The Volokh Conspiracy
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Assessing Biden's New Immigration Policies
Analysts differ on whether their net impact is more pro-immigration or more restrictionist. On balance, I think the former is closer to the truth. But there is some uncertainty here.

Last week, President Biden announced a major expansion of private migrant sponsorship programs to cover up to 30,000 entrants per month from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, an Haiti. But, at the same time, he also imposed new restrictions on asylum seekers and other migrants crossing the southern border, including an expansion of the use of Title 42 "public health" expulsions. What is the net effect of these measures? On that key point, analysts differ.
An extensive Washington Post article concludes the new initiatives are a win for immigration restrictionists within the Administration, who want tighter border controls in order to reduce political risks arising from perceptions of chaos at the border. By contrast, Cato Institute immigration policy expert David Bier suggests the changes are more likely to expand migration than reduce it.
Both assessments make reasonable points, and people interested in these issues would do well to read both in full. On balance, I think Bier is likely closer to the truth. As he points out, the expansion of private refugee sponsorship is coupled with measures making it easier to apply for asylum at legal points of entry. The latter should at least partially offset the impact of expanded Title 42 expulsions and other restrictive measures. In combination, Bier notes, the pro-immigration measures in Biden's new policy could amount to "one of the largest expansions in legal migration in decades."
The addition of up to 360,000 private-sponsorship migrants from the four Latin American countries by itself amounts to more than a third of annual pre-pandemic legal migration to the United States (about 1 million). The asylum measures could add thousands more (though much depends on implementation here). Also, the Uniting for Ukraine program - which has already allowed almost 100,000 people to enter since it began last year - continues. Unlike the extension to four Latin American nations, U4U has no numerical limitations. And, as Bier (who has also often criticized the administration) pointed out in a previous piece, Biden has taken a lot of other pro-immigration measures.
None of this absolves Biden of blame for serious errors and injustices on immigration, such as the double game the administration is playing on Title 42 expulsions. But, on balance, he has done much more to expand migration rights than restrict them.
That said, I will once again reiterate that Biden's most significant pro-immigration measures - Uniting for Ukraine and other private sponsorship initiatives - have two major limitations: they provide residency and employment rights for only two years, and they largely rely on executive discretion. Should the political winds shift, migrants relying on these policies could be left out in the cold, subject to deportation.
Fully fixing this problem requires congressional action. But Biden could improve things by extending the two year period to, say, five years or more. While a future president (or even Biden himself) could try to reverse that step, it is politically and legally harder to reverse an existing policy than to merely let a two-year time period run out "naturally."
The ultimate impact of Biden's immigration policies depends in large part on how much staying power they have over time - especially in the case of the private sponsorship programs. Time will tell.
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Whatever happens, I'm sure Biden will do whatever he can to make life worse for Americans.
I do not understand how people like Ben can stand all of this damned reason, inclusiveness, modernity, science, progress, and education in modern America.
I understand that even more national progress will be shaped against the wishes and efforts of those who prefer backwardness, insularity, superstition, ignorance, bigotry, and stale dogma.
Backwardness, insularity, superstition, ignorance, bigotry, and stale dogma? that's your Trademark, "Jerry" .
Hmm, you're posting much more frequently, I see Stuttering John Fetterman didn't commute your sentence but maybe some expanded "Privileges" ??? at
Umm, I know they're the ultimate "Klingers" but I'd cheer for the Eagles,
Nome Sayin??
The Democrats & the Federals gain nothing by solving your problems, but if you're suffering, you will cede your freedom and liberty to them so they can claim to solve them.
Although they don't ever solve them because if they did, you wouldn't be dependent upon them.
Too many “thems”. Confusing. 4/10, needs work. See me after class.
Umm, so you're confused with 2 subjects in a sentence?? So which Short-Bus School do you take "Class" in (aren't those Velcro shoes great?? Used to take a Mongoloid a month to tie his damn shoes,
Posting the same shit over and over. You are one ‘clingers’ away from joining the ranks.
it's "Klinger" with a "K" the "Reverends" just referencing his "Section 8 Discharge" that M*A*S*H star SGT Maxwell Klinger kept trying to get, pretending to be a Cross Dresser (So Ironic, poor Klinger got kept on through that abortion of "After M*A*S*H")
Ironic in that Klinger was pretending to be a Crossdresser, and wasn't while the "Reverend" was pretending he wasn't and was,
Name calling means you have nothing to offer.
You post no content repetition, I’m going to call you out.
Congrats on becoming RAK.
Nobody bothered by repetition would spend more than a few minutes at the Volokh Conspiracy. Each Conspirator has settled into a predictable, repetitive, even monotonous pattern. To large degree, they're mailing it in these days.
They benefit from a readership too dim to apprehend or be bored by the patterns.
"You post no content repetition" he said, repeating his last comment.
Hey C'mon Man(!) are you on dope?!?!? You Dog faced Cow Soldier!! My son Hunter died in Afghanistan!!! and my Wife Doctor Jill Biden couldn't save him, because she's not a real Doctor!!, and I was recruited to play football at West Point with Roger Staubach, but then I found out he went to Annapolis, so I had to change my story, and when I was driving Tractor Trailers, I told this Spook "Corn Pop" "Just Wait (man!) when I'm in the Senate I'll pass a "Crime Bill" that'll keep your "kind" in prison for generations!!!!
Oh yeah, you're not "Black" if you don't vote for me,
Joe whatever my last name is
Indeed. It's this type of Schadenfreude and hypocrisy that gives me no faith in Biden.
He's finally going to visit the border. But first El Paso is deconstructing all the migrant camps and shuffling the migrants back over the border into Mexico.
We finally figured out what is needed for Biden to actually prioritize enforcing illegal immigration laws. He's just got to visit the area, so those illegal immigrants will be prioritized to be moved where he isn't.
Realistically, pro-immigration, because one would assume, based on past performance, that any restrictionist elements are for show, and will not be followed up on.
It would be nice, by the way, if you'd ever acknowledge that your perspective on immigration isn't terribly common in America, and that you're only going to get your way if public opinion changes radically, (Unlikely!) or democracy is systematically undermined.
Most Americans do not favor a decrease in immigration.
This is especially true with respect to educated, accomplished Americans residing in strong modern communities; members of the modern American mainstream; and the people who will call the shots consequent to winning the culture war.
What do most Americans favor in regard specifically to illegal immigration?
Practically all Americans oppose illegal immigration.
If you care to read the article, when it says "pro-immigrant" it's talking about legal immigration.
You got a problem with legal immigration?
So your DemoKKKrat party's been in charge of the House/Senate for 4 years, Senescent J's been drooling for 2, pass a fucking Immigration bill already,
Seriously, "Reverend", "Pope" Benedict has more spontaneous responses than you, and he's been dead for a week,
Frank "Not Dead yet"
Yes, I too would've loved for us to have eliminated the filibuster.
Most Americans do favor a decrease in immigration, especially low IQ, violent mestizos and negroes.
You have attracted a bunch of low-grade bigots to your blog, Volokh Conspirators.
Why? Are the congratulations at the next Federalist Society cocktail party really enough to keep you going?
Some interesting poll results here.
60% of Americans worry about illegal immigration a great deal or a fair amount.
I would've thought that would be higher.
It's all cheap tacos and landscaping until some illegal alien kills a relative (and not saying it's the case in my household, but there's plenty of then where having someone "Conveniently" terminated by a Wetback wouldn't be a bad thing (See Biden, Hunter) Hey, I pay a bunch of Hispanics (through a temp agency) that I'm pretty sure aren't here on the Up and Up, (what? me worry?)
Frank "Yard looks great "Hemanos"!!!"
Confirming that at no point has "increased" even been the plurality.
You would assume that all evidence that disagrees with your conclusion is just trying to fool you.
But that’s why you are repeatedly wrong.
Ah, where's this "evidence" you speak of, that I'm supposedly rejecting?
The burden is on you to support your made up story.
No, wait: You're the one insisting that I'm dismissing evidence that disagrees with me. Which evidence, exactly?
I mean, I've produced the Border Patrol's own numbers showing that illegal immigration skyrocketed when Biden took office, and never went down again. Does that look to you like Biden actually TRYING to reduce illegal immigration?
The administration actively going to court to have border walls taken down. Does that look to you like his trying to reduce illegal immigration?
Fighting to get rid of Trump's policy of requiring applicants in Mexico to STAY in Mexico while their applications are evaluated, and instead release them into the US. Does THAT look to you like Biden is trying to reduce illegal immigration?
I'm all about evidence, you're the one dismissing it.
You, as usual, assume causation with zero support.
It's incredible how repeatedly you do this.
Correlation is not supportive of anything without establishing cause, and you provide no evidence other than the story you tell yourself.
There's nothing to applaud in allowing the President to change the period length all by his lonesome. This is what legislators are supposed to handle.
Nothing says sincere engagement like makin a process argument to a policy analysis.
Oooh, look who thinks he's in charge of the conversation. Must be another symptom of statism.
Pointing out you went off topic immediately is not taking charge.
yeah, right, took them forever to pick a leader.
Only a week, buster.
And out in the open, by this thing called voting.
Not by anointing in a back room full of cash.
Oh ha ha lol. What a rube. You think they just decided to change their votes on the 15th try for no reason? It was all smoke-filled back room deals.
I wonder why the same people who accused President Trump of being an authoritarian dictator when he used executive orders to formulate policy are okay with the Biden Maladministration doing the same thing?
Um, because they are hypocrites?
(is there a prize?)
Different areas of law have different levels of executive discretion to them.
You're ignoring this in order to pretend a double standard.
You’re right, of course. The legal area of immigration will almost certainly have a different level of executive discretion than the legal area of immigration does.
The OP said nothing about immigration.
He’s commenting on an article about Biden’s immigration policies, so I’m sure the OP is talking about some other topic.
1. If he meant immigration policy he could have said that. I assumed he was talking about the wall myself.
2. What Trump did wrt immigration policy had reliance interests. Where are those here?
I know the right loves to boostrap a false equivalence into a double standard. And you love false equivalences between the two parties.
You can’t see obvious equivalence between the parties because you’re hopelessly partisan.
There is zero difference between Trump changing immigration policy by executive action and Biden changing immigration policy by executive action. You see a difference because you like one but not the other. Partisanship is a mental disease and you’ve got a debilitating case of it.
Dang you are so insightful. First you know I am talking about procedure, not policy, and that does not suit you, so you insult me. Then you know I am not even talking about immigration!
What a fart smeller you are.
I wasn’t even talking to you in this part of the thread.
The OP was talking about nothing but immigration. Or are you going to claim there's some point at which Somin would agree to throwing those people back out again?
Yes when someone says policy I assume they mean policy.
Staying on topic is not really a strong suit around here, especially for drive by commenters.
Your sense of self-importance is, as always, exceeded by your ignorance.
Seems like you just announced the double standards you approve of.
So explain how what Biden is doing is different than what President Trump did.
What are you referring to that Trump did? Be specific about what you believe to have been equivalent policy changes.
Well, Trump was taking executive actions to enforce the law, and Biden executive actions to avoid enforcing it, but if you set that aside, they do look pretty similar.
Why would Trump have needed to take executive actions to enforce things that were already laws?
Try again Dumbo.
Dems abandoned representative democracy on this and many other issues a long time ago.
The administrative state is part of our republic. It’s executives change with the party in the Presidency, and you can see this in its rulemakings. so it’s even representative.
Your guy is the one still pretending the election he lost was stolen. Your side is the one who calls for restricting the franchise to property holders. Your side is the one with an issue of not doesn’t believing in democracy.
Has there been a significant Republican or group of republicans that has seriously suggested limiting voting to property owners? Serious question.
Obviously that would be both massively unconstitutional and massively unpopular. It’s a truly pathetically stupid suggestion. I can’t believe it’s been discussed publicly without a huge uproar. Did I miss something?
Sarcastr0 knows Dems abandoned representative democracy on the issue.
He’s just trying to distract from that by saying random shit.
I don’t know about the property stuff, but he’s got a point about Trump’s 2020 horseshit and the lengths that some Rs are willing to go to so as to spread the manure and stay in good graces with the Dear Leader. It’s embarrassing, but hardly any (none) of our pols are capable of feeling shame so it’s easy for them to do it.
We know you only have criticisms and no policy or leader or message will ever be up to your standards.
What Trump is doing regarding the 2020 election shouldn’t be up to anybody’s standards. He should be universally shunned.
Instead he seams to have enthralled a significant portion of one of our major political parties.
Item #2,305,462 on the list of examples of how vapid our politics has become.
Ahh Ben. The ‘you know I’m right’ post.
Yiu really are down deep these days.
No argument from you then.
No new goalposts bevis. If I meant elected officials I would say so.
Well then who?
I haven’t heard a peep about this. Guessing that maybe you’re taking a couple of fringy idiots and applying their braying to the entire party, but I don’t know.
I didn’t say elected officials. I said republicans just like you did. Who is it?
They don't need to be property holders, but the franchise should be limited to whites. The mud races have shown they're not responsible enough to have it.
No, whites-only was the Democratic position until fairly recently.
Your bigotry matches Democrats too. You seem to be just another Democrat Dinosaur.
Now do Hillary and Stacey about lost elections.
Stacey is shitty. Hillary was just complaining. Trump used all the powers of the presidency he could to sabotage the election. And continues to poison his followers about it.
Your false equivalence is in service of some antiAmerican crap, and you should feel bad about it
I think we should shoot ILLEGAL aliens.
I think we should shoot you. As a Texan of almost 50 years my observation is that most of them are economic refugees willing to work their asses off. And if you were in their situation you’d have done the same thing they did. There but for the grace of God, Ed…..
Should we control our borders? Sure. Should we summarily execute people cheating a bit to feed their children? If you actually believe that then you’ve let politics destroy your humanity.
They're not just cheating to feed their children. They're STEALING from us. These people have no morals or sense of ethics. If they or their children need medical care, they have no qualms about taking it from hospitals, knowing that it's coming from US.
"Us", eh? What exactly has been stolen, and from whom, and when?
You're a fucking moron. Do you not have any idea how health care costs work in this country?
Yeah, basically poor red fuckers like you are stealing health care from rich blue taxpayers like myself. Clearly you have no morals or sense of ethics to be STEALING health care for your kids from me.
I'm sure that most of them are economic migrants. (Not "refugees".)
But if we admitted everyone who is financially bad enough off to want to immigrate here for economic reasons, the US would end up with a larger population than China AND India. Combined!
So the 'economic refugee' argument proves insanely too much, if you accept it.
Are you making a false choice between open borders and mass murder?
Are you willfully stupid, or just plain stupid?
He could be both, you know.
I'm trying to figure out where the mass murder comes in, though. All I did was dismiss the pretense that economic migrants are "refugees", or that we could actually afford to treat them as such.
Uh... the topic under discussion is
I think we should shoot ILLEGAL aliens.
and as far as I can tell, you're arguing the side of FOR.
You are the reason Prof. Volokh operates this blog and the reason the other Conspirators tag along.
(If you wish to debate this point, Prof. Volokh, let me know. If you want to censor me for publishing it, you know where to find me.)
where to find
the Rev.olting Arthur L. Kirtland, AKA Jerry S.,(724)%20852%2D2902
Hey, no doxing here!