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The Stanford Disruption: Who Should be Apologizing to Whom?
There have been too few apologies for what transpired, not too many.
Over the weekend, Stanford Law School (SLS) Dean Jenny Martinez and Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne apologized to Judge Kyle Duncan for the disruption of an event at which he was invited to speak at the law school. Some progressive groups and commentators objected to the apology, and suggested Dean Martinez should apologize to them. So who should be apologizing to whom?
Let's step back for a minute and think about the role of an apology. The purpose of an apology is to acknowledge and accept accountability for one's own actions (or inaction). It is about recognizing that one did not behave as one should and owning up to it. Whether or not one should apologize has nothing to do with whether the person mistreated is worthy of an apology. It's about you, not about them.
If you mistreat a bad person, you should apologize to them. If it was in response to something they did, perhaps they should apologize to you too. That "they did it first" or "they did it too" is not an excuse (as we should have all learned in grade school). We should each be responsible and accountable for our own conduct. And if two sides of a dispute both did wrong, then both should apologize.
How does this apply to the dust up at SLS? First, I think it indicates that it was perfectly appropriate for the Dean and President to apologize to Judge Duncan. The school did not adhere to and enforce its own speech policy, and as a consequence Judge Duncan was not treated the way an invited speaker should be. The apology acknowledges this, and that's good. But that should not be the end of it.
More than to Judge Duncan, an apology is owed to the student Federalist Society chapter and those who attended the event in the hopes of hearing Judge Duncan's remarks. Dean Martinez and President Tessier-Lavigne (and the SLS administrators who sat idly by as the event was disrupted) should apologize to these students because it is these students—as members of the Stanford academic community—who were the primary victims of the school's failure to adhere to its own policy.
As the text of Stanford's policy makes clear, the intended beneficiaries of the policy are members of the Stanford academic community (though it extends to "all individuals"), and it is the members of that community who are hurt most when the policy is not abided by. Consistent with Stanford's policy, all student groups should be able to plan events at which they discuss issues of interest to their members, free of disruption from others. If the school fails to ensure these rights are protected, those in charge should apologize for that. As of yet, they have not done so.
The apparent failure of Stanford's leadership to apologize to the organizers and audience of the event suggests they do not fully understand what was so bad about last week's events. Further, by apologizing to Judge Duncan but not to the students, the Dean and President have created the impression that they care more about the Judge's prominence and stature than they do about their own students and the principles underlying the policy. That's bad on multiple levels and I hope it is corrected.
And what about Judge Duncan? As various video clips and the full audio of the event make clear, Judge Duncan also misbehaved. He lost his cool. Both at the event and in at least one subsequent interview, he said things that were wholly inappropriate. However much he was provoked, Judge Duncan did not exhibit the temperament and demeanor we should expect from a federal judge, and not just at the event. Student misconduct at the event may explain why he responded rudely and dismissively to some questions, but it does not excuse it (and certainly cannot explain some of his comments in subsequent interviews). It was okay for Judge Duncan to be angry – I would certainly be mad if this happened to me – but it was not okay for him to act on his anger the way that he did. Thus he too should apologize. Again, that others misbehaved does not excuse one's own misbehavior. By any reasonable standard, Judge Duncan said things a judge should not say, and he should own up to it.
Lots of regrettable things were said and done last week at SLS. There have not been too many apologies for what happened. There have been too few.
UPDATE: Judge Duncan has published an op-ed about in the Wall Street Journal, "My Struggle Session at Stanford Law School." The article provides his perspective on what happened before, during, and after the event. It closes with the following:
I have been criticized in the media for getting angry at the protesters. It's true I called them "appalling idiots," "bullies" and "hypocrites." They are, and I won't apologize for saying so. Sometimes anger is the proper response to vicious behavior.
Whether or not Judge Duncan had this post in mind when he wrote that paragraph, I think it confuses two points: 1) whether it was reasonable (or even proper) for Judge Duncan to be angry; and 2) whether it was proper to act out of anger as he did. As I wrote in the original post: "It was okay for Judge Duncan to be angry – I would certainly be mad if this happened to me – but it was not okay for him to act on his anger the way that he did." Anger may be an explanation, but it is not an excuse, and even if one thinks their anger is justified, that does not mean they should not apologize for acting out of anger.
I will also confess that I hold Judge Duncan to a higher standard than I do the Stanford students, as he is an Article III judge. We properly hold judges to a higher standard of behavior because of their role, and thus we properly expect judges to show contrition for acting out when we might not have any such expectation of others who engaged in similar conduct.
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Duncan had his poor fee-fees hurt. Stanford can apologize to him.
Duncan is a judge. He ain't gotta apologize to no one, nor can we ever expect him to.
But the Federalist Society got what it wanted. Inviting speakers to campus in order to create dust-ups that get passed around ad nauseam among the outrage media seems to be a significant pastime for them, these days. Usually they have to settle for types like Ben Shapiro. I guess at Stanford they can pull a CoA judge, albeit not a very polished one. They deserve a hearty, "You're welcome."
No one has to show up at these events.
And without people there can be no drama
No question about it, the disruptive protesters were useful idiots.
Do you have evidence that the Federalist Society wanted this disruption?
And presumably there were non-FedSoc people in the audience who thought they were going to hear a speech, not witness a disruption.
The Federalist Society has been a forum for these kinds of manufactured outbursts for some years now.
Sure - manufactured by the dogshit throwers. Have any evidence of the federalist students wanting any disruption ?
"Do you have any evidence of a specific intention to follow a continuing pattern that I have also readily observed, but am choosing not to expressly acknowledge, so as to move the debate to the realm of 'burdens of proof' rather than the realm of an objective reality we both acknowledge?"
Oh, and to anticipate your response:
"So you have nothing to support your claims and are just dissimulating now. Got it."
To which I would typically respond:
"I am intentionally choosing not to engage in this particular attempt at trolling."
No my response is that you have observed a steady stream of federalist student events disrupted by dogshit throwers. That is not evidence of a wish by federalist students to have dogshit thrown at them. It is evidence that dogshit throwers like throwing dogshit at their enemies.
And that university administrations do not do anything to deter the dogshit throwers.
"Do you have any evidence of a specific intention to follow a continuing pattern that I have also readily observed, but am choosing not to expressly acknowledge, so as to move the debate to the realm of ‘burdens of proof’ rather than the realm of an objective reality we both acknowledge?”"
That woman's been date-raped three times! Clearly she likes it, or she wouldn't keep going on dates!
Correct! Or why would she walk down that street dressed like that!
This is the second thread now where someone's compared mean comments and shouts to rape.
It's... weird.
It's the standard hyperbole response to any "They were asking for it" defense of bad behavior.
Yes SimonP, great point. Why do these conservatives keep speaking their mind?
How do they dare to hold an event discussing their ideas? Haven't we committed enough violence and aggression against them yet? Why haven't they learned their lesson? Must be they enjoy it.
They invited a controversial figure known for being openly disrespectful to certain minority groups, actively fighting equal marriage rights, and going as far as to humiliate a trans-woman defendant in his own courtroom by referring to her as he/him. He's a Trump-appointed firebrand.
They brought gasoline-soaked rags to a pyromaniac convention and were totally surprised when someone lit a match.
He has different political views from you AND he “misgendered” someone ! Good grief he’s practically Hitler.
He is a bigot. An obsolete, angry bigot. Bigots have rights, too.
The judge should have been permitted to speak.
Stanford should have spoken, too, and without qualification declared his bigotry an affront to Stanford's and decent values. The university should have expressed hope that the judge's interaction with the Stanford community might incline him to revise his bigoted views.
The protesters should have made better decisions concerning protesting.
The Federalist Society member should have made a better decision when choosing a speaker.
Lots of poor conduct across the board.
They invited a controversial figure known for being openly disrespectful to certain minority groups
A federal Judge that decided cases before him adhering to the law and Constitution.
I know that to be a fact, because you are unable to challenge a single ruling.
He does have a history of anti-LGBT activism prior to becoming a judge. It's not like his being a judge suddenly dismisses that history. Further, how a judge behaves in his court and to the people in his court matters.
So is being an anti-LGBT activist so far beyond the pale that you think he should be prevented from speaking to willing listeners ?
And what bad behavior in court are you referencing ? Calling a man "he" or "she" is, for some (probably most) people not a matter of choice, to be finessed according to the feelings of the person referred to, but a matter of fact. No doubt to call a man "she" in court would be regarded by Judge Duncan as a lie. Should a judge lie in court ?
“Manufactured” as in a conservative organization invites conservative speakers, and that is more than you can tolerate.
Come on, stop lying to us. You aren’t fooling anyone. You and your comrades protest and disrupt Condoleezza Rice and Erika Christakis, for God’s sake.
Cunnalingus Rice loves slaughtering innocent Muslims…she would get hard nips when we would take out a maternity ward with an errant bomb.
They had eight of them a little while back on the same day.
Scored in one.
"I mean, we mow them down them with tear gas and water cannons, and they just keep on peacefully assembling! What else are we to conclude but that they WANT it?" Step back and listen to yourself.
And now we're comparing a sitting federal judge who got exactly what he wanted to civil rights protestors who suffered police abuse.
I guess that's a step up from comparing him to rape victims.
Yes, the last couple of days have clearly shown the couch-fainters have now moved way past Nazi Germany: any poignant analogy WHATSOEVER to demonstrate fallacious thinking is off limits. Good grief.
Do you have evidence that the Federalist Society wanted this disruption?
Margrave, they are right now in the midst of a whine festival, which is their usual mode of celebration.
They're complaining about their treatment?
Duncan intentionally played the same bullshit Ann Coulter and friends used to do as a media stunt to get attention, and the Very Important People here are on board with that.
I've lost a lot of respect for most of the Conspiracists I used to have some for, and it is because they play along with horse shit like this. I suspect it is an artifact of careerism in a polarized environment, but whatever it is, they're just increasingly tools.
So you’re OK with the behaviour of the students and deans ?
I can’t speak for Snorkel but personally I expect students to behave like students. I expect university administrators to act like feckless twits. And I expect Federal Appeals Court judges to act like senior judges. So I’m only disappointed by one party in this affair.
I'm still waiting for an example of the judge's "disappointing" behavior.
The protesting students and university administrators disappointing behavior I am aware of.
Duncan intentionally played the same bullshit Ann Coulter and friends used to do
A Judge. Accept a speaking invitation. To a Law School?
The left is insanely scared that a student might hear the truth.
This isn't complicated: liberal students at conservative events can just behave as conservative students behave at liberal events: that is, they can be quiet and the let the person speak.
Put a drag queen in a library with a book and see conservatives politely listen.
Hell, put Kirk Cameron in a library with his bible stories and see conservatives politely listen.
see conservatives politely listen
Because of all those drag queen story hours that have been shut down by conservatives? CNN and MSNBC must be refusing to report those.
There was apparently one in California in 2021, and another in the northeast in 2022.
So it isn't absolutely unheard of.
I guess the law generally assumes that older people (e.g., law students) can handle being at sorts of events that very young children cannot. (Certain kinds of films, performances, etc.) Although, given the behavior of these law students, that assumption is perhaps mistaken.
I'm sure Sarcastr0 will be by any minute now to lecture you about assuming bad faith in people you don't like and don't agree with.
If those students were CHTGPT bots they’d have blasted him from orbit with the Jewish space lasers, then they’d really have something to complain about.
As Popehat ably explains, there's more than enough blame to go around.
You seem to be confusing FedSoc with Turning Point USA.
"The apparent failure of Stanford's leadership to apologize to the organizers and audience of the event suggests they do not fully understand what was so bad about last week's events. "
Or they understand it but are simply cowered and intimidated by the DEI culture that has infected the University.
I don't think they're "cowered and intimidated by the DEI culture that has infected the University." I think they have fully internalized it and are perpetuating it to the full extent of their abilities. They either do not foresee that they themselves might fall victim to it, or are so wedded to it that they simply can't give it up, and will continue preaching it until they themselves are consumed by it.
Where "DEI Culture" is basically just treating people with common courtesy and respect. That's the sort of infection everyone should hope to get. Admittedly, they aren't terribly good and tolerating the intolerant, which is why this judge attracted the protest to begin with.
Imagine someone unwilling to extend common courtesy to others complaining that people wouldn't treat him respectfully.
common courtesy and respect, you mean like: its not ok to bully and shout down those who have differing views? That kind of common courtesy?
Yes. I do mean that kind of common courtesy. But as the judge is unable to provide that level of courtesy to defendants in his own courtroom, why should anyone bother to provide it to him?
You know the guy was never within 100 miles of Duncan's courtroom, right?
If it is "common courtesy" to expect other people to dismiss their own beliefs and comply with yours, does that mean you know you are being rude and disrespectful when you fail to comply with their beliefs?
Anyone that feels sorry should apologize.
If they don't feel sorry, then they shouldn't.
Demanding insincere apologies does nothing useful.
In a vacuum, I don't disagree. But I'm afraid that ship sailed years ago and is now the expected norm. Unclear at this point if we can turn the clock back.
What utility do you see from insincere apologies?
In a vacuum, nothing (as I said).
Under the current state of play, keeping everyone on a level playing field. Apologies, sincere or no, are routinely used to, e.g., justify the behavior of the apologee, and thus the lack of an apology can now effectively be weaponized.
I see.
If you believe that, then I can understand the perspective.
I do not, however, and do not change my position.
If the judge is to apologize, it should be to his 5th Circuit colleagues and the 5th Circuit bar, for not showing a judicial attitude in a situation which required grace under pressure. (assuming he’s guilty; I’m just stipulating he misbehaved, for purposes of my point)
But why apologize to Stanford? They don’t have clean hands, and it would be a bad precedent to apologize to your assailant for allegedly overreacting to the assault.
Kinda lowering the bar on "assault", aren't you?
Ok, "ambush" then.
Is a troll "ambushed" when they get the reaction they seek?
Test your hypothesis. When a university allows someone controversial to speak, it can require the potential speaker to sign a disclaimer form agreeing that the audience can shout them down, and a representative of the college can then come on with a broom to sweep them off stage.
If they don’t sign the waiver, don’t let them on campus. If they sign the waiver, it will show that, yes, it’s what they’re looking for and expect.
I understand the Apollo Theater does this on Amateur Night. But it’s OK because the amateur performers know the risks they’re taking.
If the institution just sends a standard invitation, saying “you’re invited to speak at [place] on [date] on [topic],” then don’t be surprised if the would-be speaker takes you at your word and complains if the programme is deviated from. Especially if the institution has an easily-searchable policy against disruption.
But assuming he's a troll, he can apologize for his trolissness to his colleagues and the 5th Circuit bar. There's no call to apologize to the institution which told him he'd be able to speak normally.
This makes no sense. People already understand that audience members can say unwanted things and this judge in particular attracts that crowd. There's no need for a judge to sign an acknowledgement that people have free speech and might use it to heckle him since he's a judge who gets heckled a lot already. If everyone signs such a thing, it in no way says they were looking to be heckled. You cannot know that from this form. The best way to know if someone doesn't want to be heckled but expects they might be is whatever arrangements they make for the event in advance to prevent it. The judge and the Federalist Society certainly knew this was a likely outcome and had the opportunity to control for it in advance. I haven't heard anything about them doing that and they don't appear to have from what I've seen, so I'm assuming they knew the likely outcome and embraced it.
Meanwhile, the Dean did get up and speak to the students and repeat the school policy. She also mentioned to the judge, in her own way, that his prior actions precipitated the protest. The Federalist Society and Judge knew what they were getting into, set the stage for the protest, and then got pissy when the school wouldn't, what, break out a water cannon to disperse the protesters? Call the police in to rough the libs up?
I specified "a disclaimer form agreeing that the audience can shout them down, and a representative of the college can then come on with a broom to sweep them off stage" - that would deviate from the standard definition of free speech, enough to require a warning. Warned off, many speakers would choose not to come.
"The judge and the Federalist Society certainly knew this was a likely outcome and had the opportunity to control for it in advance. I haven’t heard anything about them doing that"
Are you referring to something like private security to drag disruptive students out of the hall?
Imagine the headlines - "police brutality at Federalist Society event - FedSoc's fascist guards manhandle and eject students - lawsuits to follow."
Far better to stick letters of censure in disruptors' files. That would have deterred many of them because they wouldn't want that in their permanent record.
Yes, you get my point. What was the school expected to do in the situation that arose? Drag people out? Should the Dean in attendance scold the students? Maybe waggle her finger a lot?
A boorish judge gets invited by a boorish conservative legal organization to speak at a school likely to attract boorish protesters. We've seen this stuff from the Patriot Prayer folks too. It's an oft-repeated conservative formula for stoking outrage and making headlines. No one in this story is blameless.
1) The Dean should've made clear beforehand that disruptions would result in discipline.
2) The Dean in attendance should indeed have scolded the students, though I envision less scolding and more threatening.
... I'm sorry, but who do you think I am, that you think I am capable of implementing your idea?
Which is to say, no. Find someone that both (a) cares and (b) has the capability.
That said?
If you'll look upstream a bit, I quite explicitly said the only people that should apologize are the ones that feel sorry.
I sort of agree – if you did wrong you should *make* yourself feel sorry, and only then give expression to that feeling.
Why, did he fuck their spouses or something?
He gave them foot massages
" Both at the event and in at least one subsequent interview, he said things that were wholly inappropriate."
What? Saying, ""Don’t feel sorry for me," he said. "I’m a life-tenured federal judge. What outrages me is that these kids are being treated like dogshit by fellow students and administrators.""?
Seems entirely appropriate to me.
Exactly. We need some chapter and verse on his allegedly inappropriate reaction. The dogshit example doesn’t cut it.
Listen to the audio, dumbass.
Quote something from the audio that you think is inappropriate.
I wonder if Adler will apologize to all the people hurt by his climate religion? Why not?
Because such standards are only applied to other people.
Students who disrupted the event should be expelled.
Faculty members and employees who disrupted the event should be fired.
No apology otherwise needed.
Cancel culture is strong with this one.
Get it? Heckling an invited speaker is "free speech"; punishing such hecklers is "censorship" and "cancel culture"!
I looked for Duncan's misbehavior, and it appears to be mainly using the word "dogs--t". Is that it? Are judges not allowed to use that word?
No, they are only to fling it.
It has been reported he called a student an imbecile, or something similar, for objecting to Judge Duncan's multifaceted bigotry.
I think the time for apologies is long past. Enough. As a taxpayer, I think we should defund higher education (including students grants). Taxpayers should not be required to fund the people who openly hate them or espouse views for views contrary/harmful to their views/way of life, or discriminate against them. Yes, absolute free speech, but not on my dime. Perhaps then, people would be able to fund institutions that most align with their beliefs.
And for those who fret that students won’t be exposed to a variety of views, they aren’t now. This incident adds to an endless list of such incidents, and usually heavily weighted on one side.
I believe higher education, and maybe even education in general, is beyond repair. Scrap it, and let each side build (pay for) their own. Not just school choice, but rather taxpayer choice,
Sounds good.
That's gonna rescind the non-profit status of most current non-profits (including most political ones and many religious ones, including prominent ones like Catholic Charities), of course. All churches will start paying taxes. Sweetheart deals for the Salvation Army will finally be ended.
But hey, I'm willing to see where the chips fall if you are.
Another leftist claiming with a straight face that taking people's money and giving it to someone else, is the same thing as just not taking someone's money. Yawn.
Thanks for proving my point from another thread! Y'all don't need anyone to tell you what insult to use, you come up with them fine on your own!
Are you insulted by someone calling you a leftist? If so that's to your credit I guess.
Whether I'm insulted or not is immaterial. That you intended it as an insult is the point.
Which is to say, it doesn't actually matter to you (or anyone else here) what I say my politics are. Y'all much prefer to assume them.
Actually I would be fine with that too. Let each institution carry its own weight. That said, there is a difference in less money extracted from an institution/individual and payment to an institution from another’s labor.
It'll all come down to patronage from billionaires, in the end. Take that, elites!
Root cause correction: Eliminate the DOE entirely.
Disaffected anti-government, education-disdaining cranks are among my favorite culture war casualties.
These right-wing misfits can't be replaced too quickly.
30 years ago, the Stanford med students would hiss at professors who assigned homework.
It's been a long time since they have held students to any meaningful standard of behavior.
Shockingly, they treat them more like customers...
"Judge Duncan did not exhibit the temperament and demeanor we should expect from a federal judge"
He exhibited exactly what is expected of a 5th Circuit judge.
In Honor of St Patty's day, I'd give a Conor McGregor Apology
"I'd like to absolutely nobody!'"
The saga fucking continues.
I think everyone implicated in the creation or enforcement of the current Stanford free speech policy should apologize. A problem is that it sets up a presumption of asymmetrical expressive rights, which when stressed can only be maintained by disproportionate force. Which is the opposite of the notion of a marketplace of ideas.
Try something like this instead:
Guest speakers can be an integral part of the Stanford experience. To make that happen, all participants must stay mindful that the objective must be competition in the marketplace of ideas, conducted under conditions of presumed equality.
That means that student groups which plan to invite speakers must take care with their choices. Speakers should ideally be chosen with more than an eye to what points of view they may espouse. Guest speakers should be figures with scholarly skills and academic approaches commensurate with Stanford's reputation as a center of academic excellence. Guest speakers should be capable of, or at least notably aspire to, the kind of expressive mastery which characterizes the leading members of Stanford's faculty.
A classical notion useful to evaluate qualifications to speak suggests that debate proceed by expressions of three kinds: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. All three are counted as techniques of demonstration. The skilled presenter wins agreement, or at least respect and audience forbearance, by skilled deployment of all three kinds of demonstration.
That is what it means to command the attention of an audience. It remains the responsibility of the speaker to command that attention, or to enjoy or suffer whatever expressive consequences may follow a failure to do so. Stanford will not force upon the auditors of a speaker any show of compliance they regard as repugnant.
Stanford assures guest speakers an experience free of violence, but does not oppose even vociferous disagreement. Speakers who fall short in terms of inherent authority, expressive ability, or empathic capacity, can expect decorum similar to that which prevails in the British Parliament during Question Time.
Stanford will count any such occurrence as much a success as a guest speaker experience of any other sort. All will be celebrated as successful transactions in the marketplace of ideas.
If they put it in writing, fine.
(I would have added, Stanford has the right to do that, but I remembered California has some law imposing First Amendment standards on private schools, so let’s assume we’re not talking about an institution in California, but in a saner state.)
After reading over this hypothetical policy, let the speaker consider the warnings he’s been given. Let him consult some footage from the Mother of Parliaments to see what he’s in for. Then he can decide if that sort of thing is for him, or if he’d rather be invited to a place which has standard speaking protocol (“you’re invited to [place] at [time] to talk about [topic],” with provision for letting the speech proceed without disruption).
Maybe the Kiwanis Club would be a more respectful venue.
Or if he’s really into being disrupted, he can audition at Amateur Night at the Apollo Theater.
Is it your plan that these symmetrical expressive rights should apply in the classroom ? ie it’s ok for the students to shout the Professor down ?
PS I assume you are aware that Members in the British Parliament who attempt to shout down a speech are expelled from the Chamber for a number of days ? Members of the public who shout from the public gallery are expelled immediately.
Let’s take a scenario outside the university context.
Suppose a Kiwanis Club chapter invites a local family court judge to discuss family law. Just a standard invitation, come at such a place at such a time to discuss your topic. Then the club members disrupt the speaker by calling her a misandrist who oppresses men – “I’ll let you speak, but first let me spend a few minutes telling you what a horrible person you are…”
I suspect that such a hypothetical Kiwanis chapter would get its charter revoked by the national organization.
More coercion, in other words, to fine tune the marketplace of ideas.
Wait, what?
Ken White (Popehat) had an excellent piece on this yesterday (addressing, btw, many of the question and issues commenters are bringing up today):
Hating Everyone Everywhere All At Once At Stanford
Don't Expect Free Speech Disputes To Have Heroes
It's somewhat more ill-tempered than Prof. Adler's polite overview, which if using the same naming conventions, might have been:
Both Sides Do It
Can't We All Just Get Along?
Adler blames both sides while giving some benefit of the doubt to each and calling for one additional apology. White calls out at least five sides that I count, perhaps more:
1) Stanford Law Students
2) Judge Kyle Duncan
3) Stanford Law FedSoc Students
4) Stanford Law School
5) Stanford Associate Dean for DEI, Tirien Steinbach,
...and manages to objectively describe the good and bad intentions of each, while being scathingly critical of the actions of all. He makes it clear that "In the wake of this incident, everyone’s scrambling to find heroes. There aren’t any. Just about everyone sucks....Everyone in this story makes me angry." I also particularly like that he brings receipts, providing a link whenever making a specific assertion (a quick count of 30 links).
Well worth reading the whole thing, but here are short excerpts for each of his five groups.
White's final line: : This is relentlessly grim. Nobody in this story makes me optimistic about America.
The disruptors' wishes are "born of a fascist soul," eh? And this from someone who wants to blame *all* sides.
As I said, it’s a little ill-tempered, but I’m not certain of your point. Yes, he criticizes and blames all parties involved with different arguments for each. But the selected examples I used were selected because they were probably the most attention-getting. I didn’t come close to even summarizing the complete set of arguments—read the whole thing.
btw, check out the comments too. Qualitatively, they’re so much better than most here, including an extended colloquy between Ken White and Conor Friedersdorf (who, despite the “fascist soul” throw-off, seems to think White is letting the Law School students off far to gently). VC once did things like that, back when I first started reading them,
What excuses the bigotry of Judge Duncan and the fledgling clingers of the Federalist Society, in your judgment?
Bigots have rights, too -- but not the right to avoid being described as bigots.
“What excuses the bigotry of Judge Duncan and the fledgling clingers of the Federalist Society, in your judgment?”
You listen so much to the voices in your own head that you seem to confuse them with real voices.
You repeat the same talking points over and over regardless of whether it’s relevant to the comment you’re replying to.
I’ve stipulated (for the sake of discussion) that Duncan is George Jeffreys 2.0. I’ve suggested that the university could have chosen not to let him on campus at all (if California statutes allow private universities to make such a decision).
I *have* objected to the procedure of allowing the invitation, and then ambushing the judge. I’ve said that even if we assume the judge, in a cosmic sense, deserved it, the audience members who set aside the time for what they thought would be a university-scheduled speech, did not deserve what happened.
I even argued (though maybe California statutes say otherwise) that Stanford could have unrecognized the Federalist Society.
If the Federalist Society and the judge are so bad, why have them on campus at all? What’s with the farcical invite-and-ambush routine? Especially if, as some argue, the latter is what the clingers *want*? Shouldn’t you do the opposite of what clingers want?
I realize this is a legal blog, and this happened at a school of law. But was this event really worthy of over 10 posts? Can we just agree that the protesting students acted badly, and the school didn't control the situation very well, and move on? College students acting stupidly isn't really much of a story, and inept college administrators isn't much more of one.
Except that it happens again and again, which does not suggest ineptness on the art of college administrators.
Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action, and two hundred and forty times is policy.
And that plenty of schools have a policy of suppressing conservative, or even middle of the road, views is somewhat relevant to a blog which roams the forests of legal academia, and gets hot and bothered about politicians trying to prevent state colleges from enforcing political indoctrination.
With cries of “c’mon people, you’re just imagining things.”
We’re not.
Adler faults the judge for statements he made about the experience in a subsequent interview. Liberal news sites have falsely reported that the judge called the protesters "dogshit." That's more than a mischaracterization -- it's a lie. Here's what Judge Duncan said: "Don’t feel sorry for me," he said. "I’m a life-tenured federal judge. What outrages me is that these kids are being treated like dogshit by fellow students and administrators." (‘Dogs—t’: Federal Judge Decries Disruption of His Remarks by Stanford Law Students and Calls for Termination of the Stanford Dean Who Joined the Mob ( Adler characterizes the judge's statement as "wholly inappropriate." Says who?
This is another example of the "Deny and counter-accuse phenomena." Judge Duncan owes no one an apology.