it, how is that not a "taking" even though I allow you to keep your name on the deed?
Being refused the right to make legal economic use of your own property is indeed a "taking". And the lack of a coherent public use to which the property was put is part of what makes this particular taking unconstitutional.
Every law or regulation restricts how one can use one's property. Is criminalizing prostitution in the state a taking because you can't operate a brothel on your land?
It’s not a restriction here or a restriction there. It’s taking the cashflow from a viable existing asset and turning the revenue off. Like I said below, you’ve eliminated any benefit of ownership that existed. That’s the threshold for a taking.
It’s got to be something beyond just title. Doesn’t it?
But if the cash flowed from the operation of a business that violated the law, is shutting it down a taking? If a brothel operated successfully for some time on your land where prostitution is criminalized, would shutting it down once law enforcement discovered it be a taking just because it was a "viable existing asset"?
Fair question, but in this case (assuming that the inspector was correct in his assessment of the situation) the penalty far exceeds the seriousness of the violation.
We can’t even be certain it was a violation of the law. Those elevations had been inspected many times without any mention of this particular violation.
They were told to install the battery powered system, presumably because it would no longer be compliant. The inspector seems to have gone too far, although I am as curious as others as to why there could be a basement served by the elevators that otherwise had no exit.
I worked with elevator inspectors a long time ago, and they carried around a number of codes, because a given elevator might be covered by several (systems that were replaced went under the current code, while other parts of the elevator might still be under an earlier code). In some cases, an elevator might have to comply with newer regulations even without a change.
83% of the revenue from the hotel was taken for an undefined amount of days. “We will allow you to pay expenses, but no revenue for you’. If that’s not a taking, what is?
Didn’t we sort of go through this with the late, lamented eviction moratorium? Abd didn’t they ultimately rule that having your primary revenue stream shut off was a taking?
83% of the revenue from the hotel was taken for an undefined amount of days. “We will allow you to pay expenses, but no revenue for you’. If that’s not a taking, what is?
But it wasn't taken. Nobody got it.
Look, I agree with everyone that the hotel should be compensated. I just don't think that every government action that damages someone economically is a taking.
I agree that everything that damages someone economically is not a taking. But in this case (as in that of the eviction moratorium) you leave them with title to the property but you remove the entirety of the benefit of ownership. Functionally, what’s the difference between that and just confiscating the property?
The public use is "protecting hotel guests from unsafe elevators".
Only if the elevators are actually unsafe -- as defined by state code.
I'm still amazed that there wasn't anyone to realize how stupid this call was, there was no politician to make a call, heck even the local TV station would run with a story of governmental stupidity of this magnitude.
The government lacky inspector should be fired (ifn he hasn't been already) for cause...
Demanding that the elevators go to an unsafe place in a fire, for 'the safety of the public' is beyond stupid, and something that only a government moron could utter aloud.
A true guardian of the public would have identified the problem and worked to resolve it
Yes, but he has a union to save his job.
My guess is that he is still on the state payroll.
Nothing in the case says anything about a fire.
Read it again: The elevator inspector demanded that the elevators go to the basement - where there was no exit (including a fire exit).
For 'Safety'.
What kind of AA idiot did they hire?
Yet another example of QI being absurd.
The reasoning is:
"At the time of the alleged taking, however, no court in this circuit had yet decided whether an officer could be liable for a taking in his individual capacity"
Notice that the issue as the Sixth Circuit stated it was not whether this was a taking within the meaning of the Takings Clause, but whether person's actions violating the Takings Clause subjects him to liability. That question was determined by Congress when it enacted 42 USC 1983:
This is a very flawed extension of QI, IMO.
It's an absurd application of QI, but I would argue QI is necessary in some limited circumstances.
Allow me to dissent.
Qualified immunity protects government officials from individual liability when performing their actions. It does not prevent lawsuits against the government itself, for the government's actions.
This unfortunately, is the very sort of situation QI was meant for. A government official was doing his job to the best of his ability. The best of his ability was sadly not enough. He believed that the elevators were required to stop on the bottom floor. (Side note...why exactly isn't there an exit from the basement? Isn't that a fire hazard). So, he ordered the elevators necessary to go to the bottom floor. And when the hotel said no, he had them sealed. He believed he was erring on the side of safety.
Was he wrong in the end? Yes. Should the hotel have the capability to sue the government to recoup it losses? Yes (and it does). Should the hotel have the capability to sue the elevator inspector as an individual for his actions?.... That one hurts.
You're looking at ~200 rooms being lost, at a minimum of $100 a night. Realistically...the place has an indoor waterpark supposedly, so $300+ a night is more reasonable. So, $60,000 a day in PERSONAL liability for an elevator inspector who is just trying to do their job. That goes on a couple days, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal liability....It's not like they pay government elevator inspectors $1,000,000 a year. That basically wrecks a guy.
So, what are the effects? Elevator inspectors in the future err on the side of NOT closing the elevator. Sure...there "might" be a safety issue. But it you shut down the elevator, you might end up a few hundred thousand in debt.
I was thinking the exact same thing about no exit from the basement, and it absolutely would be a fire hazard because (amongst other things) how would the fire department ever get into the basement if there were a fire -- it usually is where all your electrical supply is, so if you have a fire, even your firefighter override key won't make the elevators work.
But what I'm really wondering about is why there wasn't an immediate appeal to (a) the elevator inspector's boss and/or (b) the local fire department. One solution would be to tell the fire inspector that you intended to comply with the elevator inspector's order and the fire inspector would freak out, even if there were a staircase out of the basement.
Let them fight it out, my money would be on the fire inspector.
And what Ilya neglects to mention is that while municipalities are considered "persons" under Section 1983, states are not. Hence I'm not sure how you could sue the state outside of state court and some state tort claims act.
But I'd still sic the fire inspector on this idiot. Or the state fire marshal.
The definition of "exit" has a different meaning here. In this context "exit" means "handicapped exit". Just like the upper floors there is probably an exit using stairs. In an emergency the elevators are meant to run using the battery back up. This would enable a person in a wheelchair to use them. If the elevator descended to the Basement a person in a wheelchair would be unable to exit. In that sense there is no "exit" from the Basement.
Upon further reading, the argument made in the case potentially gets worse.
Sterling's (the hotel's) argument here is that there was a due process violation because the individual (the hotel) was not given a an opportunity for a hearing before being deprived of any
significant property interest. And because of that "clearly established" rule, and the fact that the hotel should have gotten advance notice, the inspector (McKay) violated Sterling's constitutional rights. And damages should be awarded.
There's no real notice here about what the "right" or "wrong" decision was...the crux here is that the hotel should've gotten advance notice.
Let's imagine for a second that there was a major safety violation in the hotel's elevators. It was very possible that the next person to use the elevator would have them crash, and kill everyone inside. The inspector, seeing this, immediately orders the elevators sealed.
The hotel sues, arguing it should have gotten "advance notice" that the elevators were to be sealed. And failing to get that was a violation of the hotel's constitutional rights, and it was due damages from the inspector. It didn't matter that keeping the elevators open may have cost someone their life, and that they needed to be immediately sealed. The lack of advance notice was a violation and the hotel was due compensation...from the inspector.
Is this even the right QI question? It looks like they imparted Bivens analysis. Bivens is also about whether the constitutional provision at issue has an implied cause of action. So the restriction is that SCOTUS is careful about establishing rights.
QI, on the other hand has a clear cause of action (Section 1983) and the only question is whether the constitution was violated. QI is about whether the violation is clearly established, not whether a cause of action is clearly established.
As I read this they completely botched the entire framework.
The takings clause is actually in the Constitution.
UnQualified immunity is a judicial invention.So naturally QI prevails, the judiciary are much more protective of their own inventions than any law that gets foisted on them by somebody else.
Ilya, there is no "police power exception" to the takings clause.