The Volokh Conspiracy
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Chief Justice Roberts's Assignment Dilemma
If Justices Thomas and Alito are dissent, and Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett vote with the progressives, the Chief may join the majority to avoid having Justice Sotomayor make the assignment.
On the current Roberts Court, there are two primary paths to count to five. The most common path is when five of the Court's conservatives vote together as a bloc. When the Chief Justice joins that group, he can use his assignment power to control where the majority goes--especially where he assigns the case to himself. But when Roberts is in dissent, then Justice Thomas can assign the case, even to himself.
The second path to five is when two of the Court's conservative vote with the Court's three progressives (who seldom break formation). When the Chief is one of the two conservatives who breaks lefts, he retains the assignment power. But when Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett join the three progressives to make a five-member majority, the Chief loses the assignment power. Rather, Justice Sotomayor can assign the majority, even to herself.
Thus, there is a dilemma. In a case where the liberal position garners five votes without Roberts, does the Chief Justice hold his nose and join the majority to ensure he can assign the majority opinion, and keep the case from veering to the left?
I raise this point in light of Reed v. Goertz, which I wrote about on Wednesday. During oral argument, it seemed that Chief Justice Roberts was solidly against the prisoner. Yet, he voted with the majority on Justice Kavanaugh's super-narrow six-page decision. Had Roberts dissented, then Justice Sotomayor could have written a far more expansive opinion on the rights of criminal defendants. But by providing the sixth vote--with the outcome already set--Roberts was able to keep the case narrow. With the Chief, I presume most things he does are strategic.
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This is no way to run a country. Let the Justices write their opinions seriatim, like the Supreme Court used to do before Marshall, and like the English appellate courts do (though less today than they used to).
"This is no way to run a country."
Oh dear, may be we won't become the richest and most powerful country in history then.
Opinion games at the S/C are fun to discuss but ultimately do not matter.
Much of the international success of the US is geography: It's big, far away from natural enemies, and full of natural resources. That success is *despite* all the various ways that the US manages to shoot itself in the foot, from racial discrimination to crazy bureaucracy.
"Much of the international success of the US is geography: It’s big, far away from natural enemies, and full of natural resources."
Sounds like Russia, so why weren't they successful?
Crazy bureaucracy? How about the EU?
Now substitute "ethnic" for racial and you have much of the rest of the world.
"substitute “ethnic” for racial "
They have plenty of racial discrimination now too. Ask any black soccer player in Europe.
Martinned was partially correct on the geography but didn't mention we have large, year-round, warm-water ports on both coasts, oceans on two boarders, a narrow peninsula to the south (difficult for invading armies), and rivers and a seaway that are navigable deep into the interior.
the Midwest breadbasket is pretty key too.
When people say "flyover country", they're flying over hundreds and hundreds of miles of wheat and corn and cows and pigs. Nom nom nom.
It doesn't sound like Russia. See, e.g., being invaded by Napoleon and Germany. Sure they eventually came out on top, but at pretty high cost.
That's precisely the sort of thing the Atlantic Ocean handily prevents from happening to the U.S.
It's not a hard concept.
Poland once captured Moscow and held it for a couple of years, The Swedes were involved in that war as well.
3 basis for US success:
1: Geography.
2: Not being trashed during WWII.
3: Economic liberties we've largely lost.
We've largely lost????
These conservatives consider modern America a flaming, godless hellscape, what will all of the progress, uppity women, diversity, uppity blacks, reason, uppity gays, advanced degrees, Muslims, agnostics, Hispanics, academic freedom, Jews, drag queens, free speech, etc.
They hate modern America. Plenty of them are itching for their illusory god to smith America mightily for being insufficiently hospitable to gun-loving, superstitious, poorly educated, roundl bigoted, obsolete, downscale white males.
Yeah, largely lost. Lockner became a swear word among judges, the regulatory burden skyrocketed. You may think that's good, but it's still economic liberties being lost. Crony capitalism has been displacing normal entrepreneurship. Startups aspire to being bought out by major corporations instead of growing to BECOME major corporations
During the pandemic a huge percentage of small businesses died. Why? Because they weren't free to stay open!
Landlords couldn't collect the rent, and the legal system was closed to them. You call that economic liberty when the legal system up and decides it won't enforce valid contracts because of some political dictate?
We are not remotely as economically free as we used to be.
Yours is the liberty of management, and the enslavement of labor.
Lockner became a swear word among judges,
Get over it, Brett. Lochner was rightly decided.
the regulatory burden skyrocketed.
Data? Arguments that specific regulations were unwarranted? Or just blind ideology?
Startups aspire to being bought out by major corporations instead of growing to BECOME major corporations
Yeah. So what? WTF is wrong with that? It's always been the case.
During the pandemic a huge percentage of small businesses died. Why? Because they weren’t free to stay open!
I have no idea what you are talking about.
So, you agree with Brett?
"Much of the international success of the US is geography"
So jealous.
We took all the good genetic material from Europe and left the dregs.
That's largely what educated, modern, successful, diverse American communities are doing to our nation's bigoted, half-educated, can't-keep-up backwaters.
It's called bright flight or brain drain. The smart, ambitious, high-character young people depart shambling rural communities at high school graduation, seeking modernity, education, and economic opportunity elsewhere, never to return.
They leave behind depleted human residue, a concentrating pool of ignorance, bigotry, indolence, gun nuttery, superstition, economic inadequacy, addiction, dysfunction, Republicans, and Volokh Conspiracy fans.
Says Jerry Sandusky from deep in Dum-Fuck Egypt (actually There's "Flight" allright, from the Urban Zoos (not really fair to the actual Zoos, Chimpanzees are much better behaved than your typical Homo Sapiens Chicagous), and Urban Jungles (not really fair to the actual jungles, Gorillas are much less dangerous than your Typical Homo Sapiens Negroid)
Guess it's not looking good for your Commutation Jerry, Senator S-S-S-S-tuttering John Fetterman didn't look like he knew who he was, typical residuals of Electroconvulsive Treatment (NOT Electroshock Treatment, there's a difference)
Frank "See all the White Flight Kids?? Look at all the White Flight!"
What do the data say about intrastate migration?
I believe it says the exact opposite of what you continually claim.
That's weird.
People who can't afford to stay in desirable, high-value states -- and people who are more comfortable in downscale circumstances, and people who seek to follow the sun -- seem to be moving toward warmer, less costly locations.
Smart, educated, high-character young people are still abandoning shambling backwaters and becoming part of modern, strong, educated, skilled, diverse communities.
Takers move to urban Democrat shitholes.
Makers move to freedom loving places like Florida.
Like Chicago? Detroit? St. Louis? Cleveland? Atlanta??
OK, I know Atlanta, Born in Atlanta, went to my first Braves game in 1969 at Fulton County Stadium (now a Parking Lot, the Braves are one group who "Followed the Sun" (to Cobb County)
In the ATL we have "ITP" (Inside the Perimeter) and "OTP" (Duh) the "Perimeter" being I-285. ITP is the "Prestige" areas if you consider it Prestigious to live in a High-Crime-Tax Shithole, yes, John Lewis's district was ITP.
OTP also has a bunch of shitholes, it's not just the Whites fleeing ITP, but as that Great Realtor Josef Stalin said, Home Prices are a Segregator of their own, so the poor neighborhoods you have your N-words/Spics/increasingly A-rabs who can't believe a modern nation tolerates such a high crime rte,
and your Up-scale neighborhoods, White/Asian/with a smattering of Professional N-words/Others
Lots of New Yawk/Bawstun Accents in the ATL (dammit) how many "Klingers" move to fucking Braintree MA??
Frank "Piss on your grave?? try the other one"
I've been hiring, then firing, the dregs offspring of European settlers for years now. They basically operate at the level of Drackman. So to perpetuate the just cause of replacement, I've been hiring brown illegals exclusively. They're serious, work hard, don't denigrate America, don't clutch pearls over gays, other brown people, weapons or homosexuals (again Drackman). Although Ukrainians suffer from the impediment of whiteness, I know for a fact they work hard. They're welcome at my factory any time. Immigrants like Drackman should be studied and pitied, not reviled. If they want to drink Bud Light, I say let them.
Come on, Martinned.
Europe doesn't have crazy bureaucracy? Doesn't have racial discrimination, not to mention centuries of wars, ethnic hatred, etc.?
I thought this was a well-understood basic part of how SCOTUS functions, not some arcane inside baseball mechanic.
Indeed. It was a recurring theme in The Brethren.
I love the part where they let Bill Douglas know he's not a Surpreme anymore.
Yeah, my recollection is that Woodward portrayed the way Burger did it as being somehow unsavory (last minute switches when everyone knew he had been in the minority) but it struck me then and now as a basic part of how SCOTUS works. The assignment power can have dramatic effects on the course the law takes. Every CJ is going to wield it strategically.
Blackman frequently relabels the wheel and then pretends he invented it.
"Justice Sotomayor could have written a far more expansive opinion on the rights of criminal defendants"
But would Amy and Kav join such an opinion? They can just concur in the judgment and Kav could write a concurrence. Then it would be a 3 person opinion of limited precedential value.
I was of the opinion that justices could change their minds -- and the Nobama Nocare decision was written as if Roberts had.
My initial assessment of Sotomayer was that she would cost votes from her side -- she could shave off one vote from her side.
Janitor opines and predicts Supreme Court decisions.
Only in America.
I'm slightly shocked, but I agree with Bob on this. The entire premise of Josh's post is that Kavanaugh and Barrett would somehow be forced to agree to everything in a hypothetical Sotomayor-directed opinion.
Which is not how the S.Ct. actually works.
If Josh's imaginary Sotomayor opinion goes too far, Kavanaugh simply doesn't join it. He writes the exact same 6-page opinion concurring in the judgment. Barrett joins Kavanaugh.
If the justices all go off and write concurrences it can become contentious whether a holding emerges from the result, and if you agree they are not in the error correction business then holdings are what it is all about.
If Roberts had doubts about the decision in the first place, the lack of a clear holding would be a plus.
Someone wrote, "I would have written a shorter letter, but I didn't have the time." Prof. Blackman must have had the time this morning. BTW, I found this post more insightful than most of his, which are so long the insights get diluted by the verbiage.
So it's a bauble?
HaHa! Well remembered, Sir.
orin ed deniro : Someone wrote, “I would have written a shorter letter, but I didn’t have the time.”
Pascal! It's a wonderful quote if you're convinced a large part of any creative endeavor is the editing process.
There weren't any insights here; he described an already well-described process, and did so badly. (He doesn't understand that Sotomayor can't write some far-left opinion just because she's the senior judge in the majority, because doing so would leave her without a majority.)
Prof. Blackman's back on the Supreme Court intrigue beat!
I guess he has recovered from the paralysis triggered by revelations concerning the Thomas family's consumption, association, and financial habits.
I think publishing Ho's tenuous defense of Thomas / Kacsmaryk constituted an "official Blackman response" and got him off the hook. Thus the floodgates are back open....
The Volokh Conspiracy audience is very similar to the Fox audience (with plenty of overlap). It makes sense that the Conspirators would emulate Foxers.
Sorry Jerry,
disgust at Child Rapists crosses all political borders, that's why even if S-S-S-S tuttering John Fetterman was sensate enough to review your Commutation package he'd shit can it.
This would be a good time for Prof. Volokh to remind everyone why he censored liberals and libertarians for violating "civility standards" when criticizing and poking fun at conservatives.
If he has the requisite character . . .
Oh, so now he's "Prof." Volokh???
I thought he was "Bitter"? a "Klinger"?
Cock Sucking doesn't suit you "Reverend"
should stick (get it? "Stick") to what you're know for.
and S-S-S-enator Fetterman actually looks a little better, Electroconvulsive Therapy (its ECT, electro-CONVULSIVE therapy, not electro-SHOCK therapy, like McGovern's (temporary) VP Pick Ralph Eagleton got back in 72')
Actually very effective for Severe cases of Depression/Schizophrenia, done under General Anesthesia, total paralysis (Surgeons hate that word, but that's what it is) except for a tourniquet at the wrist so you can see if a seizure's being induced, Seizure induced with Ready-Kilowatt, seems to "Re-set" the Brain, temporarily anyway,
Well it seemed to work for Randle McMurphy...
not sure if a non-afflicted Senator Fetterman is favorable for your Commutation...
Don't hold your breath, Reverend. Professor Volokh has transferred control of his blog to foul-mouthed, childish bigots who prove many times a day that they're incapable of rational, logical, analytical thought. Just sit back and enjoy the sideshow -- almost as much fun as watching one of Elon Musk's rockets blow up.
Indeed. He even went so far as to post about Paul Revere's contribution to the Supreme Court.
Remember when Roberts said fining you for not participating in a market really was a tax on your market participation?
What a political piece of shit he is.
Nothing Political about it
How is it that I get just halfway through the first sentence of any Josh Blackman SCOTUS-related post and I'm already bored to tears?
Just imagine his current hairstyle
Racist Republicans in the Tennessee legislature (regular readers of this blog, prepare for some news) are in the news again.
It went about as well as one could expect.
OK, Jerry, I know your Therapist told you to get some "New Hobbies" to help you keep your hands (and other organs) off the young boys, but this is ridiculous.
"...Roberts is strategic," i. e., political, which means to us who have had experience with it, politically corrupt. Just as Justice Sandra Day Connor warned us, the work of scurvy politicians.
The file and brief in one landmark case is SCOTUS was assembled and filed by a layman in his own handwriting. As of now that _pro se_ effort previously respected is forbidden and will not be accepted inside those cold and foreboding walls. And why? The justices are so detached from the flesh-and-blood people of this country they are no longer humane, or even human.
No Federal is humane or even human.
Is there a commercially available card deck or video game available for Supreme Court role playing and strategy that I wasn't aware of?
I'm definitely interested.
Justice Alito, who claimed a benefit of overturning Dobbs was getting federal courts out abortion decision-making, voted today to keep federal courts' thumb on the side of superstition-addled anti-abortion absolutists.
Carry on, clingers. So far as your betters permit. You should probably do whatever you can to incline better Americans to be lenient to the culture war's right-wing losers.
It is impossible to imagine, for example, a Justice Thomas, Scalia, Ginsburg, or Sotomayor flipping his or her vote in order to assign the opinion to him- or herself for the purpose of writing a watered-down opinion. One would like to think that when a judge writes an opinion, he actually believes what he is writing.
"It may or may not be true, but isn't it significant that I could believe it?" is some weak sauce.
Excuse me, but what is this article about? A justice in the majority does not have to join the opinion of the court.
If Sotomayor, Kagan, Jackson, Kavanaugh and Barrett formed a majority, then Sotomayor (as the most senior justice) could choose a justice who would write the opinion of the court. But that does not mean that Kavanaugh and Barrett have to join the opinion. They could simply concur in the judgment only and write a concurring opinion. Then there would be no majority opinion, just a plurality opinion, which is not a binding precedent.
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