The Volokh Conspiracy
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Project Veritas, Exposer of Secrets, Successfully Seals Its Own, Gets Injunction Against Disclosure
"Respondent voluntarily resigned his position with Petitioner and allegedly embarked on a career as an adult film actor and standup comedian."
From Project Veritas v. Thibodeau, decided Friday by New York trial court judge Sabrina Kraus:
Petitioner commenced this Article 75 Proceeding seeking a preliminary injunction in aid of arbitration. Petitioner asks that the court to prevent Respondent from publicly disclosing Petitioner's confidential information and publicly disparaging Petitioner and its personnel, in what Petitioner alleges is a clear violation of the parties' Employment Agreement….
Respondent was hired by Petitioner as a video editor in or about December 2019. Under the terms of his Employment Agreement, dated December 17, 2019, Respondent was an at-will employee.
Petitioner alleges its journalism and news-gathering activities involve the use of secret devices and undercover journalists, who sometimes use pseudonyms to protect their identities. Respondent became aware of the methods and devices used by Petitioner to gather information, the methods Petitioner used to portray the information gathered, and the identities of the undercover journalists who gathered such information.
Petitioner requires in its employment agreements—including Respondent's Employment Agreement—that its' employees strictly maintain the confidentiality of such information, both during and after their employment. Relevant provisions from Respondent's Employment Agreement include:
Paragraph 12 of the which states Respondent will maintain and protect the confidentiality of Petitioner' Confidential Information both during and after his employment; and
Paragraph 17 which prohibits Respondent from disparaging Petitioner or its personnel during his employment and after its termination; and
Paragraph 18 which prohibits Respondent from publishing any information about Petitioner, either directly or through his agents, both during and after the term of his employment; and
Paragraphs 12, 17, and 18 also provide that a violation of any one of these provisions paragraphs would cause irreparable harm to Petitioner, and that Project Veritas entitling Petitioner to injunctive relief; and
Paragraph 26 provides for damages for the breach of said provisions including liquidated damages.
On or about September 15, 2020, Respondent voluntarily resigned his position with Petitioner and allegedly embarked on a career as an adult film actor and standup comedian.
In August 2022, Respondent began publishing a series of videos on YouTube which addressed press coverage about several lawsuits between Petitioner and a terminated employee named Antonietta Zappier. Respondent posted said videos to his YouTube channel under the name "Jean Jacques the Cock."
Respondent published seven videos on August 7, 2022; August 8, 2022; August 9, 2022; August 10, 2022; August 15, 2022, September 1, 2022, and January 11, 2023. Petitioner alleges that in each video, Respondent disclosed proprietary and confidential information. Respondent also blatantly disparaged Petitioner and its personnel (including, mainly, Project Veritas' CEO James O'Keefe) in the videos.
In at least one of the videos, Respondent acknowledged that he was violating the terms of his Employment Agreement with Petitioner.
On August 30, 2022, counsel for Petitioner sent Respondent a cease-and-desist letter directing Respondent to take down videos posted as of said date and desist from publishing any further such videos or other public statements disparaging Petitioner or its employees. Respondent did take down the videos but days later, on or about September 1, 2022, published a sixth video—which, Petitioner alleges is still up on YouTube—in which Respondent mocks Petitioner's effort to prevent Respondent from continuing his conduct….
Petitioner filed a formal request for Arbitration on September 7, 2022. In the Arbitration, Petitioner seeks to enforce the terms of the Employment Agreement and obtain damages and a permanent injunction….
CPLR § 7502(c) permits the court to preliminarily enjoin Respondent's conduct during the pendency of the Arbitration pursuant to Articles 62 and 63 of the CPLR, if failing to do so would render any award in Arbitration ineffectual….
On the record before this court Petitioner has asserted the prima facie elements for breach of contract, and there for has established a likelihood of success on the merits. It is uncontested that the parties have a written contract, and that Respondent has engaged in conduct which violates the provisions of that contract. Respondent's videos clearly disparage Petitioner and its officers/employees, and Respondent acknowledges that his is in violation of the terms of the Employment Agreement on more than one instance in the videos.
Respondent also discloses the technology used by Petitioner to obtain information from sources, the manners in which the information is collected by undercover journalists, and the name of at least one undercover journalist.
Moreover, in the Employment Agreement Respondent specifically agreed to injunctive relief in the event of a breach, and such provisions are enforceable….
A decision granting the TRO and sealing the portions of the filings to be kept confidential will preserve the status quo ante between the parties pending the outcome of the arbitration.
The documents requested to be sealed, concern proceedings relating to proprietary and confidential information belonging to Petitioner that Respondent was only privy to pursuant to his employment as a videographer. Pursuant to the Employment Agreement between the parties Respondent agreed to keep such information confidential.
Under 22 NYCRR § 216.1, the Court is permitted to seal court records, in whole or in part, "upon a written finding of good cause" specifying the grounds thereof.
"New York courts have authorized sealing the records of Article 75 proceedings involving arbitrable disputes since the matter properly belongs in arbitration and the material filed with the court belongs not in the court, but in the files of the arbitrating body."
The confidential information Petitioner seeks to seal concerns its undercover journalistic operations, which are described in detail in the Petition. Specifically, the confidential information relates to the way Petitioner gathers news, the technology it uses, the name of an undercover journalist, and how the organization edits and presents the information it receives from its undercover journalists.
If the court does not seal the relevant portions of the Petition, the confidential information will be republished, which would undermine the purpose of the arbitration.
Petitioner has taken reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of such information, such as, for example, requiring its employees to sign employment agreements containing provisions that protect the confidentiality of such information.
Since the underlying arbitration proceeding is properly before the American Arbitration Association, and there is a confidentiality agreement pertaining to the information at issue, it is proper for the Court to seal the documents as requested by Petitioner. Moreover, there is no countervailing public interest that would be furthered by the disclosure of this information….
WHEREFORE it is hereby:
ORDERED that Respondent PATRJCE THIBODEAU, is hereby enjoined during the pendency of the underlying arbitration from:
(a) publishing videos to YouTube, or publishing statements on any other public forum, which disclose Project Veritas' Confidential Information; and
(b) publishing videos to YouTube, or publishing statements to any other public forum, which disparage Project Veritas and its personnel; and
(c) using and/or disclosing Project Veritas' proprietary and Confidential Information ….
Congratulations to Justin Kelton, who represents Project Veritas.
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Thibodeau should have known that Veritas is a purveyor of reputation-destroying misinformation. (So, of course, does Justin Kelton.) Having signed that agreement, he can’t expect to go around and accuse Veritas of purveying reputation-destroying misinformation.
Veritas is the most accurate news service out there, especially since Wikileaks is no longer really around.
The majority of the criticism against Veritas is they were big meanies or sneakies in getting the information. (never mind that people are gleefully destroyed on social media everyday for indiscretions, often against wokeist etiquette, recorded surreptitiously and nobody cares) Followed distantly by the allegation that people baldfaced saying things plainly on camera somehow is interpreted the wrong way. Very rarely can they claim its outright wrong.
Nope. Much of the criticism - and lawsuits lost - come from deceptively edited videos, etc. They're basically a far-right propaganda outfit who put out just enough truth for the soft-headed to think that the rest is true.
Except there are no "deceptively edited videos" any more than literally any news media offers, given that broadcasting hours of footage is not a really workable option. Veritas contains some of the few actual journalists working today.
Project Veritas fans are Volokh Conspiracy fans.
Which is why law school deans and faculty hiring committees from coast to coast regret hiring Volokh Conspirators.
Do the Conspirators expect legitimate, strong law schools to hire any more movement conservatives and Federalist Societeers for faculty positions?
Hard to argue “deceptively edited” with a straight face when they have put out so much unedited video on their website in response to each and every charge of deceptive editing.
Also hard to take seriously charges by the MSM that PV is deceptively editing anything when you consider exploding car videos, falsified automatic rifle videos, falsified typed memos about sitting presidents, falsified dossiers about sitting presidents, out of context quotes against any Republican who happens to challenge the progressive orthodoxy, fake slogans like “Don’t Say Gay” and “Hand’s Up, Don’t Shoot”, all of which are promoted en masse by said media so long as they hurt Republicans/conservatives.
Yes, their game of putting out deceptively edited videos and then putting out the full thing after a news cycle so any follow-up stories can be ignored as old news/sour gapes is well known.
They lie. And you love it.
As opposed to the MSM's game of putting out deceptively edited videos and then never following up with the unedited video?
In any head to head comparison, Veritas comes out a thousand times better than the MSM.
” They’re basically a far-right propaganda outfit who put out just enough truth for the soft-headed to think that the rest is true.”
No, they are more “muckrakers” like those of 120 years ago — I’m not even sure I’d call them “far-right” as much as opportunistic and going after the low-hanging fruit. Like the earlier muckrakers did.
As to practices — well, what about NBC’s “to catch a predator” where I was always expecting the perp to actually be an undercover cop investigating what his department legitimately thought was a child at risk.
And what about the stuff 60 Minutes used to do decades ago?
Although I don't think I've where anyone (except, perhaps, the occasional criminal defendant) accuse To Catch a Predator of deceptive editing, I've also never heard anyone laud it as exemplary journalism.
They somehow led the perps to believe that they would be able to have sex with a child if they showed up there and then.
I wondered what I would do if *I* somehow got one of those invitations. Yes, I'd file a 51A with child protective -- I am a mandated reporter but I'd do it anyway -- but DC&F has never paid attention to any of the OTHER ones I've filed, and hence I would also print out the email and give it to a police officer I personally knew. An officer who would go to the department's brass and say "we've got a child at risk that we have to do something about" and the end result would likely have been an operation to grab the child and arrest the adults facilitating the rape.
This is not responsive to Noscitur’s point.
It’s also deeply weird to go off into how you’re extremely not a pedophile and in you’re a private citizen anti-pedophile crusader just randomly like this.
Well, try this:
I was merely stating what *I* would do if a 12-year-old made sexual advances toward me. What would *you* do?!?
Answer that before criticizing me -- and while I am NOT some crusader, there also are things that you simply can't ignore if you stumble into them.
Since that offers neither any accusations of deceptive editing nor any praise of the journalistic quality of To Catch a Predator, I’d say it’s still not responsive to my comment.
You mean that wasn't REALLY Obama Bin Laden wading across the Rio Grande???
Thank God for the "Fact Checkers!!" (so you think any of Hunter Bidens "DNA" will be found on the Classified Documents in Senescent Joe's Garag?? (does have a Sweet Vette, probably an Automatic though, no way SJ's able to work a Clutch)
In Rhetoric class I would point to your 'far right' comment to show how dishonest you are.
Either you only hate horrible things if done by someone you call 'far right' or you believe that there are never such horrors done by a non-far-right.
There can be no other answer.
Would you say such a foolish thing about a far-right rape ????
The problem I have with Veritas -- and I told them this a decade ago -- is that they ignore the fact that about a dozen states are so-called "two party recording" states, where all parties of the conversation must give permission to be recorded. *This* is what they have been sued for and the worst part is that they encourage idealistic young people to secretly record without ever mentioning the legal consequences in states such as Massachusetts.
This is wrong and I'd be equally upset if it were PETA or the NAACP doing it -- you don't encourage idealistic undergrads to do things that could get then into legal trouble.
If it's illegal, is it still journalism? Consider all the confidential government documents passed from insiders to journalists (Pentagon Papers, among others). Those transactions were illegal too, but not many people who complain about PV complain about those.
If a reporter or other person claiming to be a journalist solicits or otherwise has prior knowledge that a source is going to commit a crime in order to obtain information they want to report, then they can still be considered a journalist, in my opinion. But they might also justifiably face criminal liability of their own.
In the case of Project Veritas, they are the ones breaking the law to obtain the information if they make secret recordings in a two-party state. Whether they are journalists or not shouldn't matter, to me.
BS , Jason.
I'm with Columbia Law Review
" the right to record attaches even when the recording is nonconsensual and occurs on private property, as long as the material recorded is a matter of public concern and is done by someone who is lawfully present on that private property."
And , Jason, you are a lawyer? I doubt that.
That *may* be NY law, but it sure as hell is not Massachusetts law.
You do know that there are 50 different states, don't you?
I'm no fan of Project Veritas, but your characterization of them is unfair. From their point of view, they are showing the truth, people speaking in their own words. And, it must be admitted that they have "shown the receipts" on more than one occasion. You may not like what they've shown, I might not like it, and certainly the subjects of one of their exposés definitely don't like it, but that doesn't make it misinformation.
Didn't you get the memo? Anything that goes against the Democratic Party narrative is, by definition, "misinformation." I believe congressional Democrats are codifying this as we speak.
Ed Grinberg also believes former Pres. Obama was a Muslim communist from Kenya; that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from former Pres. Trump; that the Jan. 6 insurrectionists were a blend of tourists, FBI agents, and antifa plants; that a secret cabal of Democratic pedophiles is harvesting adrenochrome from trafficked children; that global warming is a hoax hatched in hell (but rampant voter fraud is real); and that a magic fairy man in the sky has the answers to life's important questions.
And he is a huge fan of the Volokh Conspiracy!
Kirkland, look up the ad hominum fallacy -- I know that I'm not spelling it right but whatever -- the basic rule is that when you start attacking people PERSONALLY, it means that you have lost the debate on the issues.
And it thus means that when you might actually *have* a legitimate point (stranger things have happened), everyone will |/dev/null because you've thrown away your credibility by attacking people personally.
I haven't blocked you -- yet -- but you need to stop this....
Name calling sucks, but is not as hominem.
I opine that you are a useless source because you are delusional and bigoted.
This seems to bother you more than your status as a deluded, disaffected, right-wing bigot does.
Hey, don't make me complain to your betters and have them censor you again for being a whinging uncivil prog bootlicker.
If you can't stand having your fringe bigotry and backwardness leavened with a bit of reality-based, mainstream content, by all means ask the proprietor to impose viewpoint-driven censorship. He has done it before. He may be willing to do it again, particularly if you include a vile racial slur in your request.
Like sl_ck J_w?
I’m no fan of Project Veritas, but your characterization of them is unfair. From their point of view, they are showing the truth, people speaking in their own words. And, it must be admitted that they have “shown the receipts” on more than one occasion. You may not like what they’ve shown, I might not like it, and certainly the subjects of one of their exposés definitely don’t like it, but that doesn’t make it misinformation.
fan of Project Veritas, but your characterization of them is the truth, people speaking in their own words on more than one occasion. You may like what they’ve shown, I like it, and certainly the subjects of one of their exposés definitely make it misinformation.
I just wish they'd stop playing Russian Roulette with the 2-party recording laws. There are other ways to document what the corrupt schmucks are doing -- I've done it -- it just takes more work...
And it doesn't give credibility to the cause when your methods become the issue....
(It's the same thing as telling undergrads that no, they can't just take pictures off the internet and print them without a license -- and yes, I've had that conversation, on the far side of midnight, more than once....)
HINT: No matter how late it is, DO NOT go home until the newspaper is actually sent to the printer. Trust me on that....
Maybe several hundred million pictures have been taken off the Internet and printed. Children shouldn't take candy in a basket outside a store but any storekeeper that is surprised that indeed they do take it is a moron.
If the best argument you can muster against Project Veritas is they are exactly like other news organizations that expose others but don't want to out their own sources and techniques, then they seem to be doing a good job.
The Volokh Conspiracy: Where people who disrespect the New York Times and Washington Post while embracing Project Veritas and Gateway Pundit gather.
I was ready to be outraged by the title, but the fact that this is still in arbitration and PV is trying to enforce the terms of this contract seems fine. This is very different than a plaintiff filing a lawsuit seeking to use the power of the state against somebody else and do it secretly.
I hate these kinds of employment contracts, and I would never sign one myself. But they are legal, they are enforceable, and if you are stupid enough to enter into a contract under their terms, you can't later cry foul without legal consequences.
Which is all the way it should be.
I think nondisparagement agreements in general should be illegal as applied to anyone who isn't a current employee. Anything not covered by defamation is either a true fact or an opinion, and the courts shouldn't be in the business of shutting down speech. That's obviously not the state of the law, though.
The confidential stuff is another matter.
Why shouldn't the government allow people to enter j to voluntary agreements not to speak if they decide the compensation is worth it? Do you hate freedom?
I have a real “public policy”, public interest objection to confidential settlements of litigation. IF they were not allowed, we’d know how much the Title IX stuff is costing IHEs for running roughshod over the rights of male students. AND with attorneys knowing this, there’d be more willing to take these often-complicated cases — and that would provoke some real changes in what the IHEs are doing.
Remember the Ford Pinto with the exploding gasoline tank (a mistake that Ford *again* made with it’s police cruiser, but I digress). If they’d been able to silence that, those vehicles would likely still be on the road (and exploding) today….
There IS a greater public interest.
Likewise if an employee knows something that -- in the public interest -- really ought to become public information. Like lead paint in the McDonald's glasses or toxic waste being dumped illegally. Stuff which the public SHOULD know about.
I’m not sure where the line should be drawn, only that there should be a line — somewhere.
Second Amendment notwithstanding, I can't fire my rifle out of my bedroom window -- there are limits to freedom...
So anyone can be pressured economically to give up ("sell") any of their constitutional rights? So a company can require an employee to give up their guns and voting and religious practice, and as long as they pay enough, that's fine with you? Sounds dystopian to me.
Company X wants to offer me $Y to not have a gun. I want to accept because I value $Y more than having a gun. You want the government to send in men with guns to stop us.
Why do you hate freedom so much, slaver?
Why? because who defines what a violation is? THe big guy does.
I signed such an agreement with a bank that was later fined big money for fraud. And I can say nothing !
Enforcing "trade secrets" restrictions and other confidential information regarding other employees after someone is no longer employed should be able to be enforced, I would agree. But a blanket "non-disparagement" clause should not enable prior-restraint, in my opinion. The government should be able to enforce penalties after the fact in such agreements, but an injunction that prevents them from speaking against an employer where the government would then come after that person if they violate the injunction. (I don't know what penalties a court might impose for violating an injunction prohibiting speech, but I certainly would not be okay with it being treated as a criminal matter.)
Right, that's what I was trying to ask, but you put it much better. I note from the quoted opinion that New York has a law that specifically addresses the use of prior restraint in this situation:
"CPLR § 7502(c) permits the court to preliminarily enjoin Respondent's conduct during the pendency of the Arbitration pursuant to Articles 62 and 63 of the CPLR, if failing to do so would render any award in Arbitration ineffectual…."
“An adult film actor and stand up comedian”…..”Jean Jacques the Cock”. Sounds like a messed up guy.
Even so, a contract is a contract. Good luck getting someone like this guy to comply, even with a court order.
I googled him by his porn star name and got plenty of hits, including the information that his specialty is gay porn and the news that he was arrested in Boca Raton for something but I was afraid to click on any links for fear of what I’d see.
Vandalizing a car -- criminal mischief and resisting arrest. -- it's a humorous article.
But what I noticed was that he was the digital director of the Connecticut Republican Party from January 2018 to December 2019.
Jean Jacques . . . coming soon to the Volokh Conspiracy?
The non-disparagement injunction seems overbroad. There is an adequate remedy at law.
" Respondent began publishing a series of videos on YouTube which addressed press coverage about several lawsuits between Petitioner and a terminated employee named Antonietta Zappier"
I fail to see how *this* could be prohibited -- and I'm not sure the Judge's order actually did.
Confidentiality, fine. Likewise non-disparagement. But once something is in the press, what the press said is in the public domain and while you can't confirm it, I don't see why you can't mention it. Likewise litigation.
Yes, it depends what else he may have said on the videos, but I can't see how a gag order like this isn't contrary to public policy.
The reason for the lawsuit is in the next paragraph down:
"Petitioner alleges that in each video, Respondent disclosed proprietary and confidential information."
And there was at least enough support for PV's allegations in the sealed material to get the judge to agree.
What happens if someone targeted by Veritas sues for libel, and subpoenas this guy as a witness to testify to Veritas' "journalism and news-gathering activities [which] involve the use of secret devices and undercover journalists, who sometimes use pseudonyms to protect their identities?" Does an actual court go along with sealing everything because of an arbitration clause and confidentiality agreement?
A terminated employee named Antonietta Zappier already *is* suing, and while I doubt he’d be a credible witness, her attorneys would be stupid not to at least depose him.
And you are right — and then what happens???
Or say that a 2-party state DA has a grand jury investigating PV for illegal recording and calls him to testify?
(As an aside to the issues which illegal recording can raise, google "fistgate" -- and what complicated things there was that the illegally recorded tape was played on a radio station, and then made national news based on the content.)
PV challenges his relevance to the suit. If he's relevant, his depo goes ahead. If not relevant, it doesn't.
Then PV files to limit the depo to relevant issues. He's deposed on the relevant issues. Irrelevant questions are challenged. Depo may be sealed or redacted.
If he talks to the lawyers about PV outside of discovery, he's still liable under his contract.
No. A confidentiality agreement — a private agreement between parties — is superseded by a subpoena — a form of court order.
Most well-drafted confidentiality agreements will provide for how to handle a subpoena: the person bound by the agreement who receives the order should immediately notify the other party, giving the other party sufficient time to go to court to quash the subpoena if desired. But unless a court does quash the subpoena, the person who is subpoenaed must testify.
But what about NOW when there is a court order?
Well, he wouldn’t get very far. PV’s whole thing is to “show” rather than “tell.” They don’t put up a post saying: Politician X sells poison milk to schoolchildren. They put up a video of Politician X bragging about how much money he’s making selling poison milk to schoolchildren. (Whereupon Politician X gets his buddies in the District Attorney’s office to prosecute them for something or other, while the New York Times applauds.)
I am not an attorney but have had attorneys tell me that "deposition can be a b*tch" -- that lots of stuff can come out. And as to the legitimacy of libel suits, that doesn't mean they can't be filed -- e.g.
Why does a court order like this not constitute a prior restraint violation of 1A? I understand there are contracts involved, but do they trump 1A protections? Not asking a rhetorical question, genuinely curious.
The First Amendment limits government restrictions on private speech. This contract is a (nominally) voluntary agreement between private entities, so it's not limited by the First Amendment. This kind of order is only a court enforcing a contract.
The question then becomes whether a court can enforce a private contract when it couldn't impose that remedy under any other circumstance. Could a court enforce a contract I signed saying that my employer can flog me if I break company rules? In other words, which of your fundamental rights and to what degree can you sign them away in a contract and still have the government enforce that contract?
Thanks for the response. Yes, I understand that 1A doesn't apply to Project Veritas. But it does apply to the court, doesn't it? It is the court issuing a speech restriction. I understand that the court can punish Thibodeau for breach of contract after the fact, but how is it not prevented by 1A from issuing a prior restraint on Thibodeau's speech?
No, the court is only ordering someone to abide by a speech restriction they already agreed to in a private contract.
Prior restraint regarding defamation is generally not permitted, from what I understand. I would like you to answer my question as to what constitutional protections against government action you can sign away in a contract with a private party.
It’s not defamation that this ruling addresses. It’s the revelation of anonymous employee names and trade secrets. Irreparable harm and all.
It's not only defamation that this ruling addresses. Apologies for repeating what I wrote below but clauses a and c of the decision are defensible. Clause b, on the other hand, is explicitly and only about disparagement. I don't see how that one part of the decision can be sustained.
Most of the ones involving private action? You can contractually agree not to speak, not to possess a gun, not to exclude someone from your property… about the only ones you can't contract away are slavery and things that would entangle the government in religion. (For example, an agreement to practice a particular religion could not be enforced because the government would have to decide what constitutes practice of that religion, which it cannot do.)
Worth noting that you can also waive most of your rights against the government too: you can waive a jury trial, your right to remain silent, your speedy trial rights, your right to counsel…
I see, in this case Thibodeau agreed contractually that the government could in fact enjoin his speech on the subjects covered by the contract. It's interesting that slavery or religion are rights that cannot be contracted away. Why would entangling government in religion be worse than forcing government to issue a prior restraint on speech?
For the reasons David Nieporent said: we don’t find government interpreting speech objectionable in the same way we find it objectionable for the government to interpret religious doctrine.
Something that can be defined in purely secular terms might be fine—you probably could, for instance, contract to attend services at a specific church every Sunday, or agree not to serve food that isn’t certified by a particular rabbinical authority. But an agreement to do something like “worship in accordance with Catholic doctrine” or “follow a kosher diet” would require an enforcing court to first determine what Catholic doctrine requires, or what kosher rules do or don’t allow, which we don’t allow them to do. By contrast, we don’t have the equivalent concerns with a court determining whether a given statement is disparaging or discloses a particular piece of information.
Okay, thank you. Makes sense.
I knew before I even clicked on the comments that the usual suspects would be spilling all their ink whining about the terms of the contract the defendant voluntarily entered into, rather than discussing the case itself. What must it be like to be such an automaton?
I'm not sure what you see, but the vast majority of the comments agree this is a legit contract.
Though you calling everyone sheeple was a pretty good 50-50 bet.
Do you understand someone can agree a contract is legal while still disliking the terms the parties voluntarily chose to enter into? That is what my post was about. And I never quantified the “usual suspects” so I’m not sure what you think invoking “the vast majority of comments” is supposed to achieve. Please either read more carefully or resist the urge to reply to my posts.
What a slow day at the VC. Maybe EV should create an open thread Saturday.
This is every day at the Volokh Conspiracy, which has become a repetitive, polemical, low-grade, hard-right clustermuck.
The most repetitive part of VC by far are your comments. Can you say something different occasionally, just to break the tedium?
I respond to the posts; it is difficult to avoid being repetitive when responding to the predictable, polemical posts from what is now mostly two or three Conspirators.
When Prof. Somin tries to throw some genuine libertarianism in the mix, faux libertarian right-wingers do nothing but rail and flail.
I’ll probably never be comfortable that I know the truth about PV because they’re so deep into the political world that finding an unbiased source discussing them will be harder to find than a unicorn.
But given what they do I can see why their people need anonymity. I assume that was the basis of the judge’s decision. The headline writer calling the anonymous nature of their employees PV’s “secrets” is stretching the analogy quite a bit.
Clauses a and c seem quite reasonable. I'm not sure how clause b (no disparagement) can be sustained, though.
Ummm, Hannah Giles discussed going through the South Bronx *in* said prostitute outfit...
Snopes? Alex Jones too factual for you?
Pure ad hominem. You probably didn't even click on the link to engage with the material.
A sure sign you don't care at all about what's real, but what feels real to you.
You did see that the first critique is from the Blaze, right?
Alana Goodman did a good job picking apart Snopes a few years back and that was the end of me giving it any credibility.
Didn't' I just take you to task for making an ad home and not engaging with content yesterday?
Are you paid to make these comments or do you just have absolutely zero self-awareness?
That is as hominem.
I click through to Breitbart to explain how they are lying and distorting. I search to see how others explain Veritas videos are wrong, I don’t just say ‘Veritas therefore it doesn’t matter.’
If Snopes is lying or distorting here explain how, don’t cite some rand and move on.