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Jacob Mchangama: "Privileging Blasphemy Norms Over Open Inquiry Plays Into the Hands of Religious Fundamentalists"
A broader perspective on the Hamline controversy.
I'm delighted to pass along this item from free speech historian Jacob Mchangama, author of Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media, head of the Justitia think tank, and a senior fellow at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression:
Hamline University has received considerable backlash for not renewing the employment of a scholar who showed an allegedly "Islamophobic" image of the Prophet Muhammad during an art history class. The university did so, even though the adjunct professor gave ample warnings before and during the class that the image would be shown.
According to an email sent to faculty and students co-signed by the university's president, respect for Muslim students "should have superseded academic freedom."
This is dangerous, particularly for Muslims. By internalizing religious blasphemy norms Hamline has not only repudiated academic freedom, but also played into the hands of religious fundamentalists whose main victims are the very Muslims that Hamline says it wants to protect. The furor caused Hamline´s Board of Trustees to issue a statement on January 13th in which it promises to review its policies with a view to "Upholding academic freedom and fostering an inclusive, respectful learning environment for our students are both required to fulfill our Mission". That Hamline is reviewing its policies and seeking to learn from the debacle it has brought upon itself is a welcome step in the right direction.
The most important lesson to be learned is that academic freedom and tolerance are not conflicting values. In particular subjecting academic freedom to religious blasphemy norms, is a retrograde step betraying a disturbing lack of understanding of how such norms erode and threaten both tolerance and academic freedom.
According to The New York Times, Hamline's decision followed a complaint from a young black Muslim female student of Sudanese origin, who felt that the image targeted both her religion and race and made her feel like she didn't belong. It is understandable that an undergrad student from a minority background might feel insecure and vulnerable when foundational parts of her identity, normally taboo, are being discussed freely in class. But the antidote to feelings of insecurity and marginalization should not be the imposition of religious orthodoxy.
A closer look at how blasphemy norms operate in many Muslim-majority countries demonstrates that they're weaponized to protect oppressive religious and political authorities and disproportionately target heterodox Muslims, religious minorities, and freethinkers.
Take the case of the Pakistani university lecturer Junaid Hafeez who in 2013 was arrested for alleged blasphemous remarks made during class and on his Facebook account, after complaints by Islamist student groups opposed to Hafeez's liberal ideals. In 2019, Hafeez was sentenced to death for violating Pakistan's blasphemy ban against defiling the Prophet Muhammed and has spent close to a decade in solitary confinement since his arrest.
In 2017, Pakistani student Mashal Khan—a devout Muslim—was tortured and beaten to death on campus by a frenzied mob of his peers who accused Khan of blasphemy in online postings.
Such outbursts of intolerance fanned by arbitrary accusations of blasphemy are not limited to Pakistan. In 2022, the Nigerian student Deborah Samuel was lynched and burned on campus by a mob of extremist students for online postings deemed blasphemous to Muhammad. Scholars in countries including Algeria, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Malaysia have also been jailed, investigated, or sanctioned due to accusations of blasphemy or similar religious offenses.
Unfortunately, these threats against academic freedom and freedom of thought are not new phenomena. In 1992, the Egyptian professor and secularist intellectual Farag Foda was assassinated by terrorists after being labeled an "infidel" and "apostate" by scholars at the highly influential Islamic Al-Azhar University in Cairo. In 1985, the Sudanese religious scholar Mahmoud Muhammad Taha—who believed strongly that a core tenet of Islam was one of freedom and equality—was executed for apostasy.
His crime consisted in distributing a pamphlet calling for the repeal of Sudan's harsh Shariah laws that discriminated against Sudan's Christians, animists, and heterodox Muslims alike. In the pamphlet, Taha wrote: "It is not enough for a citizen today merely to enjoy freedom of worship. He is entitled to the full rights of a citizen in total equality with all other citizens".
Taha was not only a pious Muslim. He was also black, and thus shared both religion, nationality, and skin color with the Hamline student who claimed that showing a image of Muhammad was offensive to Muslims as well as racist towards black people. Had Taha still been alive, he would likely have disagreed strongly and insisted that the offended student appreciate the opportunity to learn and pursue knowledge in an academic environment committed to equality and free from religious persecution.
Taha might also have encouraged Hamline to live up to the values of freedom of thought and inquiry without which higher learning becomes meaningless and stale. For it is deeply misguided to view tolerance and academic freedom as being in conflict. To impose silence and call it tolerance does not make it so. Real tolerance requires understanding. Understanding comes from listening. Listening presupposes speech.
Fortunately, the Islamic tradition has cultivated a number of early and radical rationalists whose ideas are much more conducive to academic freedom than the stifling atmosphere in countries like modern-day Pakistan and Egypt. A prominent example is the ninth century Persian physician and polymath Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, for whom reason was "the ultimate authority, which should govern and not be governed; should control and not be controlled, should lead and not be led."
Like Taha, al-Rāzī, was highly critical of religious fanaticism's restrictions on free thought and impugned the defenders of rigid orthodoxy: "They forbid rational speculation, and strive to kill their adversaries. This is why truth became thoroughly silenced and concealed."
These words are as true today as when they were written more than a millennium ago. Should a 21st century university committed to truth, learning, and the exchange of ideas be persuaded otherwise would be deeply tragic.
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In pretty much the same way Sunni Muslims found Shiite Muslims and their culture blasphemous, Protestants have found Catholics and their culture blasphemous. During the Reformation there was a wholesale desecration of Catholic churches and destruction of Catholic images. While militant anti-Catholicism has been on the wane in conservative Protestant circles as they have found other targets for their ardor, it still exists.
It seems to me anti-Catholic students could be found to protest showing Catholic art as idolatrous and blasphemous. And that’s a pretty big chunk of all Western art before Modern times.
And of course, white students were highly offended by the presence of anything Black. Howard University refused to permit its music students to play jazz for many uears because it wanted to be respectable, based on internalization of sentiments remarkably similar to Howards. Like Sunni culture among Shiite supremacists and Catholic culture among Protestant ascendancists, black culture was considered anathema and highly offensive by white supremacists.
Hamline univefsity would be hypocrites, completely selective in implemwnting diversity and inclusion, if they didn’t ban these other similarly anathemized cultures as well.
Based on sentiments remarkably similar to Hamline’s
And as I pointed out earlier, if it were bullying white supremacists who were paying the bills rather than bullying Sunni supremacists, Hamline and its administration would be just as happy to declare black culture worthless as they have been to shit on Shiites and their culture. It’s only their opportunities, not their values, that have led them to pick on a different victim this time.
And they would doubtless give the very same explanation, that banning and declaring worthless what their more valuable students find offensive is essential to “diversity and inclusion.”
You forgot the sarcasm mark.
Pointing out that the Ministry of Truth is actually there to spread lies, the Ministry of Peace is there to make war, and the Ministry of Love is there to handle torture, isn’t sarcasm. It’s just telling it like it is. Any sarcasm lies solely on the part of the people doing and naming these ventures, not on the part in the people who merely accurately point out what these ventures are actually accomplishing.
During the Reformation there was a wholesale desecration of Catholic churches and destruction of Catholic images.
Not to mention toasting of Protestants.
They cooked a goose, but stronger birds came after.
Not ALL religious fundamentalists, of course. Only the ones that get violent if they aren't humored.
Most religious fundamentalists do, so this is a distinction without a difference.
Resorting to violence rather than argument is a good flag for fundamentalists of every stripe, religious or not.
The Amish are regularly ridiculed and you don’t see them loading a fertilizer bomb on a wagon and blowing up buildings. I haven’t seen a single report of Buddhist terrorism. However you say “fatwa” in Latin, no modern pope has put out one on anybody - nobody is trying to kill Dan Brown.
So, no, most religions don’t do it.
As to Buddhists, see, e.g., this 2013 BCC report:
I don't want to suggest that this is characteristic of all or most Buddhists, or even of a significant number in the U.S. (The reports I've seen of this have focused on Burma and Sri Lanka.) But Buddhism-inspired violence (maybe you might call it a pogrom rather than terrorism, but I wouldn't draw much of a difference between the two) does indeed sometimes happen.
I sit corrected.
"Most religions don't do it," he says, ignorantly citing one religion, citing another one but carefully caveating it to refer only to examples of official dictates from recent memory, and then citing another without apparently doing some cursory double-checking to confirm whether the Amish have recently engaged in sectarian violence (protip: yes, they have).
Go home and play with your toys.
You throw out a generalized political trope with no backup. I list several examples and you dismiss them. Because your type has to hit on Christianity to the exclusion of everyone else.
Every group has its miscreants. Eugene just pointed out some in the Buddhists. But what your empty sophistry can’t change is that for every Eric Rudolph there are 100 bin Ladens. All of the phony arrogance you can muster (which is a lot) can’t alter that.
I dismissed your counterexamples because they were wrong, or so obviously qualified-to-support-your-conclusion as to be unworthy of serious response.
I didn't even mention Christian fundamentalists. I'm just pointing out that religious fundamentalists of every stripe seem to get violent when they're not accommodated. Which is true, again and again, across the world and throughout history.
It's not the belief system that's the problem. It's the power structures that nurture and protect fundamentalists.
Yes, fundamentalist zealots sometimes get violent when they aren’t humored. You only mention religious zealots, but it’s true of secular political zealots as well.
But there are degrees, Simon, and right now there is one major religion that has lapped the field as to extremist violence.
Islam hasn't "lapped the field." They have a particular beef with the US, and the US doesn't have many Muslims, so you as an American see a disproportionate amount of Islamic violence. But worldwide, it's pretty even.
Try to be less Islamophobic.
Cambodia, Burma, and to an extent Vietnam condone Buddhist terrorism. The only reason we don't always hear about it is because we gave up caring.
To be fair, you mix fuel oil with manure, you just get a mess, not an explosive. So Amish fertilizer bombs would be something of a bust.
I think it would be more accurate to say that most religions don't do it to an appreciable extent in most places. For most religions, there are local exceptions.
For Islam, the exceptions are where it doesn't happen, unfortunately.
Good lord there are plenty of paces with Muslims getting along fine.
I didn't deny that there WERE exceptions. I just asserted that they were just that: Exceptions.
It does you no good to deny facts everybody is aware of: Even if most Muslims are not violent, Islam is by far the world's most violent religion.
Which is why Hamline is concerned about what certain sects of Islam would regard as blasphemy, and utterly indifferent to anything other religions might be offended by. Violence works.
Are you seriously claiming that no on caters to evangelical Christians, whether they are violent or not?
Do you honestly think this student was going to blow up a campus building or something?
Or are you just spewing some right-wing bigotry?
I do claim that no on caters to them. No on and no off.
The only "catering" evangelical Christians get is on account of their numbers in a market economy and democracy. I don't think very many people are physically afraid of them.
The heavily armed Proud Boys who turn up to protest drag shows will be ever disappointed if that's the case.
Wait, you think the "Proud Boys" are evangelical Christians? Seriously?
Individually, I have no idea, but the anti-drag queen shit is pure Christian fundamentalism, as is the current trans-scare. If they're not CFs themselves, they're willing footsoldiers.
I am pretty thoroughly irreligious. But I have a problem with exposing young children to perversion, as well as letting biological males into women's bathrooms / locker-rooms, and letting them compete against biological females.
The "anti-drag queen shit" is basically everybody but a pervy faction on the left, Nige. It's hardly restricted to evangelical Christians, unless maybe you think a large majority of Americans qualify as such.
Most Parents Oppose ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’
Spoiler: It's not just most parents. It's most people, period. It barely reaches "ambivalent" for Democrats.
LOL Rasmussen.
LOL, epistemic closure.
Democrats Just Came Out as the Party of Drag Queen Story Hour. A New Poll Shows What Americans Think About It.
What does that have to do with anything? Most people don't like something, therefore it's ok for the Christian fundamentalists to come shoot it up? You guys (Ed, Brett) are seriously brain-damaged. Move to Honduras if that's the sort of society you like.
What it's got to do with anything is that Nige seems to think that the Proud Boys objecting to drag queen story hours proves that they're "evangelical Christians". Which is just stupid: Opposing this nonsense unites almost every group in society, religious and secular.
It depends on if by “opposing” you mean “not gonna take my kids to one” vs “let’s make it illegal” vs “let’s shoot it up.” Christians are in all three camps. Normal people are only in the first group.
Wait, you think the “Proud Boys” are evangelical Christians? Seriously?
Fellow travelers. Allies. Similar political objectives.
Proud Boys are antisemitic and anti-Islam. What do you think they are, Buddhist?
Like Weird Al's song "Amish paradise."
Let's write a song "American black paradise," and gauge the left's tantrum.
Are you aware which song "Amish Paradise" is a parody of?
To be more fair than is probably warranted to our newest angsty friend, the most excellent song Gangsta's Paradise was a FUBU work, and those are generally measured with a different ruler than a comparable piece written by an outsider.
This is demonstrably false, and just highlights your own bigotry.
Speaking of religious humor and some religions'responses to blasphemy . . . Christians historically have found entertaining (and just) the Judas Cradle . . .
the Judas Chair . . .
the Heretic's Fork . . .
the Pear Of Anguish . . .
the Rack . . .
the Wheel . . .
the Pulley . . .
the Pendulum . . .
the Tongs . . .
the Toca . . .
the Strappado . . .
the Spider . . .
the Stake . . .
the Boot . . .
the Breast Ripper . . .
the Cat's Paw . . .
the Ducking Stool . . .
the Head Crusher . . .
the Thumbscrew . . .
the Shrew's Fiddle . . .
the Witch's Bridle.
However, in modern times, certain democrats are much more obsessed with these things than modern christians will ever be – as their comments reveal.
Superstitious right-wingers do not like to discuss the reality-based record.
They also do not like to acknowledge the trajectories of superstition and reason in modern, improving America.
Yeah, but you seem to think you are triggering them by talking about your favorite kinky equipment when they’ve long moved on from that. That may render your feedback less effective. Very analogous to accusations of racism.
I have seen some polls on belief and declining numbers of christians. It seems that what was once hard religion is being replaced with more spiritual beliefs. I would venture to guess that this may be in part due to increased use of psychedelics.
I think people won’t stop believing in something and new religions may emerge in the future. I have also observed a tendency of non-religious liberal types to believe in stuff like ghosts or aliens. So much for superstition.
I am not trying to trigger anyone.
I believe any discussion of religious stupidity, extremism, and violence should include the vivid, centuries-long record of brutal, authoritarian, superstition-driven indecency that the religious right prefers to ignore.
Familiarity with the record should accelerate the decline of organized religion in America, particularly among the educated, decent, modern Americans. Anything that expedites the clingers' defeat in the culture war is good.
Admittedly the ones that believed in ghosts were mainly young-ish latina chicks, but if there’s one thing they were not, it is conservative 😀
The Rev is quick to copy and paste a 3-minute Google search of ancient instruments of torture, and of course fall back to his old calumny that Christians are backwards and evil (and to imply they use these instruments today, one supposes.)
But if one is interested in what is actually happening today, you need reach back no further than last May, when a Christian university student was beaten with clubs and stoned to death, and then had her body set on fire. Her “crime”? She allegedly had made a comment on a secure messaging app that her classmates perceived to be insulting to the Prophet Muhammed.
I’m sure to an anti-religionist such as the Rev there is hardly any difference between the various belief systems and so they are all equally evil. But that is not so. Read the words for yourself and reach your own conclusions.
"My fairy tale can beat up your fairy tale . . . indeed, my fairy tale can beat up every other fairy tale, and the reality-based world, too!" is always a charming addition to ostensibly reasoned debate among competent adults.
What's next? A formidability ranking of Jesus, Muhammad, Xenu, Krishna, Thanos, the Prophet Abraham, Optimus Prime, the Holy Spirit, Foghorn Leghorn, and John Blutarsky?
People should and may believe as they wish, but there is no doubt concerning the most inspirational, powerful, admirable figure mankind could ever imagine.
They're certainly a bad example to religious fundamentalists who have been taught how to be civilised.
I agree with this take, and think that Hamline is being absurd in its handling of this case.
For similar reasons, we should be wary of the new "blasphemy" norms being imposed by so-called "anti-woke" policies. Teachers and professors are already engaging in self-censorship, due to these policies, and those who don't risk firing or (in cases amped up by right-wing media figures) death threats. It's only a matter of time before people start getting attacked and killed.
So it's blasphemy to oppose wokists who claim it's blasphemy to not be woke?
There is no “woke” ideology. There are various ideas, schools of thought, and courses of instruction that people like DeSantis group together as “woke,” and are seeking to expunge from public education.
DeSantis is not campaigning against simplistic “cancel culture” demagogues who will attack you for using the wrong pronouns or proving slightly less inclusive in your language than they deem morally obligatory. He is campaigning against ideas like systemic racism, gender as a construct, and areas of study that explore these concepts, among others. They are, in his view, “blasphemous,” not dedicated to what he incorrectly thinks of as the “pursuit of truth.”
And DeSantis' influence is a lot bigger than that of Hamline's administration.
Then there are no ideologies, whether Progressive, Conservative, or DeSantis. Everyone but pedants knows otherwise.
The point is that academics should be free to research and discuss all these ideologies, even if they happen to disagree with the personal views of some political executive.
Academics should absolutely be free to research and discuss ideologies. What does that have to do with primary school teachers and young children?
DeSantis is going after universities now, if you haven't noticed.
There is a woke ideology, and it has taken over the schools. Not just Hamline. Professors at many other schools are afraid to show art. DeSantis is against this takeover.
Whatever woke once meant, it has changed to mean whatever a right wing reactionary doesn’t like.
"changed to mean whatever a right wing reactionary"
You try to prove too much. Give an example, of a generally accepted opinion or comment that RW reactionaries denote as "woke."
Race and racial bigotry are an important component of American history.
Homosexuality is an inherent and unchangeable trait.
SSM is no big deal.
The graphic novel 'Gender Queer' is perfectly fine reading material for high school students.
Nico, your last sentence is set up as a contradiction in terms. If an example is proposed, and right wingers oppose it, that becomes evidence to claim it is not, "generally accepted."
There is no contradiction except in your mind. Point out the oxymoron
M&Ms. I don't know WHAT about M&Ms, exactly, but they're a MAJOR woke threat.
Fundementally it's about institutional discrimination, which right-wingers reject wholesale, unless it's college admissions, then they get very woke on behalf of white people and Asians.
Actually, the truth is that we think the white people and Asians can compete on their own, so long as they're not the target of intentional discrimination. We think we'll do pretty well under a purely meritocratic system, and if we don't?
It will be because we didn't deserve to do well. Which would only be fair.
Assumes a meritocratic system, of course.
Well, since the discrimination in question is specifically to displace merit based selection, that IS a reasonable assumption.
Sure, the prior meritocratic system was imperfectly meritocratic. I'll gladly grant that. You don't fix that by introducing additional non-merit considerations, you fix it by eliminating non-merit considerations.
It wasn't really a meritocratic system at all, and sure, this fix doesn't address the institutional problems, but to do that you'd have to get people to admit the institutional problems exist, and as you amply demonstrate, the best most opponents can manage is to admit they existed 'in the past, somewhere.'
"It wasn’t really a meritocratic system at all"
That is an utterly absurd exaggeration. It was an imperfectly meritocratic system, but it certainly was a meritocratic system.
"but to do that you’d have to get people to admit the institutional problems exist, and as you amply demonstrate, the best most opponents can manage is to admit they existed ‘in the past, somewhere.’"
Of course there are institutional problems, how could there not be institutional problems? You're expecting perfection, maybe?
But you can't lay it all at the foot of "institutional problems". There are serious cultural problems, too. Institutions can't substitute for parental support.
And once somebody has arrived at applying for college, nothing you do at college is going to erase the effects of their prior life. You can't fix cultural and K-12 problems at the university.
College admissions aren't even intended to be meritocratic. How have you not figured that out already? They still won't be meritocratic, even if they're forced to take race out of it.
There is an awful lot of catering to Christian fundamentalism going on in the US.
Catering? I don’t know about that. Depends on your definition of catering I guess. They do have influence beyond their number for sure. As do the “woke”.
Squeaky wheels and all.
"Catering" is, "We're not going to allow this to be discussed, because it offends people who have certain ideologies, religious or otherwise."
Who is “we’re”?
If you mean what I think you mean, this also applies to the “woke”, broadly defined. One example would be, you know, showing pictures of Mohammed.
Each side has discussions that they try to suppress, but it seems to me that they’re failing to enforce it because we seem to flog the death out of every culture war thing.
'Each side'
There isn't a single lefty commenter here who supports the position that the image shouldn't be shown. My own sense of this is that it's the usual minor collegial squabble that attracts a large right-wing college-hating audience but affects very little outside its own confines.
Each side
The bevis special.
So….what? What I said isn’t true? Your side just threw an enormous titty fit over losing their ability to control discussion on Twitter. This article is a story about extreme censorship from the left. Are you being pissy because I brought the right into it?
I guess you’d prefer more people to be hypocritical like you and criticize bad behavior from one side while defending it from the other. Don’t like your team getting criticized? Tough shit. Get them to behave better. The fact that you get aggravated by me being critical of both teams just proves your irrational bias.
Nige, this entire controversy is about censorship from the left, you moron. Nobody out in the world gives any shits about the posters on this board. A minor college squabble….that got an innocent person fired over nothing. More of the non-existent cancel culture happening. I’m sure if you lost your job over something like this you’d think it was something minor. Go to the empathy store and buy some.
Who threw a titty fit about Twitter? The right. You've got the right-wing fever. The left doesn't care about Twitter, except to the extent that we've gotta sit around debunking the right's lies, and that the only thing worse than having a big corporation in charge of censorship is having one guy in charge of it.
As Nige said, nobody on the left is defending Hamline, even out in the real world. Here, for example, is lefty Slate's take:
This, of course, is more proof that you're thoroughly right-wing. You don't even know what the left's about! You just believe all of Fox New's strawmen and caricatures.
You’re so full of shit your eyes have to be a very dark brown. Goodbye, Randall.
And another one bites the dust!
The truth will out.
No, that's not remotely true. The left cares a lot about Twitter and wants more stuff suppressed there. Indeed, several Dem politicians have thrown hissy fits about Musk letting people and disinformation back on the site.
this entire controversy is about censorship from the left, you moron.
It's about censorship by some idiots at Hamline, not by "the left."
Does Kanye West speak for "the right?"
I didn’t say it’s from the entirety of the left. It’s almost never everyone from one side. But the student complainer and the university president and the DEI person are all inclined left. My statement is accurate.
And it’s been long accepted by a huge chunk of the left thst anybody who supports Trump is a white supremacy loving fascist Nazi. It’s the vogue now to taint the entirety of one side with the actions of their worst.
And the only reason I said it at all was that those two guys were ragging on me for saying both sides did something in a comment on a story where only their side did something. See how ridiculous they were? By mentioning both sides I was actually trying to be fair to theirs, but they just have to reflexively attack anyone who criticizes their team without thinking about what they’re doing.
I didn’t say it’s from the entirety of the left.
How much of the left is it? Are there a lot of statements from liberals supporting Hamline's action?
And it’s been long accepted by a huge chunk of the left thst anybody who supports Trump is a white supremacy loving fascist Nazi.
What is accepted by me is that anybody who supports Trump, now, has a high tolerance for white supremacy, antisemitism, and a lot of other things, including criminality and pretty blatant anti-democratic behavior.
It’s the vogue now to taint the entirety of one side with the actions of their worst.
You have so little self-awareness it’s mind-boggling.
Nige and Sarcastr0 were calling you out for doing exactly that — reducing every controversy into two “sides,” left and right, as superficially defined by the culture wars.
This issue is an example of one which doesn’t fit that partisan mold. But here you are, trying to squeeze it in, while at the same time complaining about how people stereotype the left and the right. It’s astoundingly hypocritical.
Probably more than half of the people who “support” Trump are making the classic best bad choice because they don’t like Biden and the progressives.
I’d never vote for Trump personally, but tell us Mr Everybody on That Side But Not Everybody On My Side, how are we supposed to get rid of the progressive plague?
I only want to hear complaints about my enemies.
The Sarcastro special.
If this undergrad is so insecure and easily offended, why the heck is she studying in this country, let alone living here? It's hard to believe this is the most offensive thing she has encountered in her life here.
"of Sudanese origin" in Minnesota implies that she grew up here.
Irrelevant. If she is so easily offended, why does she want to live and study here?
Do a cost-benefit analysis.
Home, family, etc.
High GDP per capita
US degrees command good wages
Rarely see images of a prophet (if that really does offend her and it's not a ploy)
Other offenses(?), which really don't compare to "graven images" for a Sunni Muslim
Even if she wanted to move somewhere else, where else would she go and what would she do? She's only about 20, so most places aren't just going to take her in, and she would run into the same problems anywhere in the West (plus some extra racism in Europe). The only real problem is that sometimes people don't cater to Muslims and she clearly figured out how to fix that.
The land of the easily offended? Why not?
" It is understandable that an undergrad student from a minority background might feel insecure and vulnerable when foundational parts of her identity, normally taboo, are being discussed freely in class."
I wonder if foundational parts of southern Sudanese identity get discussed very often in Sudan.
I wonder if she gets pissy about the fact that the lunch room is open during Ramadan, too? I mean, she might encounter somebody munching on an apple between classes, even!
This is an important point that seems to be overlooked -- if students expect that a college will respect their cultural beliefs, the college can expect that students will respect the culture of the college, which often includes challenges to their beliefs.
Don’t attack someone’s national origin. That’s bigoted.
Someone can just be wrong, or dumb, or oversensitive without what group they are a part of being related.
Polish jokes are racist?
If you're really interested, ask some Poles. They probably wouldn't use the word "racist," but the concept would be similar.
Let's see, Bevis.
There are a lot of jokes which are based on the belief that Poles are stupid. As CJ says, not "racist," but definitely exhibiting some serious ethnic prejudices.
There were when I was growing up. I can't recall having heard one of those in decades, though.
If this undergrad is so insecure and easily offended, why the heck is she studying in this country, let alone living here? It’s hard to believe this is the most offensive thing she has encountered in her life here.
I don't think she claimed it was the most offensive thing she had ever encountered.
Even insecure and easily offended (by your lights, I might point out) people need to live somewhere.
This article does a great job of making the case, without explicitly saying it, that this hypersensitive student and the appalling university president are taking up the cause of the oppressors in the Muslim world.
If you tried to explain that to them it might actually damage their brains. They’re so insulated in their righteousness that they couldn’t comprehend it.
The furor caused Hamline´s Board of Trustees to issue a statement on January 13th in which it promises to review its policies with a view to "Upholding academic freedom and fostering an inclusive, respectful learning environment for our students are both required to fulfill our Mission".
He fastest way to deal with this is to fire everyone involved in not renewing the professor's contract. And state the reason for the firings is open bigotry.
Do Volokh Conspiracy fans genuinely believe that any mainstream university is (or should be) interested in pointers on operating an educational institution from conservatives (who routinely turn campuses into censorship-ridden, academic freedom-flouting, superstition-addled, low-grade nonsense factories)?
How many kids have you raped today?
How are the "civility standards" the Volokh Conspiracy claims it follows (when this blog is censoring liberals) coming along, Volokh Conspirators?
Your handle, thanksforthefish, is without a doubt more of a reference to a desperate troll being happy to be fed rather than having anything to do with literature.
He didn't even get the reference correct. It's a very sad affair.
"Upholding academic freedom..."
Consider that academic freedom is not merely protecting faculty, but more broadly protects the students themselves. The majority of non-student muslims it seems from various reports would not have been offended. For student muslims in that class, it is not at all apparent that any but the single complainant took offense. This single person of extreme muslim viewpoint sought to squelch the academic freedom of others to explore this topic. And everyone else in that class also will have their academic freedom squelched by the extremist dissenter.
Nine or ten discussions of the Hamline incident, but not a word about this?
Clingers gonna cling.
Partisans gonna hack.
Oh look, brain dead slug can't argue on point so it tries to change the subject.
Do society a favor. Feed yourself through a wood chipper.
Oh look. Brain dead slug can't rebut an argument so he argues for violent death.
Instead, guys like me will continue to stomp the stale, ugly thinking of right-wingers into irrelevance as the modern America culture war resolves.
You get to whine and complain about it as much as you like, as the Volokh Conspirators do each day, but you will continue to comply with the preferences of your betters. Losing the culture war has consequences, clingers.
"Instead, guys like me will continue to stomp the stale,"
Lol dude you've been clutching your butt in pain for like 10 years since prof Volokh deleted one of your comments. you ain't stomping anything.
He taught me a few interesting things about the English language and I’m sure he is a successful lawyer with that, but I don’t see Kirkland as more than an electronic billboard that periodically displays the same kind of messages. He is noise that can be cancelled out.
He admitted censoring me. He bragged about it.
It is understandable you might not have seen that, with your nose so far up the proprietor's ass.
Sycophantic right-wingers are among my favorite culture war casualties.
With your nose so far up the proprietor’s ass [and your tongue sycophantically affixed to the proprietor’s scrotum].
FIFY, clinger.
Where for "bragged about it" you mean, "explained the decision", I assume?
You are as obsolete, stale and flaccid as the rotten fish you are being fed by other trolls in the comments, thanksforthefish.
While the Volokh Conspiracy wallows incessantly in Hamline hate, it doesn't find censorship in backwater Ohio quite so interesting.
My wife and I have designed multiple discussion boards for clients over the years. I would be happy to offer you our best rate for your very own forum.
At the marketplace of ideas, highlighting the hypocrisy, bigotry, and cowardice of the Volokh Conspiracy in particular and conservatives in general seems worthwhile.
While the Volokh Conspiracy wallows incessantly in Hamline hate, it does not find censorship in backwater Ohio quite so interesting or noteworthy.
Carry on, clingers.
The article says that Dr. Seuss is not an economics textbook.
Sounds like the director of the Minnesota chapter of CAIR issued a veiled threat to Hamline: "If you want to know how people respond, you've seen what happened in the horrible tragedies of Charlie Hebdo, God forbid what happened at that time and everything else."
The national chapter of CAIR, to its credit, took the opposite view.
The same goes for all the other cancel culture actions of the last ten years. Whenever you give activists what they want, the activists are empowered and demand more the next time. The most extreme, least centrist, and least able to peacefully coexist in civil society gain traction and everyone else loses.
Obviously, the way to avoid this is tolerance for all and a rejection of force and of bullying by anyone, on any side, for any reason (short of an outright crime being committed, and then you leave it to the police).
So, you plan to stop your bullying? That'll be a nice change.
Please start acting more like a grownup.
So, you plan to stop your bullying?
Signs point to no. Sad.
I see a problem here. The OP and almost every comment confront a challenging educational crisis, and blow it off. The thread reads like a mob attack on a 20-year-old student.
Acknowledgement of educational obligation to the student—from the college and from society at large—is weak. Given a stark contrast of values between American-style expressive liberty, and the student’s customary acceptance of Islamic-stye expressive suppression, of course a firm response is in order. But, “firm,” must not equate to personalized assault. The response should read as a re-affirmation of values dear to Americans. It should not read like a mob attack on a young Muslim student.
Re-read the OP, and while you do it, try to imagine yourself in the position of someone who cares about the student who complained. After introductory remarks which pay lip service to a harshly-inflected summary on behalf of reasoned response, the OP descends to diatribe. That explicitly puts this American student in company with a catalogue of the worst kind of tyrants and thugs who undermine expressive freedom for Islamic people everywhere. For anyone who cares what happens to this student, is that called for?
Why would anyone who identifies with Islamic culture read this screed from, “free speech historian Jacob Mchangama,” as anything but over-the-top racist hatred, directed at an inappropriate target. This is a young person who was entitled to help and support, not anathema. She had no role in any torture or lynching. She did not want people beaten. She was not part of a, “frenzied mob.” She did not demand that anyone be, “jailed, investigated, or sanctioned due to accusations of blasphemy or similar religious offenses.”
She said the course, “. . . made her feel like she didn’t belong.” Looks like Mchangama and these commenters proved her right about that.
If this was, "A broader perspective on the Hamline controversy," then maybe a narrower perspective ought to have been considered.
No, screw that.
The class wasn't mandatory, she was warned and had the option of not attending that session. That totally covers all the care she was due. Hell, it more than covers it.
I mean it. She was owed nothing more. She was literally complaining that she felt bad because the whole world wasn't complying with the dictates of her own sect, and she was confronted with that.
The proper thing was to tell her to man up and grown a bit of skin over those bare nerves. And to stop expecting the whole world to conform to her demands.
That's what was best for HER, because after university she's going out into a world that won't be nearly so accommodating, and better she get a sane sense of what she's owed before that.
'She was literally complaining that she felt bad because the whole world wasn’t complying with the dictates of her own sect, and she was confronted with that.'
As his her right. Amazing that whenever Nazis turn up you'll defend their rights, but not young a young American Muslim woman of Somali descent who, I suspect, already knows more about how the world will accomodate her than you would ever acknowledge.
Well, sure, it's her right to complain about stuff like that, falls under the 1st amendment. It's everyone else's right to point at her and laugh, too. And we should be able to do it without expecting throat cutting and explosions to follow.
I mean it, what's she going to do next, complain that people around her are eating during the day during Ramadan? Complain that you can get a ham sandwich at the school lunchroom?
She got all the accommodation she was due, and then some. It wasn't enough, because she was offended that other people got to violate the dictates of her religion.
That's not a complaint anybody should respect.
Bellmore, the West Coast Japanese-Americans were not the Japanese who bombed Pearl Harbor. The former were owed a good deal more than blame and vengeance for that bombing. This young woman is not a Muslim who has committed atrocities. When she moves from an educational setting into a wider world, she will be owed a good deal more than blame for offenses committed by other Muslims elsewhere. She should not be getting public excoriation now which associates her with crimes committed by others elsewhere.
It is staggering to me that someone doing that can be characterized by a 1A expert as, "free speech historian Jacob Mchangama." Professor Volokh was having a bad day indeed when he said of this OP, "I'm delighted to pass along this item . . ."
No, she hasn't committed any atrocities that I know of. But the fact remains that if Muslims didn't have an established tendency to commit atrocities, nobody would give them the time of day when they make complaints about stuff like this.
She simply isn't entitled to not be offended in this highly attenuated, "Somebody else saw something I'd have been offended to see!" way. The only reason she's being catered to is that Islam has a reputation, and they came by it honestly.
the fact remains that if Muslims didn’t have an established tendency to commit atrocities, nobody would give them the time of day when they make complaints about stuff like this.
Fucking ridiculous.
Yeah, your position is that the slaughter at Charlie Hebdo, the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, and numerous other similar events, have had no influence over this sort of decision. That people treading lightly around Muslims is just a coincidence.
Indeed, "fucking ridiculous".
I don't know about you, but I try not to be a dick about anyone's faith.
As usual, when there's more than one way to understand the motives behind some action, you are certain you have the insight into people's motives, but are only revealing quite a bit about your own inner workings, and little insight about people generally.
Nobody's being a dick about anybody's faith here, except, ironically, this girl. Who got all whiny about some picture she didn't even see! And got somebody fired over it.
Yeah, THAT was being a dick, to be sure.
Brett, you’re regularly overstating the degree to which Muslims participate in terrorism. It’s a small but significant subset of the religion. It’s not Muslims establishing a tendency to commit atrocities.
Brett is overstating, but some here are understating. It may only be a tiny fraction of Muslims, but a tiny fraction of such a large number is still a significant number of people — and contrary to what some here are arguing, it does not seem to balance out worldwide. There are certainly places where other groups are violent — indeed, places where Muslims are victims of inter-religious violence, such as in Burma or India. But those are localized conflicts. Can you think of international terrorism involving any other religious group acting in the name of that religion?¹ Are there Buddhists blowing things up in France in the name of Buddhism? Hindus in the UK over perceived disrespect for Vishnu? Mormons (to use an example from the other day here) putting out a fatwa on the authors of the play The Book of Mormon?
¹I am not saying that these people actually speak for the religion. I am saying that they are motivated by religion.
Can you think of international terrorism involving any other religious group acting in the name of that religion?
A carefully and restrictively constructed query.
Nevertheless, if we are permitted to range through history, and embrace cases with an eye to privileging the viewpoints of folks who asserted (or assert now) that they have been thus religiously terrorized, then cases abound:
— Pagan Roman dominion, violently enforced, throughout Europe and the Middle East;
— The Roman persecution of the Jews;
— The Crusades of course;
— Variously religious Teutonic depredations among Northern European peoples in medieval times;
— Eastern Asian and Central Asian campaigns of conquest and assimilation directed against Eastern European Christians;
— Campaigns of conquest which established the Mughal Empire at the cost of Hindus, and its curiously multi-religious administration, whereby Mughal administrators without too much apparent motive of religious suppression joined hands with Christian-espousing Britishers with plenty of religious conversion in mind;
— Puritan enslavements and sale to Caribbean buyers of indigenous North Americans in the 17th century;
— Christian-asserting exponents of classical liberalism, forcing Africans into chattel slavery world-wide, in God’s name according to John Locke;
— The entire history of genocidal conflict from the 17th century into the early 20th century against indigenous trans-Appalachian peoples—another gift of Christian-regarding classical liberals with Locke’s principles uppermost in mind—a cause to which George Washington gave notably energetic early impetus, despite an apparent dearth of sincerely-held religious conviction of his own;
— Christianizing depredations in East Asia which gave rise to the Boxer Rebellion;
— Muslim and Hindu religiously-motivated conflicts on the Indian sub-continent, and stretching north into adjoining Asia, from the India/Pakistan partition into the present;
— Modern Zionism, in many of its recent manifestations, but with a particular eye to religiously supported West Bank expropriations in favor of Orthodox Jews.
I think that sampling from a much larger field of candidates makes the point. Vikings have been left out. Inter-religious conflicts among indigenous South American and Central American civilizations have been left out. Systematic Muslim enslavements of Southern Europeans have been left out. Fascist paganism, with its trans-world ambitions in the 20th century is a topic both too fraught to tackle, and too poorly understood. Some would insist on arguments in favor of including international conquest by atheistic communism.
There is far more which I have not mentioned at all. The entire task of thinking about such issues is complicated by the relatively recent historical acceptance of the notion of, “international,” in a world where most recorded history has been more the province of religious distinctions than national ones.
Bevis, I'm not over-stating anything, and I've been quite explicit that most Muslims are quite nice people, the terrorists among them are a tiny minority.
The problem is that they're a much LARGER tiny minority of Muslims, than they are of other religions. Enough so to have real world consequences, one of which is how Hamline is behaving.
For instance, I have linked to an article arguing that 94% of terrorism in the US isn't by Muslims, which is quite true. But it elided that Muslims were only 1% of the population, which means that they were over-performing other groups by a factor of six!
It's no different than the way people will avoid a bad neighborhood even though almost everybody there isn't a criminal.
My thesis is that the only reason this girl's complaint was taken seriously is that our society is already effectively falling into a state of partial dhimmitude, intimidated by Islamic violence. Acknowledge it or not, Islamic violence is working, the terrorists are getting their way. And this in America, as only 1% of the population. Imagine how it will be at 2-3%.
"Nevertheless, if we are permitted to range through history"
A confession that, in the present moment, David is right.
Bellmore, you are on the wrong side of what I call the snowy driving paradox. That one occurred to me during the many winters I spent driving through snowstorms in the Northern Rockies.
Here is how it works. On the one hand, traffic accidents, even in inclement conditions, occur during a tiny fraction of all driving trips. On that basis, there is only a negligible percentage decrease in overall safety if people drive during blizzards. Hence, public policy to keep roads open and serviceable during all but the worst storms usually makes sense.
One the other hand, the likelihood that you will suffer a mishap if you drive during a Rocky Mountain blizzard goes up hundreds of percent. The paradox turns out to be an illusion, based on the mathematical reality that the count of a value which forms a tiny fraction of a larger quantity can increase dramatically, without much affecting the percentage size of the larger quantity. If traffic mishaps occur during one trip in ten-thousand normally, and during one trip in a thousand during blizzards, the overall safe-trip percentage remains far above 99% in both cases—despite a 10-fold increase in the count of traffic mishaps. That means the relevant question changes, depending on which side of the paradox your personal interest lies.
For an individual driver, a personal policy to forego driving in blizzards enormously decreases chances of an accident. It is entirely rational to make such a decision.
From a public policy standpoint, that may not be a fact worth much consideration. Almost all the drivers will still arrive without mishap. That means the public policy maker must concentrate on the other side of the paradox, lest a decision adversely affecting the far-larger quantity of safe trips be made impractically.
To put that in terms of this discussion, if you think personally that the expressive conduct of a Muslim young woman in Minnesota has multiplied your chance to become a victim of Muslim violence, then perhaps it makes sense for you to think about personal actions you can take to increase your safety. Such as foregoing trips to Minnesota. Or, with less mathematical rationality—but maybe high probability in your case—you might decide it is wise to arm yourself for self-protection against Muslim violence which might occur where you live.
What cannot make any sense is a demand by you that public policy to maximize your personal safety elsewhere be established as a standard to be applied against the young woman in Minnesota—at the cost of her own expressive freedom, by the way. And at the far larger cost of the expressive freedom that policy will inevitably curtail among others.
Knowing you from your commentary, I expect the next thing to occur will be some variation of a slippery slope argument, founded on nothing more than speculation. In short, you will find yourself on the wrong side of the question whether West-Coast Japanese Americans should have been interned to promote the public safety of Americans generally. Looking back at that time, we cannot know to what extent the policy of internment may have constrained real incidents of sabotage or other damage which would have happened otherwise. But we can be certain that public policy in favor of constraint delivered more damage to America than any likely amount of sabotage would have. On the Japanese internment question, the military policy makers concentrated their attention on the wrong side of the paradox, and it turned out a blunder, now widely recognized. You are demanding a similar blunder in this case.
As I pointed out elsewhere, it seems like the Director of the Minnesota chaper of CAIR agrees with Brett's take:
“If you want to know how people respond, you’ve seen what happened in the horrible tragedies of Charlie Hebdo, God forbid what happened at that time and everything else.”
Nutpicking, as even you admitted previously since you at least namechecked national CAIR's opposite take.
It’s everyone else’s right to point at her and laugh, too.
And once again, we arrive at the crux of the right's grievance: why can't I just be a bigoted asshole and still have society love me, like in the olden days of Archie? Isn't that what the first amendment says I deserve?
No. You can be an asshole, but society is allowed to dump on assholes.
Anyhoo, what Stephen and you agree on is this:
The proper thing was to tell her to man up and grown a bit of skin over those bare nerves. And to stop expecting the whole world to conform to her demands.
He's not saying the professor should be fired or the image should never be shown. He's saying there are ways of dealing with this which take academic freedom seriously but also take the student's feelings seriously. Maybe she didn't realize how visceral her reaction would be. How could she, having never experienced it before? So rather than laugh at her, or cater to her, the administration could help her work through those feelings constructively. Essentially, tell her to "man up," but in a nicer way.
There's no cause to be gratuitously nasty to her, but there's no cause to "take her feelings seriously" either. "I'm sorry you feel that way" seems to me to be the appropriate sort of response.
Is this… kindergarten? She's an adult. In college. If she wants to work through her feelings, she should go speak to a therapist.
Nieporent, within a context of 1A expressive freedom, can you explain why, "feelings," as that term gets used in right-wing critique, are any different than, "opinions."
Sure, "maybe you should go see a therapist" is a totally legit response. I don't think the administration needs to literally be the people doing the "working through," they're (obviously) uniquely bad at it. But they can facilitate.
I would have expected an autistic misfit like Brett Bellmore to be less supportive of pointing and laughing at someone. But lack of empathy is said to be part of disaffected life on the spectrum . . .
"...but not young a young American Muslim woman of Somali descent who..."
African countries, is there really any difference between them?
And why, again, should we treat this young woman different that we treat racists or neo-nazis?
Judged by the standard of critique shown in these comments, I would say this student can only aspire to the protection the 1A prescribes for avowed racists, and probably for Neo-nazis as well.
What is “political correctness” but a particular set of “blasphemy norms”?
Proponents of “political correctness” will tell you that it’s necessary to enforce (!) tolerance. But I think that Mr. Mchangama’s statement (“such norms erode and threaten both tolerance and academic freedom”) holds true for “political correctness.” No honest person will claim that our colleges & universities are more tolerant today than before the advent of “political correctness.” The people who run our colleges & universities have assiduously created an environment where “politically incorrect” views will get you lynched. An illustrative example:
Grinberg, your link fails to show anyone who was lynched.
On your broader point, our colleges, our universities, and the society at large are far more tolerant now than they were in the mid-1960s. During that era, being seen protesting the Vietnam War could get you drafted. And the Defense Department was demanding from colleges and universities an accounting of student grades, with an eye to suspending college deferments for students who were actively enrolled, but with less-than-stellar academic performance.
Many colleges and universities initially complied. It took public defiance by Yale University to end the practice. Yale's President, Kingman Brewster, appeared to have been motivated by the death of one of its former freshmen, whose suspension for an on-campus prank the University had reported to the government. Promptly drafted, a year later he died in combat in Vietnam.
I myself, was a college dropout then, with a medically unassailable 4F deferment (I got it after a government physician examined me. I had been ordered to report to the Oakland Army Terminal for induction. He found that an injury had totally wrecked one knee.) Nevertheless, that did not prevent an unexplained demand from my draft board (in Maryland!) for my personal appearance at the board's headquarters. I arrived at the appointed time, and entered the board's decrepit little office, to find myself among a group of about 15 others, all strangers. We were ordered to line up. There was barely room for us. We then got a brief lecture from the draft board's leader, less than a minute's worth. "Look to your left," she said, "Look to your right. Within a year one of those people will die in Vietnam." That was all she had to say. We were free to go.
In the parking lot afterward, we were dumbfounded. By discussion we discovered what we all had in common. We had all been active in anti-war protests. I was personally impressed that my Maryland draft board had somehow got word of my modest anti-war activity in California. I had unexpectedly encountered a small anti-war parade in early 1967, and stepped off the curb on impulse to participate. Apparently, that was all it took.
One year later the cops in Chicago rioted, beating the crap out of demonstrators at the Democratic National convention. They pushed my ex-roommate through a plate glass window; then the FBI interviewed him in his hospital bed. Three years later the National Guard was shooting demonstrators at Kent State.
A conservative offering pointers on academic freedom to the liberal-libertarian mainstream is a dumbass particularly devoid of self-awareness.
(Looking at you, too, Conspirators)