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Court Upholds Law Excluding Male-to-Female Transgender Athletes from Girls' Sports
"The state is permitted to legislate sports rules on this basis because sex, and the physical characteristics that flow from it, are substantially related to athletic performance and fairness in sports."
From today's decision by Judge Joseph Goodwin (S.D. W. Va.) in B.P.J. v. W. Va. State Bd. of Ed.:
West Virginia passed a law that defines "girl" and "woman," for the purpose of secondary school sports, as biologically female. Under the law, all biological males, including those who identify as transgender girls, are ineligible for participation on girls' sports teams. B.P.J., a transgender girl who wants to play girls' sports, challenges the law. The question before the court is whether the legislature's chosen definition of "girl" and "woman" in this context is constitutionally permissible. I find that it is.
The court applied intermediate scrutiny (since, whatever one's views of transgender rights questions, the law classifies people by sex, and sex classifications have generally been held to require such scrutiny). It reasoned, among other things:
Whether a person has male or female sex chromosomes determines many of the physical characteristics relevant to athletic performance. Those with male chromosomes, regardless of their gender identity, naturally undergo male puberty, resulting in an increase in testosterone in the body. B.P.J. herself recognizes that "[t]here is a medical consensus that the largest known biological cause of average differences in athletic performance between [males and females] is circulating testosterone beginning with puberty."
While some females may be able to outperform some males, it is generally accepted that, on average, males outperform females athletically because of inherent physical differences between the sexes. This is not an overbroad generalization, but rather a general principle that realistically reflects the average physical differences between the sexes. Given B.P.J.'s concession that circulating testosterone in males creates a biological difference in athletic performance, I do not see how I could find that the state's classification based on biological sex is not substantially related to its interest in providing equal athletic opportunities for females….
While [some transgender girls may take puberty blockers and thus not gain the physical characteristics typical of males during and after puberty], other transgender girls may not take those medications. They may not even come to realize or accept that they are transgender until after they have completed male puberty. Even if a transgender girl wanted to receive hormone therapy, she may have difficulty accessing those treatment options depending on her age and the state where she lives. And, as evidenced by the thousands of pages filed by the parties in this case, there is much debate over whether and to what extent hormone therapies after puberty can reduce a transgender girl's athletic advantage over cisgender girls. Additionally, of course, there is no requirement that a transgender person take any specific medications or undergo hormone therapy before or after puberty. A transgender person may choose to only transition socially, rather than medically. In other words, the social, medical, and physical transition of each transgender person is unique.
The fact is, however, that a transgender girl is biologically male and, barring medical intervention, would undergo male puberty like other biological males. And biological males generally outperform females athletically. The state is permitted to legislate sports rules on this basis because sex, and the physical characteristics that flow from it, are substantially related to athletic performance and fairness in sports.
Could the state be more inclusive and adopt a different policy, as B.P.J. suggests, which would allow transgender individuals to play on the team with which they, as an individual, are most similarly situated at a given time? Of course. But it is not for the court to impose such a requirement here.
Sex-based classifications fall under intermediate scrutiny and therefore do not have a "narrowly-tailored" requirement. As intervenor, Lainey Armistead, points out, "[s]ome boys run slower than the average girl … [and] [s]ome boys have circulating testosterone levels similar to the average girl because of medical conditions or medical interventions," but B.P.J. denies that the latter "would be similarly situated [to cisgender girls] for purposes of Title IX and the Equal Protection Clause," and does not argue that they should be allowed to play on girls' teams. This is inconsistent with her argument that the availability of hormone therapies makes transgender girls similarly situated to cisgender girls. In fact, after reviewing all of the evidence in the record, including B.P.J.'s telling responses to requests for admission, it appears that B.P.J. really argues that transgender girls are similarly situated to cisgender girls for purposes of athletics at the moment they verbalize their transgender status, regardless of their hormone levels.
The legislature's definition of "girl" as being based on "biological sex" is substantially related to the important government interest of providing equal athletic opportunities for females….
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"B.P.J., a transgender girl who wants to play girls' sports, challenges the law."
B.P.J., a boy who wants to play girls' sports, challenges the law.
>The legislature's definition of "girl" as being based on "biological sex" is substantially related to the important government interest of providing equal athletic opportunities for females….
I don't see how this makes sense. According to current standards, this doesn't reduce equal opportunities for females; it just privileges some females over other females. Sure, non-transgender women will be disadvantaged, but that's no different from unathletic women being disadvantaged.
In order for the stated reasoning to make sense, the court would have to declare that transgender women aren't females *prior* to deciding that the law is okay.
"I don’t see how this makes sense. According to current standards, this doesn’t reduce equal opportunities for females; it just privileges some females over other females."
It doesn't privilege any female over another female. A transgender girl is not a female. Some people may accept that a transgender girl is a girl. But that does not make her a female. She's still a male.
Male/female are sex distinctions. Girl/boy (or man/woman) are gender distinctions. And we've been told all along (when it's convenient) that sex and gender are not the same thing.
I have it on good authority that this position is transphobic.
Which authority is that?
Better to disadvantage 100% of biological women so some dude can be advantaged, eh?
Tell you what. Why don't we tie your hands and feet behind your back, so that quadruple amputee over there can be advantaged?
Can we add 100m swimming for him/it since apparently no differences exist for different handling. Let the ignoramus swim with all 4 limbs shackled and they can report back afterward. I've got the ouija board ready.
Justice Scalia cited this story in his dissent in PGA Tour v. Martin.
Yeah, that's what inspired me. A fantastic story.
Now try reading the whole comment.
Now try writing a full rebuttal.
In order for the stated reasoning to make sense, the court would have to declare that transgender women aren’t females *prior* to deciding that the law is okay.
They did.
"The fact is, however, that a transgender girl is biologically male..."
Calling transgender girls "girls" covers up the biological differences between the two. The courts aren't required to kowtow to that sophistry.
Is there a less educated, more bigoted, less productive, more superstitious, less advanced, more Republican state than West Virginia?
It's nice to have some pushback on the patriarchy who want to eliminate opportunities for biological women.
Is there a more misogynistic position than believing that the extinction of women's sports for biological women is a good thing? Thankfully, people are resisting you Luddites.
I too am thankful for this decision. But "Luddites" doesn't seem to be quite the right word for the people in question. So, who are they? Sick leftists.
In Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, one of the people Dagny meets meets in "the valley" is Dr. Hendricks. When asked why he is there, he says: "I quit when medicine was placed under State control." At one point during his story he refers to "those who proposed to help the sick by making life impossible for the healthy."
To the discussion of puberty I will add my own anecdotal experiences.
My lifelong presupposition had been that up until puberty, there should be no difference between boys and girls in athletics. In fact, since girls develop faster than boys, they should be better than boys. And starting in 5th grade through middle school, many girls develop puberty sooner, grow sooner and thus the tallest and largest kids in that age group are mostly girls.
So when I had a couple of girls of my own, I was surprised to learn that this did not translate to athletics at all.
My daughters both play baseball with the boys. My middle child is sporty spice… she is tougher than most of the boys. She likes to mix it up down low playing basketball and dominates the boards despite being on the small side.
Last year she started running track for the middle school team. Moat of the boys have not yet reached puberty. Many of the girls are nearly fully grown.
The very best of the girls are nowhere near the worst of the boys.
I was kinda stunned at this.
My daughter made district finals in the 1500 meters (mostly because she is tough enough to run distances in practice) . The event was crowded and running behind schedule, so they combined the boys and girls final. The boys were mostly little kids, although a few were into a growth spurt and were up around 5’5″ the girls were about half little kids and half developing young women. A few were taller than any of the boys.
The best girl narrowly missed being lapped by the last place boy…. on a 4 lap race.
This is an astonishing result, and in a sport with no real training or skill involved at that level. They are just the kids who were interested in running.
Women are better at endurance sports. The 1500 is a borderline endurance race at the highest level, but for these kids it is definitely an endurance race.
And despite all this, being a boy was a massive advantage.
You can write up all the rationalizations you want, but just go to any school and watch the kids compete. That will tell you all you need to know.
It isn’t even about puberty and puberty blockers. We are a sexually dimorphic species. It isn’t as extreme as lowland gorillas or lions or praying mantises… but it is reality.
Haven't you got the memos? Sex doesn't matter; gender fluidentity does. Who cares what sex these kids were?!? What gender did they identify as? And don't ask them; everyone knows minors can't make those distinctions. Ask their teachers instead. You'll be surprised at how wrong you are.
Yes, it's true that the testosterone boost at puberty gives males a big athletic advantage, but there's still a male advantage pre-puberty :
“An extensive review of fitness data from over 85,000 Australian children aged 9–17 years old showed that, compared with 9-year-old females, 9-year-old males were faster over short sprints (9.8%) and 1 mile (16.6%), could jump 9.5% further from a standing start (a test of explosive power), could complete 33% more push-ups in 30 s and had 13.8% stronger grip [22]. Male advantage of a similar magnitude was detected in a study of Greek children, where, compared with 6-year-old females, 6-year-old males completed 16.6% more shuttle runs in a given time and could jump 9.7% further from a standing position [23]. In terms of aerobic capacity, 6- to 7-year-old males have been shown to have a higher absolute and relative (to body mass) VO2max than 6- to 7-year-old females [24]."
Of course you might argue that girls are socialised by the patriarchy to behave in a pink, frilly, non athletic fashion. In which case, one might suspect that you are unfamiliar with Australian girls.
Yeah, the fixation in the decision on puberty was on weak scientific ground. All the research I've read says that testosterone levels as early as 'in the womb' are relevant.
I agree with your assessment of the vast differences in male / female athletic abilities.
that being said, the issue of boy/ men competing with girls, while very illadvised, is trivial in the transgender debate.
The real issue is the activists agenda and the wide embracement of a diagnosis and treatment for the mentally ill as transgender which has become the current rage/fad in the mental health profession. It should be obvious to everyone that transgender diagnosis is bogus and is being actively pushed in spite of little to no scientific or medical basis.
There is a medical basis. The female-to-male sex change surgery is expensive and more profitable than male-female. Transgenderism activists actively promote F2M before puberty.
Given the number of intersexuals surgically assigned male or female as infants, who become dysphoric at their ages of puberty through maturity of the gender they grew up in from infancy and who want to revert to their genetic sex as mature adults, we could be looking at a pandemic of transgendered gender dysphoria among adults who where encouraged into the transgender sex change fad as prepubescent children.
Or may be this is the space aliens follow up to the original Screwfly Solution where rampant misogyny in the 1970s failed to depopulate Earth for them.
Carl – the number of truly biological intersexuals is a tiny fraction of the mentally ill who are misdiagnosed and / or fed the belief by the mental health professionals that their mental illness is caused by being misgendered.
There's no such thing as a "truly biological intersexual."
"Intersex" is one of those propaganda terms employed to persuade us that a male with some kind of disorder of sexual development is in some way not entirely male, and is sorta kinda smudgily a bit on the path to female. (And so mutatis mutandis for females with DSDs.)
But in fact almost all folk with DSDs are unambiguously male or unambiguously female. They have DSDs but this doesn't make then some intermediate thing "inter" the two sexes.
There is, it is true, a tiny tiny fraction of people who are neither male nor female because they have no sexually differentiated gonads. But again these unfortunate folk are not "inter" the two sexes. They're just neither.
However, as you say, the folk who are "gender dysphoric", or confused as to their gender, or just confused about life in general, and about who we hear so much, are almost always just normally developed males or females. Albeit confused ones.
Even the propaganda creation of "intersex" doesn't apply to them.
Lee - I agree with your point -
I was attempting to point out that the diagnosis and treatment of the supposed transgender individual is the current rage / fad in the mental health profession and the vast majority of those diagnosed as transgender only believe they are "transgender " because mental health professionals have implanted the idea into the minds of those suffering a mental illness.
Or, in other words, they're intersex.
In the same way, presumably, as you can be a right handed pitcher, or a left handed pitcher, and if you are unfortunate enough not to have any arms, that makes you an "interpitcher."
Back on Planet Earth, though, we'd just say "not a pitcher."
The very best of the girls are nowhere near the worst of the boys.”
Yep. Ask parents of both girls and boys. Notable differences in strength & speed even at ages 3-4. At age 6 my son could outrun two of his older sisters (8, 9) but not the 10 year old sister. That changed before he hit age 7, and she 11. (Edit - and all 4 were in soccer, basketball, and the 3 girls were in GOTR.)
I'll add another anecdote. Back in the 1970s in my hometown of Saint Louis, they had a friendly exhibition game of softball between the women's local professional softball team vs the Saint Louis Football Cardinals (all males, of course).
The male football players were beating the female softball players at their own game so badly they called off the match.
similar story - Back in 1974 or 75, the US womens volleyball team had a scrimmage game against an ad hoc mens team from the DFW metroplex. Two rules were made to make the game competitive A) the max height of the men was 5'9" and B) the mens team had to hit from behind the 10' line.
Second story - there is in the DFW area, a husband & wife cyclist (name withheld) who are both highly respected and well liked by the cycling community. The wife is ranked in the top 20 in the world, the husband is ranked in the top 1500-2000 in the world. The husband is considerably faster.
If we truly believe the delusion that there is no such thing as sex than we need to go all the way and abolish all sex specific sports. Only one team based entirely on merit should exist. The problem arises because the Left wants to have it both ways with sex apparently being important enough to still organize sports around yet simultaneously not important enough to prevent the separate groups from mixing obviously leading to confusion.
In the target shooting sports, except maybe biathlon, females are biologically superior to men as target shooters and have greater potential to dominate most target shooting sports.
In a lot of shooting sports there are no mention of gender in the rules and no separate leagues mandatory.
Football, baseball, tennis, golf, etc the averagre male has advantage over the average female competitor.
We must then abolish all sex-segregated prisons as well.
Funny thing though, I have read many news articles about MtF transgender inmates who insist on being housed in a female prison, but I have never once heard of a FtM transgender who fought for the right to be housed in a male prison.
"it is generally accepted that"
"it is indisputably true that"
I am the parent of a female athlete. Past puberty, she's still playing with boys, and for her position (hockey goalie), she is well above average as compared to boys in terms of ability/skill/results. (She actually played with older boys before puberty.) But one day, that's gonna end.
When males can have babies, then they can brag about being better than girls.
Oooo - make her switch to a different position ! I once broke a boy's nose in a game of field hockey - he was the goalie and my shot hit him smack in the face and broke his nose, mask not withstanding.
He was not so good looking afterwards, but that is slightly less important for a guy than a gal.
Get her out of the goal. If she has a commendable aptitude for sporting violence, maybe she could flip to water polo.
But I agree with your sense of priorities. Men are so bad at making babies they don't even compete. Except "trans-men" that is.
A 'girl' does not have to qualify her state: she is a girl, and that's that. The very fact that you need to say 'transgender girl' show that such a person is not a girl. What is being described by 'transgender girl' is, in fact, a boy who sees himself as transgender. In other words, a transgender boy. Language matters.
Of course language matters - how could we tell lies without it ?
But anyway, although I generally agree with your drift, I don't quite agree with your linguistic analysis :
A ‘girl’ does not have to qualify her state
She doesn't have to, but she (and we) can - "fat girl", "pretty girl", "intellectual girl", "tall girl", "one-legged girl" - these all make perfect sense. What are adjectives for, after all ?
It's just that some adjectives don't work, when combined with some nouns - "fat proton', "pretty roadkill", "intellectual rock", "tall story", "one-legged testicle." The reason they don't work is that there's an inherent clash between the meaning of the adjective and the noun. There's some element of the meaning of one, that excludes - either logically or practically - the other. Of course, as with "tall story" we can always have a special non-logical but metaphorical or idiomatic combination.
As you say "transgender girl" would make (a bit) more sense if it was used to mean something like "girl who wishes to be treated as a boy" rather than the other way round (see my first sentence for the answer to that puzzle.)
But the essential problem with "transgender" as the aficionados like to use it, is that it is intended to mean :
"successfully flipped from {insert the sex that is opposite to the one described by the following noun} into a"
thus asserting that the creature referred to as "transgender girl" is actually a type of girl, and the qualifying adjective is intended to mean the sort of girl who has successfully arrived at being a girl by flipping from being a boy.
But, until medical science gets its skates on, and can flip boys into girls for real, we just have a contradiction in terms. The adjective includes within it, the negation of the noun.
"transgender girl" is just a political marketing slogan, or as Josh would put it - part of a medical treatment. Whatever. It can't be taken literally, as a matter of language.
As I recall, Rene Richards, a tennis star as a man who underwent a sex change, questioned whether it was fair for her to compete against biological female tennis players.
As Hansel's Mom said "To be free, one must give up a part of oneself." Maybe a transgender boy who wants to be a girl ought to willing to give up competing in sports against girls.
This blog has some strange obsessions.
A mix of "on-the-spectrum teenage incel" and "disaffected, bigoted, grievance-consumed, cranky old Ayn Rand fanboy."