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The Difference Between Government-Imposed Zoning Restrictions and Private Planned Communities
Unliking zoning, private communities respect property rights, and do not create major barriers to people seeking to "vote with their feet" for a better community.

I am a longtime critic of zoning restrictions on property rights, which often preclude owners from building new housing on their land, and thereby impede mobility and "foot voting." On the other hand, I am also a longtime advocate of private planned communities, such as condominiums and homeowners associations (HOAs). Critics sometimes argue that this is a contradiction. After all, like zoning boards, HOAs and other private communities also often restrict what owners can build on their land, and this might block the construction of new housing, which in turn could prevent would-be foot voters from moving to the area.
I had been meaning to write a post about this for some time. But my George Mason University colleague, economist Bryan Caplan, beat me to the punch:
When I attack housing regulation, market-oriented economists occasionally push back.
"Do you have a problem with homeowners' associations (HOAs)?" they ask.
No, I don't.
"Even when they tell you what you can and can't do with your own house and land?"
That, I affirm, is the whole point of an HOA.
"Well," the critics continue, "what's the difference between HOAs and local government? If the former can rightfully restrict what you do with your own home and your own land, why not the latter?"
My answer is simple: The difference is that HOAs start with unanimous consent. You can't launch a new HOA unless you get all of the members to voluntarily join. Which is like pulling teeth!
Upshot: In the real world, HOAs are almost always founded not by homeowners coming together, but by the initial developer. How? Developers create HOAs by imposing three conditions of the sale on each and every original owner:
- The buyer agrees to submit to the authority of the HOA.
- The buyer agrees to require the next owner to agree to (1) if they ever sell their home.
- The buyer agrees to require the next owner to agree to (2) if they ever sell their home.
As a result of these carefully-crafted contractual conditions, 100% of the members of the HOA - past, present, and future - consent to belong.
In stark contrast, local governments essentially never start with unanimous consent. Usually you're lucky if they even start with majority support….
Why make such a big deal about unanimous consent? Because anything less than unanimity means that some participants participate at the point of a gun. Picture a massive construction project. 10,000 workers toil side-by-side. What would you think if you learned that a single plumber was there under the CEO's threat of violence? Instead of being a noble undertaking, the project is a criminal enterprise….
The requirement of unanimous consent ensures that HOA restrictions rarely, if ever, violate owners' property rights. It also makes it unlikely that HOAs and other private communities can significantly restrict mobility in the way zoning restrictions do. It is nearly impossible for an HOA with severe restrictions on building to take over a vast area, such as a major metropolitan area or even a good-size suburb. The city of Houston, which has no zoning, but gives relatively free rein to HOAs, is an excellent case in point. The extensive presence of HOAs hasn't prevented Houston from building large amounts of new housing, and featuring far lower housing costs than cities with zoning restrictions. Indeed, the city's openness to consensual private land-use restrictions may even have facilitated new housing construction by allowing those who really want restrictions to create small enclaves for themselves instead of imposing those rules on everyone else.
I expounded on the difference between HOAs and zoning in a bit more detail in Chapter 4 of my book Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom. Here's an excerpt (notes omitted):
[T]here are over 350,000 private planned communities in the United States… and it is likely possible to create many more of them. The variety of organizational forms for private communities provides a range of options for potential foot voters to choose from, and reduces the risk that any one type will dominate the market, leaving potential residents with few or no alternatives.
Critics fear that private planned communities, particularly homeowners associations (HOAs), can themselves become exclusionary impediments to mobility. Like local governments, they can adopt land-use restrictions within their domain, and make it difficult to build new housing, thereby potentially keeping out the poor, racial minorities, and others.
But the sheer number of private planned communities makes it unlikely that they can create barriers to mobility to anything like the same extent as government bodies, which control far larger territories. If some HOAs keep out a particular group, that creates a potential profit opportunity for others in the same area.
Moreover, unlike zoning regulations imposed by the government, a private planned community can only be established with the unanimous consent of all the property owners whose land it includes. That both makes it more consensual than zoning…. and makes it less likely that an entire large region will be covered by planned communities that all work to exclude the same types of people, whether the poor, a racial minority, or some other group. The danger of exclusion is, however, an additional reason for eliminating regulations that require all new housing development projects in a given area to join a private planned community.
In the book, and other writings, I also explain how private communities can actually expand foot voting options, including for the poor and lower-middle class. They can do so even more if we break down barriers to the establishment of new private communities, an issue I also cover in the book.
I do, however, criticize laws that, in some localities, actually require homeowners to join HOAs. Property owners should be allowed to join these organizations or to set up new ones. But they should not be compelled to do so.
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"In the real world, HOAs are almost always founded not by homeowners coming together, but by the initial developer. How? Developers create HOAs by imposing three conditions of the sale on each and every original owner:
The buyer agrees to submit to the authority of the HOA.
The buyer agrees to require the next owner to agree to (1) if they ever sell their home.
The buyer agrees to require the next owner to agree to (2) if they ever sell their home."
In other words, consent in the HOA context is nothing more than a legal fiction.
Why couldn't a local government engage in legal fiction too? Why couldn't they pass an ordinance stating that, by purchasing or using any property within their jurisdiction, you consent to the authority of the housing code? What's the difference?
If it applied only prospectively to people who are choosing to come buy property in the area, you might have a point. But governments work with a large number of people who are already there. You're forcing it on them after the fact. An HOA doesn't start with a developer buying an existing neighborhood and decreeing an HOA applies. They're saying "if you want to buy in our new development, you have to agree to the HOA." If you don't want the HOA, you just don't buy there in the first place.
"But governments work with a large number of people who are already there. You’re forcing it on them after the fact."
Many cities have housing codes older than any of their residents. So anyone who purchased a house within the jurisdiction did so with knowledge that they would be bound. Sure, cities change their housing laws all the time, and sometimes make them more restrictive. But so do HOAs. And its not like HOAs bother with unanimous consent every time they implement a new rule.
"If you don’t want the HOA, you just don’t buy there in the first place."
So too with any town or city and its housing code.
Not always. Towns often annex unincorporated neighborhoods on their borders. In my state at least this does not require any consent of the people being annexed, many of whom doubtlessly chose their location *because* it was unincorporated.
Don't even have to be unincorporated in some places:,_Omaha,_Nebraska#Annexation
That is a rather isolated exception. Every single person who lives in NYC moved here or acquired property here after a zoning law was enacted and with the understanding that the appropriate representative bodies could amend that law at any time. Indeed, many of them purchased their property in reliance on the zoning law, which ensures that their neighbors can't build towers that shadow their backyard or block their windows.
"You’re forcing it on them after the fact."
Yes although generally you are allowed to continue with a nonconforming use.
How is that a legal fiction? Are you really saying that is the only home you can buy?
Of course not. It's a legal fiction because many (most?) people who have ever dealt with an HOA would rather not have one, yet their consent is implied in law based on their conduct of having purchased a house within a particular location.
My point is that this notion of "consent" is equally applicable to a local government's housing code. Like with an HOA, you can always buy somewhere else. So far as I can tell, Somin's distinction between the two is completely illusory.
Consent in the type of HOA we're talking about here is not implied, it's contracted. Signing a binding, n legally-enforceable private contract, versus the absence of such a contract, is certainly a provable, not an illusory distinction.
What, you don't think a willing buyer should be should be able to buy a house from a willing seller, at a price they both agree to, under binding conditions they both agree to? Why? What do you have against capitalism?
Sure, HOAs are a result of contracts, government zoning, the fictional "social contract."
But the distinction Somin is leaning on is still an illusion. In real life, nobody but the initial developer actually consented to the creation of the HOA.
The problem with HOAs is that you require a majority of all the property owners to dissolve them, rather than a majority of those voting. They tend to be preserved by the apathy of those who don't care one way or the other, and the sheer inconvenience of organizing the vote.
But I've talked to may friends who were house hunting in recent years, and, like us, finding someplace that WASN'T subject to an HOA was high on their lists.
OK, so the problem would be solved if New York required that every purchase contract for real property contained a provision that the purchaser acknowledges and accepts the existence of zoning and land use laws?
No, you can't. Because of the way the local governments are set up, there is no place in the entire state of Ohio that's not subject to one zoning board or another. They cannot be escaped.
And as others have already said, even if you find a place that is unzoned today, townships can annex you into their jurisdiction at will. An HOA can't ever do that.
I despise HOAs even more than government and bought a house in an unplatted, unincorporated subdivision, i.e. a colonia.
Having said that, you have made a major category error: confusing jurisdiction/sovereignty with property ownership.
The HOA Nazi developers, bad as they are, *own* the property and telling people to get off your property and go somewhere else if they don’t like it is part of core element of ownership.
The government does not *own* the land, and driving people off the land and telling them to go elsewhere is not what most people consider a core function of government.
PS: I understand that somewhere on the Marxist spectrum people start believing all land really belongs to the government and your house is really just on loaned to you on sufferance and conditional on proper social conduct. If that's you, nevermind, you wouldn't understand the difference between public and private property.
One issue here in Indiana is that, unless the original homeowners actively vote to activate the HOA, it does not come into actual existence despite the language of the covenants put in place by the developer.
"In other words, consent in the HOA context is nothing more than a legal fiction."
In other incorrect words, sure.
Solid contribution as always. Would you care to try to explain *why* you think it's more consensual than a local government's housing code?
Huh? One requires consent, the other doesn't.
Very persuasive, well done.
Yes, it is, because it's provably. So, tell me why you think consent is identical to no consent...for other than frat bro's trying to justify sexual assault that is.
It's the exact same legal fiction, in fact.
So once the original homeowner agrees to join the HOA, it becomes mandatory for the next owner of the property to join as a condition of ownership. So what's the difference between Local Government and a HOA?
The major issue with HOA's is they have power greatly in excess of any benefit provided to the homeowner (in most cases).
Yet he considers consent of the governed to be entirely irrelevant for immigration policy.
As the others have said, the facade of unanimity is pretty weak. But more than that ...
How can any such sale be called a sale if it carries so much baggage with it? Selling property is really selling access to, and control of, the property, yet these conditions obliterate control. It is not a sale under any meaning I am familiar with. It is little different from governments confiscating property for not paying the sales tax rather than treating it as any other ordinary debt, which becomes nothing more than rent.
More than that, how is this any different from Jim Crow covenants prohibiting sales to blacks or Jews?
No, HOAs are the work of the devil, as much as government zoning.
No more baggage than selling the property with an easement on it or selling a property without the mineral rights. As long as it's fully disclosed and the buyer enters into the contract voluntarily, that's not only legal but ethical.
I agree that most HOAs are evil institutions run by petty busybodies with too much free time and a lust for power - but living in one is your mistake to make.
"I agree that most HOAs are evil institutions run by petty busybodies with too much free time and a lust for power – but living in one is your mistake to make."
You could say the same thing about a city with zoning restrictions.
You could. But I at least have the option to buy outside of an HOA without having to leave the state.
There's still "some" areas in Ohio that area unzoned.
So, I can clearly see the first sale being, at the time it occurs, two consenting adults. The buyer wanted the home and the HOA, or at least thought the home was good enough to make it worth tolerating the HOA.
Now let’s say 5000 years and 150 generations have gone by. The last 147 generations have all realized and agree, buyers and sellers, that this HOA thing is stupid and evil. (Except for the HOA president, the great^149th grandchild of the first HOA president.)
How about, after everyone involved in the first transaction is dead, the seller and buyer could agree, by mutual consent, to blow off the HOA thing for themselves and their descendants?
IANAL but isn’t there some no-perpetuity thingy that we could apply?
Property is a bundle of sticks.
condominiumizing property = milling the bundle of sticks into a box of toothpicks
Somin is on quite a roll today.
Are all of these posts really Somin or ChatGPY? Could anyone tell the difference?
If there is anything the downscale right-wing bigots who constitute this blog's target audience can't stand, it is some genuinely libertarian content.
Unlike some professors -- who claim to be "libertarian," "often libertarian," or "libertarianish" in a shabby attempt to obscure their right-wing nature -- Prof. Somin seems to be a libertarian.
Having lived with a private HOA (and even served as treasurer of the Board, I have to STRONGLY disagree with the argument that private communities are more protective of property rights. As HOA treasurer, I discovered that the subdivision developers and their attorneys made a major legal error regarding the covenants on which the HOA was based. Having built the development in three stages, each had a separate set of covenants that differed - in particular, one phase' covenants did not require homeowners to pay dues to the HOA. Ironically, this phase was the one that obtained almost all the *benefits* of the association in the form of paid landscaping around a drainage pond easement.
Under Indiana law, an HOA CANNOT give different members differing benefits and obligations, yet according to the flawed covenants owners in the one phase were given voting rights with no obligation to pay dues. As treasurer, of course, I saw the immediate problem was that we could NOT collect dues from this members in this section, which meant that the ONLY way the HOA could remain legal was to accept that payment of dues was optional for ALL members. I pointed it out to the other members of the board - and ended up off of the board. However, the issue was brought to the Board's attention. My successor, a new member of the board, discussed it with me when picking up my members and agreed that payment of dues HAD to be optional
Flash forward a couple of years. Based on my knowledge and discussion with my successor, I had stopped paying dues. A succeeding Board decided to hire a property management firm to run the HOA business operations, and they filed a suit against me in small claims court. In a pre-trial meeting, I advised the HOA attorney of the problem, and was snidely told that "you need to talk to a REAL lawyer" (which, having a PhD in public policy, an MPA, and having done administrative law work for a government agency, got my hackles up). In the trial, I offered to stipulate to the facts of having not paid dues, but he INSISTED on calling the property manager as a witness, which let me question her. In cross-examination, she ADMITTED that the firm knew of the flawed covenants and their inability to enforce dues on the Phase I homeowners, which basically conceded the facts of my case - which I outlined in my arguments. The magistrate complimented me on my legal arguments and told the HOA they might want to look at a settlement before he issued a decision to keep from losing the whole HOA.
The point is that the PRIVATE HOA was KNOWINGLY attempting to extort dues and potentially put a lien on the property of homeowners despite the legal flaws in the covenants that gave the owners the right to NOT pay dues.
Public choice theory applies whether the coercive authority is public or private. When such authority exists, the incentives are for small minorities who stand to gain more to try to seek rents (literal rents in the case I describe) from those for whom the costs are more dispersed. As Arrow noted in Social Choice and Individual Values, in a dictatorial setting there ARE predictable outcomes from a set of possible distributions, because one can identify the preferences of those dictating solutions. Nickanen showed that bureaucracies work to produce outcomes to their own preferences, not the preferences of the public. This applies to private as well as public regulators - although the preferences of the two can differ (as my work on the CLIA medical laboratory regulations demonstrates). Sam Peltzman, Gordon Tullock, and others have shown that the incentives provided by a regime of coercive control producing rent-seeking behavior and other market failures (as an aside, a seldom noted argument Arrow made in his seminal paper on the welfare economics of healthcare is that government regulation - not just information asymmetry and the principal-agent problem - produces inefficiencies and welfare loss in healthcare markets). Again, these inefficiencies are the result of coercive power in the public OR private sector, although lack of accountability to personally bear the opportunity costs of the regulatory decisions are likely to be larger in the private sector. Lord knows the level of internal rent-seeking politics is MUCH smaller in my current private sector job that in my last academic position, where faculty and staff members were insulated from most of the costs of their petty games - costs which my current employer will not tolerate as the costs reduce organizational profitability and hence come out of the partner's pockets.
Congratulations to you and your raised hackles.
Sounds like you won, so congrats.
But your legal reasoning sounds lousy. You were astute in noticing the problem, that the provision allowing certain owners not to pay dues was apparently contrary to state law. But the result of this would almost certainly be that the provision is void and superseded, and that everyone has to pay dues, -- not that nobody has to pay dues. That's if the issue was thoroughly litigated, though.
Nah, the HOA agreement already had some members being able not to pay dues.
You would need to change the agreement mandating they pay dues. Which would change the contract.
How is that disagreeing with what I said? The court has power to change the covenants, and the likely result would be "no, they have to pay dues too."
What power does that court have to change the covenants?
Armchair Lawyer mentioned Virginia’s condo statute below, so let’s take a quick look there:
“§ 55.1-1914. Validity of condominium instruments… A. All provisions of the condominium instruments shall be deemed severable, and any unlawful provision of such condominium instruments shall be void.”
Pretty straightforward. Indiana surely has the same sort of thing.
This doesn’t just apply to condominium instruments. All contracts can be modified by a judge. This is occasionally referred to as “blue penciling.” Westlaw/TR describes as follows:
“In the US, blue penciling commonly refers to the practice of modifying, narrowing, or deleting an unenforceable contract or contractual provision so that the remainder of the agreement is enforceable. It is often used by courts adjudicating challenges to restrictive covenants. For example, if a non-compete agreement limits an individual’s right to work for a competitor for an unreasonably long duration, a court may reduce the restricted time period and enforce the remainder of the agreement.”
Just thinking about it logically, George said that the covenants did not conform to the requirements of Indiana law. What could that possibly mean other than that Indiana law could be enforced by a court bringing the covenants into compliance?
You're confusing a few things.
If a contract violates state law, the court can deem the contract void.
If a provision of a contract violates state law, the court can sever that provision and declare it void (dependent on the law).
The court cannot change or add provisions to a contract. There is no authority for a court to do that. You suggest that the court has the authority to add a provision to a contract to declare someone must pay dues, when they did not agree to that. That is incorrect.
What's the difference between deleting a provision that says certain members don't have to pay dues and adding one that says they do? Nothing. Sure, the court can add provisions if state law says those provisons are required. The court wouldn't deem a set of condominium docs or affirmative covenants for common property void and leave it at that. Then what, you have a private road and common area ponds that nobody maintains? Even then if it all reverted to some kind of common ownership or easement right, then the default rules would come into play that everyone has to pay a reasonable share of maintenance. They'd proably order that the documents be revised or have a revised set attached as an exhibit. One way or another, the result would be that everyone pays, not that nobody pays.
"What’s the difference between deleting a provision that says certain members don’t have to pay dues and adding one that says they do? "
Functionally, none. Legally, maybe a big freaking difference.
If the contract says, "Everybody but Bob pays dues.", the court can sever "but Bob".
If it says, "Frank pays dues. Herbert pays dues. Louis pays dues." and omits "Bob pays dues.", there's nothing to sever, the court would have to ADD "Bob pays dues.", and if it can't add terms, it has no way to make Bob pay the dues.
This seems like one of those "gotcha" technicalities that nonlawyers imagine can be employed to some advantage in the law, but in reality isn't a thing. It's true that a contract often might be declared void rather than modified in some way. But not always, and interests in real estate are different than other kinds of commercial contracts in many ways. A typical business relationship can just be terminated, and the parties can go their separate ways. Certain real estate interests are appurtenant to the land itself, and not to any particular individual. You can't just wipe some commonly owned property off the map, for example, or do away with the only access road to a community of residences.
Regardless, my points are (1) the court can rectify agreements in many cases, including by adding, or ordering the addition of, provisions that are required by state law, and (2) one way or another, the result here will be that the nonpayers have to pay, not that nobody has to pay.
See Michael's response.
I wish to point out a hole in your story. You claim the HOA sued you in small claims court. There you prevailed by pointing out the flaw in the three different sets of organizing documents that meant that Phase I members did not pay dues; therefore, no members were liable for dues. However, small claims court judges do not issue injunctive relief. Therefore, "losing the whole HOA" was not on the table. All that could have happened is that a judgment either would or would not have been issued against you.
Depends when other members of the HOA realize that they also don't have to pay dues if the court decision comes out...
Here in California, a Small Claims Court judge can indeed order injunctive relief. (It cannot be the only thing requested. But when I've sat as a volunteer judge, I've had the authority to add equitable relief *in addition to* money damages.)
For example: "You, defendant, have to pay plaintiff $250, AND return the 3 tennis rackets to her within the next 30 days." (The order to return property is an example of injunctive relief.)
This is a parody, right? Someone hacked Somin's account and posted a bunch of nonsense.
Don't worry. The other Conspirators will get back to the bigotry, superstition, gun nuttery, and lesbian-transgender-drag queen-Muslim-transgender-Satan commentary shortly. This blog rarely strays from its chosen course for long.
What on earth are these bozo academics talking about?
"HOAs" don't require unanimous consent. They are run by a board of directors, and the board of directors is elected by a vote. The board of directors will have varying degrees of discretionary authority to tell you what you can do with your property as well as the common property in which you have an ownership interest.
Even the governing documents of the "HOA" or the development can be amended/changed without unanimous consent in many cases, to some degree, depending on state law and the condominium statutes (most HOAs are condominiums in many states now).
There is some semblance of unanimous consent in the sense that when you buy the property, you should be doing so with full awareness of and acquiescence to the rules. But the same theory can be said of existing zoning ordinances.
I'm OK in theory with the preference for private planned communities over zoning laws.
In practice they are often a mess, and could be likened to a "HOA Attorneys Full Employment Act."
Did you even read the article? HOAs require unanimous consent to be started up. Nowhere in the article does the author say or even imply that they require unanimity to continue operations.
Ok, I glossed over that nuance a bit. My bad.
Still, the point they are making is weak. As noted, it is just one developer establishing governing documents for a chunk of land. You consent to it when you decide to move there. But the ongoing administration is governed by an elected board and the rules can be changed with less than unanimous consent.
The real difference between zoning ordinances and private covenants is that the latter will govern a jurisdiction that is probably much less than 0.1% of the city/township/village. And that is a huge difference. If the development is 1,000 times smaller than the municipality, that means you have 1,000 times more voting power and voice in what happens there (and usually the ratio would be much bigger). You can also move to a different development across the street, or dozens or hundreds of different ones in the same area, or live outside of one altogether. It is another illustration of the virtues of decentralization and why decentralization is a necessary condition of self-government.
Problem is, the point Somin makes is very weak, because HOAs do not require unanimous consent to change the bylaws of the HOA.
To argue it a different way, you could say that not a single person alive today disagreed with the decision to initially form the government structure that they are living under. All that government structure did was change some of the laws (such as around zoning).
But if you, for example, inherit a house, you also "inherit" the HOA that comes with it. Just like when you're born, you inherit the government structure that you were born into. And both the HOA and government structure can change the laws and bylaws without unanimous approval.
From the point of view of someone who needs a home, there’s somply no dofference whether the fine print in the documents ifentifies the person eho imposes the rules as public or private.
I would be unwilling to buy in a HOA neighborhood in a decent, civilized area. I would only be willing to buy in one in a dysfunctional place like greater Phoenix, where slovenly communities would result without them.
My problem with HOAs is their meddling in people's private business, which no local government would do: suing people over their basketball hoops, garden gnomes, flower beds, radio antennas, etc.
That's nice...except for one thing.
An HOA can change amend its governing documents, and doesn't require unanimous consent to do so.
In Virginia (Somin's home state), an HOA can amend its bylaws with just 2/3rds of its members voting yea. So, you might need unanimous consent to FORM an HOA. But once you have one, you need a much lower percentage to change the rules that govern it.
May you be condemned to living with the worst HOA board ever created.
So does Prof. Somin think Shelley v. Kramer was wrongly decided?
Prof Somin's article demonstrates my view that all political theories have implicit models of human behaviour, and if the model is poor, then the theory will be weak. In this case, he's assuming that either the HOA will continue to run efficiently and with general consent - i,e, that all members vote for the same board - or that regardless the HOA will not change rules in any significant way or that, if they do, buyers will be fully aware of the risk of such changes when buying. Does this sound like how people actually behave?
Somin ought to do a check on his ideology. I suggest going to some area where residents like zoning. Then look around for the HOAs. Such places exist, and during a real estate boom I saw some, while I found myself shopping for a new home.
The HOAs were thin on the ground, but copious in the listings. Nobody wanted them. That at a time when to buy a home in a regularly zoned subdivision you felt like you needed to win a lottery, or at least win a land-rush style footrace. But there was no sense of pressure to buy in the HOAs.
Maybe HOAs look attractive as an alternative to no zoning, not as an alternative to widespread zoning.
Tis is like your bugs on windshields thing, where you think that if you feel something a bunch it's true.
Nieporent, you try to invoke, "feel," when it has nothing to do with the discussion. Is, "feel," what you think experience means? I offer experience. You keep coming back with nothing but ideology. Ideology teaches reliance on run-wild reason in politics. Against that, I'll take experience any day. Politics short experience and long on reason is the method which invented Leninism.
By the way, my first mention of the bugs on the windshield insight was more than 20 years ago. Since then I have seen it echoed time and again, by casual observers and scientists alike. And confirmed as a symptom of serious ecological trouble by ornithological and entomological studies in Europe and North America, which looked at the problem from many directions. Whether or not your ideology finds that unwelcome news, it is happening.
His what now?
Noscitur, I annoyed Nieporent one day when I mentioned car trips through the countryside during the 1940s and 1950s. In the mid-Atlantic region you might have to stop as often as every 20 miles to wash and squeegee the bug splats off the windshield. You literally could not see to drive safely. I pointed out you can make the same trips now and be lucky to strike one bug. In high summer you can drive the length of the New Jersey turnpike and come out the other end with a windshield as clean as when you started.
Likewise, where I lived insects of a zillion kinds swarmed the street lights on summer nights. Every street light. And just outside the insect clouds there were bats you had to look harder to find, picking off the stragglers. I have revisited those very places to see how it is now, and there is no comparison.
Meanwhile, we have far better bird census power than ever before, and every indication is that those bird species which are heavily insect dependent are at levels only about 30% as high as they were a few decades ago.
Scientific studies seem repeatedly to confirm those observations. Europeans have done more recent work than Americans on this, I think, but I don’t follow the science that closely. It’s too depressing. I prefer to use my time looking for pockets and remnants of the former profusion and abundance. Some can still be found—a fact which affords a check on attributing what I say to nostalgia or over-reliance on anecdote.
I insist that of all the warnings about ecological trouble, decline of insects is among the easiest to see for yourself, and one which ought to scare the crap out of everyone. Nieporent can’t stop sneering about it.
He has many firsts, but Joe Biden will be the first President to default on the debts of his United States. YIMBY!
Congrats, Joe, to you and your "six" grandchildren.
According to the Constitution, who is in charge of the budget?
Why don't you quote the bit you think is relevant here?
Ah, that old debating trick - where a rule is derived from two or more prior statements in a document, insist on someone's providing "the bit" of the document where the rule is to be found, even though there is no "bit" per se, though anyone can see that the statements together lead to the rule.
In this case, the sundry powers delegated to Congress in Art 1, together with the powers delegated and not delegated to the president in Art 2 show where budget responsibility lies.
"My answer is simple: The difference is that HOAs start with unanimous consent. "
They "start with unanimous consent" is a weasel phrase, since second generation home owners who buy a home from any of the original consenters must abide by what had already been agreed to.
The second homeowner didn't agree to the original HOA, so it is no longer unanimous.
The initial developeder drafts the HOA Bylaws. The City Council drafts the zoning laws or the SPU rules. The homeowners do not.
I doubt Ilya teaches Contracts but the voluntary adoption of contract term, even if drafted by others, forms a basis, strong or weak, for carrying out the home buyer's free choice (Economists like choice, right) to make an investment (Econimists like investment, right). The direct contract (HOA Bylays) always LIMITS the future development of the neighborhood (only single family homes on 1/3 acre lots, for example). The indirect contract (Zoning laws which do not radically change, for example) always limits the future development too. Buyers deoend on that implied promise.
Practically the effect is pervrse. Ilya doesn't wants to tamper in the free marker of choices set in Land Covenents (non rscist) but he wants to tamper in the free maket (created by the choices existening the Home buyer's) in single fsmily homes in quiet neighborhoodx.
Like a goodj Socislist(?), ilya wants the Goverment to choose the winners (whose neighborhoor choices are validated) and target the losers whose choice of a quiet single-famly home neighborhood is DESTROYED BY GOVERNMENT ACTION to cancel their choice by a
"Seeding" a 4-plex on every third lot or worse actions.
The blatantly ideologically founded mistake Somin touts here can be generalized to the larger economy.
For reasons that escape many, libertarians seem to suppose government—however stable historically; however accountable politically—is always a tyrannical presence, showing imminent signs of running amok. For reasons that escape still more, libertarians seem to suppose giant per-share voting corporations—however led and however unaccountable politically—are mostly benign.
Sorry Somin, but if it’s government the board of directors may be gigantic, but a lot of people like me are on it. If it’s a GPSVC then the board is smaller, and nobody like me is on it. And the GPSVC is likely tampering with government behind the backs of the people like me who are supposed to run it.
That reassures libertarians, but dismays me. Also, I remain baffled about what libertarians can be thinking about GPSVCs.
We need a more precise word. Yes HOA is technically voluntary but avoiding them imposes a number of restrictions on where you can live. It’s like avoiding school zones while carrying a gun.
And HOAs are known to foreclose on houses for stupid reasons. So they are more like a city than not.
More deep thoughts from the wayward Libertarian mindset...
Articles of Confederation Good, because that document required unanimous consent of the states?
US Constitution Bad, because majority rules?
On an individual level, shall we only obey laws that we personally have given our ascent?
Next the big "L" Libertarians will tell us we have the god given right to enter any country we please and take up residence there without the consent of the people. And we do not have to obey their zoning laws. And we can stable our unicorns wherever we please.
Planning to cut up my dad’s old farm for a new gated community. Lots of them already out there, so we need to target a niche market. Some ideas:
1. “Hills of Riyadh”. Deed restrictions: White stucco motif. Owners must wear a hijab or better when out in the front yard or common areas.
2. “The Old Plantation”. Deed restrictions: Southern antebellum motif. Large common area where crops are grown. Say, maybe, cotton. Property owners must help maintain and harvest the common area. This duty is passed on when the deed is inherited.
3. “Kolkhoz Acres”. Deed restrictions: Identical square footage, no fences, everyone has an easement for 100% of everyone else’s land. Landscaping must include wheat. HOA meetings mandatory and include constructive criticism hour.
4. “The Barony”. Deed restrictions: Thatched roofs. Everyone has their own land and can garden it as they please. HOA fee: 5 bushels of produce or 20% of total crop, whichever is greater. Some vaguely specified duties for first born daughters.
Gated community for the unique: Gay Republican scuba diver? Sorry, we already have one of those.
I’m afraid this doesn’t work, Ilya. If the criticism of HOAs is that they limit mobility and the development of privately-owned land, it’s no answer to say that the limitations they bring are at least voluntarily undertaken, or pale in comparison with the broader market. Your point (and Caplan’s) are just not responsive to the complaint actually being made.
The fact is that HOAs do limit options and potentially suppress more “natural” patterns of development, albeit on a smaller scale and in a manner more consistent with libertarian first principles. And – in contrast with zoning changes, where more informed and more broadly accountable elected officials can opt for a better land use policy – HOAs simply aren’t responsive to anything other than the perceived desires of a majority of their members. Which means that they are less likely to take the negative externalities they may impose upon their communities into account. They are, in other words, worse methods of managing land-use than zoning boards, because at least with the latter we can hope for cooler heads to prevail when it comes to (often taken as) contentious changes.
It’s a good example of how conservative/libertarian reasoning can easily go wrong. You’ve written extensively on the benefits of “foot-voting” and the general mobility of people across borders. That is consistent with your general commitment to the principle that people ought to be entitled to the freedom of movement; they aren’t “owned” by any state or nation. On the zoning vs. HOA question, you similarly derive your conclusion from first principles about property rights and the individual right to put one's property to their most desired use, as well as from the freedom of contract.
But the two lines of reasoning lead to conflict with one another, as you can’t achieve the benefits of “foot-voting” and unrestrained use of one’s own property in the HOA context in a manner that is consistent with your beliefs about the freedom of contract and property. You’re forced, instead, to conclude that, when speaking of HOAs, the contractual rights of the founding members control – since no latecomer has a right to buy property from whomever they want on whatever terms they choose. In order to avoid the uncomfortable concession that this means that HOAs are inconsistent with the benefits of “foot-voting” you’ve celebrated elsewhere, you simply glance past the issue.
But the reality is you need to either fully embrace the fact that a rigorous commitment to “freedom” in the HOA context means an inferior policy result, or to acknowledge that poor policy outcomes result from too fastidious a commitment to libertarian first principles, and find a different balance.
Virtually every news story that you read about some flag being outlawed or other rights trampled on, end up being HOA's , not zoning boards
HOA's are created because of a lack of 'TaDa' Zoning
Because people want zoning, even when it sucks
If every house for sale is in a HOA, where is the freedom of choice?
If your HOA is screwed up, it affects your home value and makes it more difficult to vote with your feet
Article written by someone who has never been on the internet and read all the HOA horror stories.
Much much more restrictive than zoning almost anywhere
Zoning should not be able to be changed after a person purchases a property[without their explicit consent]
Existing non conforming should be eliminated as a concept
Otherwise zoning protects the rights of property owners
Yes it is frequently too restrictive, but the answer is never HOA's
Which is why libertarians are fine with "white citizen councils", but not Jim Crow laws.
1. The buyer agrees to submit to the authority of the HOA. 2. The buyer agrees to require the next owner to agree to (1) if they ever sell their home. 3. The buyer agrees to require the next owner to agree to (2) if they ever sell their home.
With this set, you only need to sell it thrice to escape restrictions. You also need to add: 4. The buyer agrees to require the next owner to agree to (3) if they ever sell their home.
Oh, but then you need to add: 5. The buyer agrees to require the next owner to agree to (4) if they ever sell their home.
And so on, and so forth.
This whole article was quite unconvincing. Local tyranny is still tyranny.
I regularly advise against buying in HOA's
I think the issue is in areas that require them. There the potential buyer has no choice.
I think out our home, for example. While we have done nothing that is an eyesore of a public hazard or nuisance, I suspect any HOA would have a conniption with our Kiwi trellises, multiple raised bed gardens in the front and side yard, and our overall efforts to eradicate as much lawn as possible. The 12x16 greenhouse going up in the side yard would probably also be problematic.
I guess my point is when the only option open to you is some place that charges a monthly fee to demand and ensure strict uniformity, it's not like you have a lot of choices.
Quenn almathea - in principle true, but increasingly new developments are MANDATED to have HOAs. In my county, fees imposed on non-HOA homeowners (drainage district charges, etc.) by local governments can exceed HOA dues.
What about property acquired through inheritance?
You don’t have to buy a house in jurisdiction with restrictive zoning either!
Sounds like Somin's argument doesn't apply to mandatory HOA's.
If by "MANDATED" you're referring to mandated-by-law, Somin agrees with you.
Seems that way to me too, it just makes it government with extra steps.
Places that require them are a problem, sure. But I'm watching a housing boom here around Greenville, and if there are any new neighborhoods going up that DON'T have HOAs, they're hiding them pretty well.
It's enough to make me wonder if they aren't being somehow informally "required" even in the areas where it isn't a formal mandate; Enough people dislike HOAs that you'd think there would be a substantial market for housing developments that advertise the lack of one, but nobody seems to be trying to service that market.
Is it possible the mandate is actually being imposed by the banks, or something like that? An increasing fraction of the government's control over society is being accomplished by deniable pressure on private institutional choke points.
My guess is that most people complain from time about their local HOA, and that there may be a few exceptionally free spirits who actively seek to avoid them, but that most people are happier having their home environs governed by a board with local knowledge and connections than by either a state court judge enforcing common law nuisance rules or police and DAs enforcing criminal laws passed by the state legislature.
For myself, I live in a co-op, which has even more power than a HOA, since they own the property and can prohibit transfers of the tenants' leaseholds. I am happy to have both my neighbors identities and their activities regulated by a bunch of people who generally share my tastes and values, rather than by some judicial or legislative authority.