The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
The End of Title 42 Expulsions of Migrants - and What Comes Next
Title 42 expulsions caused great harm for very little benefit. Biden plans to replace them with a combination of policies, some good and some very bad.
Tomorrow, the Biden Administration will finally end Title 42 "public health" expulsion of migrants on the southern border, after 3 years and some 2.7 million people expelled. The use of Title 42 caused great suffering for little or no benefit. It was also an egregious example of the abuse of "public health" emergency powers for unrelated policy goals. Biden plans to replace Title 42 with a combination of new policies, some of them good, but others very bad.
Though it is sometimes forgotten today, the ostensible rationale for the use of Title 42 was the need to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Indeed, the authorizing statute is a public health power granted to the Centers for Disease Control in order to prevent the "introduction" of diseases into the United States.
As a public health measure, Title 42 was a dismal failure. The original Covid variant and later ones such as Delta and Omicron all still quickly got into the US and swiftly spread throughout the country, despite Title 42 and other migration restrictions. Public health experts in both the Trump and Biden administrations knew early on that Title 42 had little if any effect on the spread of Covid. But first Trump and then Biden continued the policy for other reasons: Trump as part of his general anti-immigration agenda, and Biden because he hoped it would help curb politically damaging perceptions of disorder at the border.
In this way, the invocation of Title 42 over the last three years has been a particularly egregious case of the abuse of public health powers for the purpose of pursuing unrelated political goals. Conservatives and others who oppose such shenanigans in other contexts should object to it here, too. On top of that, the use of Title 42 under Trump and Biden was also illegal. The power to block "introduction" of a disease into the United States surely does not apply to a virus that has already established itself here on a large scale. Biden and Trump's broad interpretation of the statute would give the CDC nearly limitless authority over immigration, thereby violating the major questions doctrine, and constitutional nondelegation constraints.
Biden's imminent termination of Title 42 by ending the Covid-19 state of emergency is likely to moot out ongoing litigation over the policy. But these legal issues may well recur in the future, as the use of Title 42 in the Covid crisis may have set a dangerous precedent for its future invocation.
In the meantime, Biden plans to replace Title 42 with a set of new policies. Andrew Selee, president of the Migration Policy Institute, has a detailed overview here. As Selee notes, some of them involve expanding pathways to legal entry for would-be migrants, such as a new private sponsorship parole policy for migrants from four Latin American nations, which has already greatly reduced illegal border crossings by citizens of those nations.
But there is also a new set of restrictions on migrants seeking asylum that will make it far more difficult for them to try to obtain it by crossing into the US. I summarized and critiqued this policy in a February post (the actual rule is very similar to the preliminary draft proposal announced then):
The new rule would summarily expel most asylum seekers unless they have 1) been rejected for asylum in a third country they have passed through (usually Mexico), 2) they have used the CBP One cellphone app to make an appointment for an asylum interview with a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) official, or 3) they can prove that an "ongoing and serious obstacle" prevents them from doing one of the above (the burden of proof is on the asylum seeker).
Critics rightly point out that many asylum seekers don't have access to cellphones or cannot use the app for other reasons. Among other problems, it is notoriously prone to various glitches. Even if the app works as it is supposed to, migrants who use it may have to wait months to get an interview, during which time they are likely to be exposed to dangerous conditions in Mexico or Central America.
These and other flaws have led opponents to compare the new Biden policy to Trump-era initiatives designed to bar asylum seekers. In response, the administration points out they have given would-be migrants some alternative options, such as the app, and applying for private sponsorship …. The latter is open to would-be migrants from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Haiti. Trump's proposals didn't include any such workarounds.
But even if Biden's new proposal isn't fully Trumpian, it is certainly Trump-lite. While it does not categorically bar all asylum seekers, it does effectively do so for the many who do not qualify for private sponsorship…. and cannot effectively use the app….
Sadly, the administration has not yet fully figured out that the best way to prevent border disorder is to make legal migration easy, even though its new policy of using the parole power to grant entry to migrants from four nations is a step in the right direction…. If implemented, the new Biden asylum policy will incentivize many asylum seekers to become illegal migrants, as that would be their only way to find relative safety and opportunity in the US.
The new asylum policy is certain to be challenged in court (the ACLU has already indicated it plans to sue), and it may well be struck down, as was a similar Trump policy invalidated in 2019. I won't try to address the legal issues here. But I believe there's a strong argument that Biden's policy, like Trump's before it, violates both statutory law and international treaty commitments blocking the US from expelling migrants who qualify under the legal definition of "refugee."
Like Title 42 before it, the new Biden asylum policy - if it survives legal challenges - is also likely to incentivize at least as much illegal migration as it deters. Just as Prohibition expanded the size of the illegal market in alcoholic beverages, so restrictions on legal migration increase the illegal kind. It's possible, however, that new Biden policies expanding legal pathways will offset this effect of the asylum policy.
Overall, Biden's immigration policies have been a significant improvement over Trump's and in some ways over previous Democratic presidents. But that should not excuse abuses such as his prolonged continuation of the Title 42 expulsions and the new asylum policy.
Finally, it's worth noting that the public debate over asylum policy ignores the fact that even the most generous possible version of current policy is constrained by very narrow criteria for eligibility that exclude many migrants fleeing horrific violence and oppression. That problem deserves much greater attention.
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and What Comes Next
If I'm reading the situation on the ground correctly, about 11,000 migrants a day is what comes next.
Send them to 1600 PA Avenue/Martha's Vinyard/Chicago/Bah-ston......
Send them to Ilya's house. Since he wants them here. Yes; all of them.
Not if you patrol the border with A-10s given "shoot on sight" orders.
Shoot a dozen or so per mile, the rest will get the message.
Ed's back on mass murder. But liberals made him do it.
National defense is not murder.
Ilya is okay if you and I and they suffer in country. As long as he feels good, that's all thar matters.
Oh, Mayorkas (is that his name), between bleatings on how no one’s getting across HIS border on HIS watch, kept referring to people crossing “irregularly”. I don’t know what this irregular crossing looks like, or if there’s another word for it, but maybe they just need more fiber.
It looks like exactly what has been going on for the last 40 years.
On steroids.
If we had started shooting them then....
Every expulsion of an invader was a public benefit.
Another rousing meeting of Libertarians for Authoritarian, Bigoted, and Cruel Immigration Policies and Practices is convened . . . at a faux libertarian blog, naturally.
Carry on, clingers.
Until replacement.
Jerry on Jerry,
until your Celestial replacement
Remember when you wanted Elian Gonzalez to remain with his American kidnappers because you believed Bush would make your life complete??
Nope, I was for sending him back to Cuber so he could lead the life of Poverty J-hovah obviously intended him to have.
I asked my Cuban employees about Elian the other day. They said he's a powerful communist party henchman these days
He gets profiled every now and again in the media…it beats slinging cortaditos in Little Havana and growing up a Marlins fan. Hopefully your employees enjoyed the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims thanks to Bush “winning” that election.
Just because the partisan FL SC was prevented from re-counting until the Democrat won doesn’t put plausible scare quotes around “winning”.
And I don’t give a damn what happened to Muzzies who couldn’t overthrow Saddam or keep out of power Al-Qaeda’s hosts. Same with the Germans who let Hitler in. So sad, too bad. Don't let it be my problem.
What happens next is that we all get what you want, good and hard. And you learn nothing from it, because all the harm falls on other people, while you bask in your moral superiority, and rejoice in democracy failing to determine governmental policy.
There isn't even the slightest chance Biden could have been elected promising a huge increase in illegal immigration, and you know that quite well. But you don't care if democracy is broken, so long as your highest priority gets implemented.
Article 1, section 4: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."
And here we are being invaded, the federal government is tacitly encouraging it, and you're cheering them on.
Use a name: Ilya "Open Borders" Somin.
His parents should definitely not have been let in if this could have been known to be the result.
I gather the other immigrants among the Volokh Conspirators get a pass from you on that point (because our vestigial bigots must stick together as the culture war advances).
Carry on, clingers. But only so far as your betters permit. Being a culture war casualty has consequences.
Jerry on Jerry,
Jerry Sandusky knows "Consequences"
There isn’t even the slightest chance Biden could have been elected promising a huge increase in illegal immigration,
And yet he, Andrew Yang (haltingly in the video) and every other Democratic candidate in the 2020 debate raised their hand when asked if their healthcare plan would cover illegal immigrants-- which was vociferously cheered by the crowd. So... I'm not so sure about that.
Maybe I just don't want to believe that audiences at (D) "debates" fully represent (D) voters, but I do hope they are merely stupid and ignorant and that the ignorance can be dispelled somewhat.
Biden does not control the actions of illegal immigrants. And USCIS has not stopped their work at the border.
This has zero to do with democracy being broken, put down the fainting couch.
And it's not an invasion - there are no guns, there is no occupation. You're twisting words to reflect your melodramatic worldview on this.
I mean, you're one step from joining Ed in asking for war crimes.
" not an invasion– there are no guns"
That's one type of invasion
an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
"stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"
"an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain"
Both fit the current invasion.
You are wrong about guns too:
"PHARR, Tex. (KGNS) - Reports are circulating on social networks of shots being fired at the international bridge between Pharr, Texas and Reynosa, Mexico.
According to those reports, there was a substantial outburst of gunfire shortly before 4 p.m. forcing people there to take shelter. Reports state several people have been shot with three people possibly being killed. Those reports are not official as of yet, but we’ll keep you posted when an official statement does come in."
You're being disingenuous, using what is clearly the word being used metaphorically as literal truth.
Your anecdote does not mean illegals are an armed invasion, either. As you would see if you were not blinded by bigotry.
They're coming with guns, Bob. Ain't that a good thing?
Ass wipe strikes again.
Now explain an "insurrection" with no guns.
They brought plenty of guns to Jan 06. They beat the fuck out of the cops.
You're back to posting badly; I'm muting you for a while.
You’re consistently dishonest.
He took his ball and went home.
He's adopted the ostrich position. Sort of like that one in the kung-fu movie, only even more ridiculous. But note the "I’m muting you FOR A WHILE." Even more ridiculous, but he can't help himself.
Only death on January 6th was an unarmed woman Veteran.
A trained combat veteran
Training helps a lot when you’re a tad over 5′ tall, unarmed, perched precariously on a window sill, and an affirmative action cop substitute cowardly shoots you in the neck.
The "invasion" crap needs to stop. It's not only dishonest rhetoric- it's dishonest rhetoric that could encourage violence against immigrants.
And to be clear, every person who calls them "invaders" is admitting that they know their arguments are full of it. If they had good arguments, they'd never have to use the dishonest and inflammatory word "invader".
invaded; invading
Synonyms of invade
transitive verb
: to enter for conquest or plunder
: to encroach upon : infringe
: to spread over or into as if invading : permeate
doubts invade his mind
: to affect injuriously and progressively
gangrene invades healthy tissue
invader noun
foray (into)
We should all care as much about your perspective on that as you care about ours.
Why are you so opposed to the truth being said?
Just to be clear, I don'y give a fuck what words you don't like.
"Biden does not control the actions of illegal immigrants. And USCIS has not stopped their work at the border."
Tell that whopper to somebody who hasn't shown you the numbers on illegal border crossings time after time. You know as well as anybody that within a month of Biden taking office, illegal border crossings shot up, and never went down again. Nearly three million last year!
Every month since March 2021 has had higher illegal border crossings than the absolute worst month while Trump was in office. You don't compile numbers like that by accident, you have to actively work to achieve them.
Seek psychiatric help, Brett; you have a real mental illness in being unable to understand that "They wanted that to happen and they're acting in bad faith" is almost never the explanation for anything.
"Almost" is doing a lot of work here.
It is the accurate explanation for some things, e.g. Biden's pro-invasion policies. Cheap labor foe donors and more future Democrats: Win-win. (For him, not us.)
Only Bush and Trump tanking the economy has slowed down illegal immigration. I’m so sorry Clinton and Obama and Biden strengthened the economy.
You live in Bizarro World, but it doesn't extend far beyond the vacancy between your ears.
"Biden does not control the actions of illegal immigrants."
Then why did the rate at which they are set loose on the rest of us go up?
Zero acknowledgement or discussion by Somin of what policy the American people might want.
Somin doesn’t believe in consent of the governed on this issue.
Fuck off with this populism or you hate democracy.
People get to advocate for policies they think are good, and call them good policies. Popularity is an orthogonal issue.
Somin pretended to believe the in consent on his post defending HOAs. It’s clear that he doesn’t have much interest in whether Americans consent to his open borders policies or anything Biden does about the border.
Any policy with broad majority support or any compromise policy that tries to faithfully serve all sides would be a pro-America, anti-polarization, pro-government by the people policy. Somin might want to actually decide to care about that sort of thing someday. Apparently not today.
I'm not sure he actually believes in the consent of the governed on any issue, actually.
He claimed consent mattered for HOAs. It’s inconsistent.
But that's not realistic: The proportion of HOAs that are actually created by homeowners is negligible; They're created by developers, then the new homeowners are stuck with them, because essentially ALL new developments have HOAs, despite public opinion about HOAs being mixed, and many house hunters actively trying to avoid them.
And they're not really practical to get rid of, because it takes an absolute majority of the homeowners, not just a majority of those voting, to dissolve one.
Nothing you said is inconsistent with Ben_’s observation that Somin was being a hypocrite when he claimed that consent mattered when HOAs had such consent. What you said merely means that he is also wrong.
Every stupid, 85 IQ biped that crosses the border into the U.S. makes America worse.
At 82 IQ it raises the quotient of Texas by several points
Expelling you would do the same.
If those illegally crossing the border had in demand useful marketable skills they would use legitimate means to enter. There is no shortage of drywall hangers, hotel maids, lawn services, or chicken plant workers.
I don't particularly care how terrible it is where you come from if you have nothing to contribute there is no need for you here.
Now if we are talking about women and children fleeing a war that is a different story. I am more than willing to temporarily take you in until the conflict is resolved.
Trouble with that is that it is NEVER temporary.
Illegals contribute plenty. Lots of economics studies out there about it.
Yeah, because all of the "studies" exclude the costs of their crime, and the health care and educational services that their "citizen" children get.
Oooh, Economic Studies!
Every boondoggle is backed by "economic studies".
My definition of a marketable skill is one you can get paid for, and the clamor for E-Verify from the anti-immigrant crowd indicates they are in fact getting paid.
And to address the inevitable response: when they displace US workers it’s because they are in fact a better value from the employer’s point of view. Offering a higher productivity to cost ratio is a valid, free-market way to be better.
The next argument is that it’s not fair competition because of payroll taxes and mandated benefits for legit workers. That one actually has some truth to it, but the solution is obvious: make them legal and then they have to compete like everyone else. Or even better, have less payroll taxes and mandated benefits.
Criminality is a marketable skill, then. Let's import more criminals.
Aren't we?
I like how the RW loons can't settle on one of "they're taking our jobs" and "they have no skills."
There are none. You are utterly ignorant of how our immigration system works.
There is in fact a shortage of those things.
I’m afraid you are seriously uninformed. Even outside of illegal immigration, even outside of the visa lottery system, there are specialty occupation visas like H1b, the extraordinary ability visa – EB-1, and overall the US still takes in more immigrants than any other country in the world. Not just in one year, but consistently year after year. Only one country in the world ever briefly surpassed the US and that was Germany in 2015 (btw, I’m talking about actual immigrants, not temporary guest workers or temporary refugees in tent cities). So there are countless ways that people with marketable skills can emigrate to the United States. Far more so than any other nation.
He's got his fingers in his ears and is yelling to drown you out.
Nvm H-1Bs and tourist overstays and other nominally legal invaders, the chain migration alone that the USA suffers exceeds anything worthwhile or normal.
Of course we admit lots of immigrants. You have to read words in context: there are no legitimate means for these people to enter. If you are a software engineer, there are means (but there is a woeful shortage of H-1B visas as well — oh, and these are non-immigration visas). If you are a laborer — people who, I assure you, have marketable skills — you have slightly more chance of winning Powerball than of getting to legally immigrate to the U.S.
Without reading the post, let me guess: anything letting more people in is good, and anything restricting people from coming in is bad.
A gold star for you Terry.
As a proud RepooplicKKKunt I only want Cubans that support sacrificing 7000 of our best and brightest while flushing $5 trillion down the toilet to slaughter innocent Muslims coming here illegally.
"Innocent Muslims coming here illegally" is by definition a null set.
As someone who is personally involved in providing food to these migrants in El Paso, and this winter was personally involved in also providing blankets and warm clothing to these migrants here in El Paso, let me be absolutely clear, this is a humanitarian disaster in the making.
Not that any of you assholes involved in creating and facilitating this mess seem to be able to notice any of the trouble unless a tiny fraction of the mess is bused to your doorstep, at which point you howl like you've personally been stabbed.
Oh hay guess which side is preventing humanitarian aid at the border!
Assuming your paeon to humanity is legit, you are furious at the wrong side. Of course you are joined by the actual bigots above.
Trumps performative cruelty wasn’t the more merciful policy.
Hey, yeah, we can pull funds from our Infinite Money Tree and use it to take care of these people. We’ll have double digit inflation but it’s transitory or whatever.
This guy is actually doing something to try to help and you, with your contribution being internet bloviation, are actually dissing him. And he’s a bigot? In your reality he’s demonstrating his bigotry by helping strangers? Astounding chutzpah. You’re just completely messed up in the brain.
Whatever I do charitably, I don’t use it to leverage my Internet comments.
So assuming that’s even true, that gives you the right to berate someone who is down there helping and reporting what he’s seeing? Really?
And calling him a bigot, or bigot adjacent, with no basis at all?
He didn’t even say who he was mad at but you trying to put it on the other side when your side is running border security speaks volumes about your inability to blame the current administration for anything. It’s always someone else’s fault.
But you’ve got lots of company with the hateful bigots on the left. Isn’t that how it’s done?
I've actually enjoyed Title 42 all these years.
a) it doesn't work worth a shit
b) It is a ringing acknowledgement by all the mask-hating patriot hillbillies here that COVID is INDEED a health emergency
Good on you, hillbillies. You make yourselves look stupider by the day.
Watch it. Prof. Volokh doesn't like it when you use language like that to describe the bigoted rubes he courts as fans. If you aren't careful, he will trot out some alleged "civility standards" and censor or ban you.
Unless, of course, you can establish that you are a Republican, conservative, and/or Federalist Society member, in which circumstance he will don his matador costume and wave your comments through.
"Tomorrow, the Biden Administration will finally end Title 42 "public health" expulsion of migrants on the southern border, after 3 years and some 2.7 million people expelled."
That's a pretty good start on being worth a shit.
The COVID crap is just an excuse for doing good work, not an admission of anything, you dumb fuck.
The solution is simple: Machine guns.
Not exactly a nice thing to do ... but then, there isn't a "nice" way to turn away a veritable army of "migrants."
Here's a plot-spoiler of a 1973 French novel called The Camp of the Saints:
Faced with a massive flotilla of "migrants" from India, the French government has to make a choice: do they let them land, or sink them? They choose to do nothing. The novel's author sees this as a tragedy. I imagine Prof. Somin has the opposite view -- it would be a tragedy if military force were used to stop the "migrants." The fact that that would be the end of the United States as we know it doesn't seem to faze him.
From the concluding chapter of James Burnham's 1964 book Suicide of the West: An Essay on the Meaning and Destiny of Liberalism:
I see Prof. Somin & Co. (i.e., the various "open-borders" advocates--people who, in all seriousness, argue that we should not enforce our borders) as arguing exactly this.
This tragic-for-some / desirable-for-others outcome can also been seen in The Camp of the Saints.
Illegal immigration is a chatel slavery racket and Ilya Somin joins the pro-slavery party in backing this evil. Perhaps he gets donations for his work from drug cartels? Even Thomas Sowell has pointed out that visa programs are abused and mostly used by crime syndicates which is what we saw when 9/11 terrorists overstayed their visas and they killed nearly 3,000 Americans.
With Somin being Jewish it intellectually dishonest for him to not only support Muslim immigration to the U.S. but also Ukrainians refugees (so-callled). All one need look up all of the dedications and memorials to Nazis in Ukraine in which the country has the largest selection of them in Europe and we all know what Muslims do to Jews (they kill them).
Then again, what does he care? He probably lives in a nice, posh gated community in the Washington D.C. area and could care less about the people who have to live with the consequences of the policies he advocates.
I think Professor Sonya is better off trying to make his case on general grounds then try to pin it on specific events.
Look, the most efficient way to clear out any kind of congestion is probably to just shoot people or let them starve. But we don’t use the most efficient method because it conflicts with things we value more. Arguing from efficiency goes only so far. You have to connect to some sort of higher value. You could use something other than what you personally value, something your audience values. You could say for example that nations that value immigrants tend to be economically better off. Just look at Japan, which has very strict immigration control, has been unable to replace its aging population, and has been stagnating economically for decades.
If if dealing with that is the Japanese choice, more power to them.
The idea that 330 million Americans isn't enough and we need to import Mexicans etc. is absurd.
Importation is the thing you and your ilk supported a few hundred years ago. We're talking about migration.
I wasn't alive a few hundred years ago and blood libels like yours (such as that the uninvolved of today are somehow liable to provide reparations for slavery) are the province of YOU and YOUR ilk.
Mass immigration is tearing apart the cultural and social fabric of this Nation. But why should Ilya care? Ilya has no roots in this country, and the Koch Brothers pay him very well.
Maybe we expel Ilya as well.
I can't predict what will happen in US courts, however, EU courts have upheld the safe third country rule - the principle that an asylum seeker must apply for asylum in the first safe country they reach, not press on further to apply in the country of their preference (unfortunately that rule is rarely enforced in Europe).
"The use of Title 42 caused great suffering for little or no benefit"
LOL WUT. Yes and water sucks.